


In October, we released our most comprehensive monetization solution to date, Monetization SDK 3.0. It’s the first SDK we’ve released that goes beyond ads – where Unity can tie together ads and in-app purchases into a single auction. This serves the most relevant format to each player based on their lifetime value (LTV). Also included were two additional ad formats: banners and AR. Now let’s dive into why these new formats are a solid addition to your monetization strategy.

10月,我们发布了迄今为止最全面的货币化解决方案 Monetization SDK 3.0 。 这是我们发布的第一个超越广告的SDK,在Unity中,Unity可以将广告和应用内购买捆绑在一起进行一次拍卖。 这根据每个玩家的生命周期价值(LTV)为他们提供最相关的格式。 还包括两种其他广告格式:横幅广告和AR。 现在,让我们深入探讨为什么这些新格式是您的获利策略的坚实补充。

为什么要横幅? 为什么现在? (Why banners? Why now?)

You might be thinking: Why is Unity supporting banners now? What happened to all the talk about why rewarded video is such a powerful ad format? Don’t get us wrong – full-screen video ads are still players’ most-preferred format and they continue to drive great results. However, the truth is that banners remain a large source of revenue across the industry, and it’s the format that developers most often ask us to support. We recognize that banners are not a new or sexy ad format, but we understand the importance they have within a game’s monetization stack. Supporting banners is another way Unity continues its mission to enable developers’ success.

您可能在想:为什么Unity现在支持横幅? 关于为什么奖励视频如此强大的广告格式的所有讨论都发生了什么? 请不要误解-全屏视频广告仍然是玩家最喜欢的格式,并且可以继续带来出色的效果。 但是,事实是横幅广告仍然是整个行业的主要收入来源,而这正是开发人员最经常要求我们支持的格式。 我们认识到标语不是一种新的或性感的广告格式,但我们了解标语在游戏的获利堆栈中的重要性。 支持标语是Unity继续其使命以使开发人员成功的另一种方式。

Unity标语如何工作? (How do Unity banners work?)


Stupid Zombies banner


Banner ads are a form of smaller-sized graphical ads, which typically include static images and text to convey a marketing message. Banners appear at the bottom of the screen, and you can determine when they appear during gameplay. They are a completely separate placement from other ad units and, once you implement them, you can view associated banner revenue in the Operate dashboard. Unity currently supports 320x50px static banners. Since this is a new ad format for us, we do expect fill to ramp up over time.

标语广告是较小尺寸的图形广告的一种形式,通常包括静态图像和 用于传达营销信息的文本。 标语出现在屏幕的底部,您可以确定它们在游戏过程中何时出现。 它们是与其他广告单元完全独立的展示位置,一旦实施它们,就可以在 Operate仪表板中 查看相关的横幅广告收入 。 Unity当前支持320x50px静态横幅。 由于这对我们来说是一种新的广告格式,因此我们希望填充量会随着时间的推移而增加。

您如何设置Unity标语? (How do you set up Unity banners?)

Begin by reading these instructions of how to set up banner placements, then update by downloading and importing the appropriate Monetization Asset package or SDK for your environment: Unity (C#), iOS (Objective-C) or Android (Java).

通过阅读这些开始 指示 的如何设置广告展示位置,然后下载并导入适当的货币化资产包或SDK为您的环境更新: 团结 (C#), 的iOS (Objective-C的)或 安卓 (JAVA)。

AR广告:为什么重要? (AR Ads: Why do they matter?)

Augmented reality (AR) has captured a lot of interest from consumers and developers over the past few years. AR had a breakout hit with Pokemon Go and started to reach mainstream audiences thanks to Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore. At the end of 2018, AR Insider estimated that there are 900-million AR-compatible smartphone devices and 129-million monthly active users.

在过去的几年中,增强现实(AR)引起了消费者和开发人员的极大兴趣。 AR在《 Pokemon Go》上大获成功,并得益于Apple的ARKit和Google的ARCore,开始吸引主流受众。 截至2018年底,AR Insider估计有9亿个兼容AR的智能手机设备,每月有1.29亿活跃用户。

The ability to integrate AR ads into a game presents an exciting opportunity for developers, advertisers, and players, as the format allows brands and advertisers to connect with consumers in new, immersive ways. Unity’s AR Ads are completely opt-in, and the ads can run in rewarded or non-rewarded placements. Once the user opts in, the experience becomes a true two-way interaction and is highly engaging.

