


Currently, there’s an explosion of Augmented Reality (AR) projects, with fifteen new Unity-based apps appearing on the App Store alone everyday. They add a virtual layer to the real world that you can see through a camera or in a special display.

当前,增强现实(AR)项目激增,每天有15个基于Unity的新应用单独出现在App Store中。 它们将虚拟层添加到现实世界中,您可以通过相机或特殊显示器看到它。

AR brings radical innovations to countless areas, from guiding tourists and selling air conditioning to building aircraft carriers. But it can go even further than that. Some predict AR will bring about the era of natural computing that will free us from staring into monitors all day.

引导游客销售空调建造航空母舰 ,AR带来了无数领域的重大创新。 但它可以走得更远。 有人预测AR将带来自然计算的时代,它将使我们免于整天盯着显示器。

Films like Iron Man or Minority Report show what this could one day look like. But AR is already a practical feature that provides a livelihood to a number of studios.  One of them is Dutch studio TWNKLS, which won the industry’s Auggie Award with its Otolift app. Using a few markers and an iPad, it shows clients exactly how a staircase lift would change their home and gathers precise measurements for manufacturing.

《钢铁侠》或《少数派报道》等电影都展现了一天的样子。 但是,AR已经是一项实用功能,可以为许多工作室提供生计。 荷兰工作室TWNKLS就是其中之一,该工作室凭借其Otolift应用程序赢得了行业的Auggie奖。 它使用一些标记物和一个iPad,向客户确切显示楼梯升降机将如何改变他们的房屋并收集用于制造的精确测量值。


A more everyday example is Birthday Card AR by Fuzzy Logic, a studio based in South Africa. It’s a free to play interactive experience for children, who can view the birthday cards through an app to see them come to life with flowers and dinosaurs.

每天都在使用的示例是位于南非的模糊工作室(Fuzzy Logic )制作的Birthday Card AR 。 这是一种免费的互动式儿童游戏,他们可以通过应用查看生日贺卡,并用鲜花和恐龙让它们栩栩如生。

Unity editor extensions like Vuforia are used to build apps that recognize real world markers which trigger content displayed on a device. “If you want the smoothest tracking of markers like photos or graphical materials, look no further than Qualcomm Vuforia, it is amazing,” says CTO of TWNKLS Lex van der Sluijs. Jason Ried of Fuzzy Logic adds that it’s easy to learn: “They have a number of easy to follow tutorials which we would recommend – and once you’ve completed them you can just start experimenting with ideas of your own.”

Vuforia等Unity编辑器扩展用于构建可识别现实世界标记的应用程序,这些标记会触发设备上显示的内容。 TWNKLS Lex van der Sluijs的首席技术官说:“如果您想要最流畅地跟踪照片或图形材料等标记,那就别无所求了。” Fuzzy Logic的Jason Ried补充说,它很容易学习:“它们有许多我们建议的易于遵循的教程 -完成后,您就可以开始尝试自己的想法了。”

Performance headaches


Device performance can be a major headache for AR app developers. “The video camera feed and the image tracking algorithms take a large chunk of the processing time, so we have to be careful with the complexity of our skinned characters,” says Jason Ried.  Lex van der Sluijs also found that full screen video in a scene with AR tracking can easily crash an app.

设备性能可能是AR应用程序开发人员的头疼问题。 贾森·里德(Jason Ried)说:“摄像机的提要和图像跟踪算法占用了很大的处理时间,因此我们必须小心皮肤角色的复杂性。” Lex van der Sluijs还发现,具有AR跟踪的场景中的全屏视频很容易使应用崩溃。

Currently, AR is also limited by the size of device displays, whether it’s a mobile device used as a “magic lens” or a stationary display used as a “magic mirror”. Even when playing Sharky the Beaver, which uses a real robot instead of a marker, users still have to carry their smartphone around to see it.  CEO of TWNKLS Gerben Harmsen says that one obstacle for mainstream adoption of AR is the lack of really good AR glasses.