将AR广告整合到游戏中的能力为开发人员,广告商和玩家提供了激动人心的机会,因为这种格式允许品牌和广告商以全新的沉浸式方式与消费者建立联系。 Unity的AR广告是完全可选的,广告可以在奖励或非奖励的展示位置中投放。 用户选择加入后,体验将成为真正的双向互动,并具有高度的吸引力。

Initial AR ad campaigns have shown promising results. We partnered with an entertainment brand and Nielsen Mobile Brand Effect (MBE) to conduct a study around an AR campaign that aimed to drive awareness for their new TV show. The AR campaign allowed users to immerse themselves in the characters’ world and drove a 70% lift in aided awareness of the new show, more than 7 times the benchmark of 9.7%.

最初的AR广告系列已显示出可喜的结果。 我们与娱乐品牌和Nielsen移动品牌效应(MBE)合作,围绕AR活动开展了一项研究,旨在提高其新电视节目的知名度。 AR活动使用户能够沉浸在角色的世界中,并使新节目的辅助意识提升了70%,是基准(9.7%)的7倍以上。

Game publishers looking to grow their apps have also expressed interest in running AR ads in addition to video and playable ads.


它们如何工作? (How do they work?)

At the time of an ad request during gameplay, the AR ad asks the player for permission to use their camera in order to experience the ad. Once the player opts-in, they can begin to engage with the interactive content. In this example, the player is able to see the product come to life, change the colors and style, and then virtually try out the product. Their experience concludes with an end card and a call to action (CTA) to learn more about the product before gameplay resumes.

在游戏过程中提出广告请求时,AR广告会要求玩家许可使用其相机以体验广告。 玩家选择加入后,就可以开始参与互动内容了。 在此示例中,玩家可以看到产品的生命,更改颜色和样式,然后虚拟地试用产品。 他们的经验以结束卡和号召性用语(CTA)作为结束,以在继续玩游戏之前了解有关该产品的更多信息。

AR ads can be rewarded or non-rewarded and can be implemented wherever a video or interstitial would be placed – it’s up to you as the developer to decide what makes the most sense within the experience. The opt-in permission flow for the ad unit is handled by the SDK. Users can opt-into the experience, learn more about AR ads or opt-out of the experience.

增强现实广告可以是奖励性的,也可以是非奖励性的,并且可以在放置视频或插页式广告的任何地方实施–由开发人员决定在体验中最有意义的事情由您决定。 广告单元的选择加入权限流由SDK处理。 用户可以选择加入体验,了解有关AR广告的更多信息或选择退出体验。

增强现实广告最适合谁? (Who do AR ads make the most sense for?)

AR ads obviously have a natural fit within AR games as well as in games where the player has already enabled the camera. In these cases, the player is comfortable using their camera and has already given initial permission. The ad unit itself will always ask for explicit permission to use the camera with the ad unit but the user is probably already in a receptive mindset.

增强现实广告显然很自然地适合于增强现实游戏以及玩家已经启用相机的游戏。 在这些情况下,玩家可以轻松使用自己的相机,并且已经获得了初步许可。 广告单元本身将始终寻求明确许可,以将相机与广告单元一起使用,但用户可能已经习惯了。

If the user has not already granted permission for the camera, the ad unit asks for permission at the time of the AR ad impression. We encourage developers to consider the user flow and optimal experience for the player. AR ads are meant to be an additive experience for the game and the user and are not designed to take away from gameplay.

如果用户尚未授予相机许可,则广告单元会在AR广告展示时请求许可。 我们鼓励开发人员考虑玩家的用户流量和最佳体验。 增强现实广告旨在为游戏和用户提供额外的体验,而并非旨在摆脱游戏性。

如何开始? (How to get started?)

Begin by reading these instructions of how to set up AR placements, then update by downloading and importing the appropriate Monetization Asset package or SDK for your environment: Unity (C#), iOS (Objective-C) or Android (Java).

通过阅读这些开始 说明 如何建立AR展示位置,然后下载并导入适当的货币化资产包或SDK为您的环境更新: 团结 (C#), 的iOS (Objective-C的)或 安卓 (JAVA)。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/01/24/new-year-new-