当前,AR还受到设备显示器尺寸的限制,无论是用作“魔术镜头”的移动设备还是用作“魔术镜”的固定显示器。 即使在玩“ Sharky the Beaver” (使用真实的机器人而不是标记器)时,用户仍然必须随身携带智能手机才能看到它。 TWNKLS首席执行官Gerben Harmsen表示,AR主流采用的一个障碍是缺乏真正好的AR眼镜。

This is where meta comes in, a project that started at Columbia University and in less than a year raised funds to create hardware with features that go beyond those of Google Glasses. meta’s glasses show a natural field of vision. They’re coupled with a gesture recognition camera that enables interaction with virtual objects.

meta就是从这里来的,这个项目始于哥伦比亚大学,并在不到一年的时间里筹集了资金来创建功能超出Google眼镜的硬件。 meta的眼镜展现出自然的视野。 它们与手势识别摄像头配合使用,可以与虚拟对象进行交互。

Unity as the springboard


“We predict that in the future, Unity will become something of an operating system for AR, because it provides a great pipeline to work with 3D assets,” says meta founder and CEO Meron Gribetz.

“我们预测,将来,Unity将成为AR的操作系统,因为它提供了处理3D资产的强大管道,” Meta创始人兼首席执行官Meron Gribetz说。

Since its successful Kickstarter, meta has been busy getting the SDK out of the door, so that the 500 interested developers they’ve initially registered can get cracking in Unity creating apps for the platform and more can join in. GameDraw, has been the first app to port to meta. Based on the popular Unity asset, it enables sculpting 3D models with hand gestures.

自成功启动Kickstarter以来,meta一直忙于发布SDK,以便他们最初注册的500个感兴趣的开发人员可以在Unity中创建该平台的应用程序,并可以加入更多的程序。GameDraw是第一款应用移植到meta。 基于流行的Unity资产,它可以用手势雕刻3D模型。


Eyes on fashion, pioneers on board


The meta 1 Developer Kit, with hardware based on Epson and SoftKinetic gear, will ship in September, but the consumer version promises to be very different than the clunky prototype, and future iterations will follow eyewear fashion. Meta collaborates with product designer Martin Hasek, whose slick LoadAR concept glasses were originally aimed at Google. At the same time, meta is deeply rooted in the ideas of AR visionaries, like its chief scientist, Steve Mann, a pioneer of wearable computing, and adviser Steve Feiner, who has been working on interactive glasses technology since 1990.

带有基于Epson和SoftKinetic装备的硬件的meta 1开发者套件将在9月份发布,但消费者版本承诺与笨拙的原型有很大不同,并且未来的迭代将遵循眼镜的潮流。 Meta与产品设计师Martin Hasek合作,后者的光滑LoadAR概念眼镜最初是针对Google的。 同时,meta深深扎根于AR远见者的思想,例如其首席科学家,可穿戴计算的先驱Steve Mann和顾问Steve Feiner (自1990年以来一直致力于交互式眼镜技术)。

For Gerben Harmsen, AR goes even deeper than “just” replacing the computer: “As humans we live as much in the physical world as in the intangible world of relationships, stories, information, emotion, the future and the past. In that sense, ‘augmented reality’ is simply the next big step in bringing these worlds closer together. For example, an app for designing rooms is a way to bring your future interior into the here and now”.

对于Gerben Harmsen而言,AR不仅比“仅仅”更换计算机更深入:“作为人类,我们生活在物质世界中,就像关系,故事,信息,情感,未来和过去的无形世界一样。 从这个意义上讲,“增强现实”只是使这些世界更紧密联系的下一步。 例如,用于设计房间的应用是一种将您未来的室内装饰带入现在和现在的方式。”

Is the AR revolution around the corner? The innovations come so fast that it’s hard to tell what’s realistic and what’s still sci-fi. One thing is certain: if it happens, Unity will be a part of it. Jason Ried calls Unity an “absolutely integral” tool for AR and he’s far from the only one. “We feel that Unity truly is the best platform for creating both game- and non-game AR applications,” says Gerbern Harmsen.

AR革命即将到来吗? 创新的步伐如此之快,以至于很难说出什么是现实的以及仍然是科幻小说。 可以肯定的是:如果发生这种情况,Unity将成为其中的一部分。 杰森·里德(Jason Ried)称Unity为AR的“绝对必不可少”的工具,他远非唯一。 “我们认为Unity确实是创建游戏和非游戏AR应用程序的最佳平台,” Gerbern Harmsen说。


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/08/13/unity-and-the-augmented-reality-boom/
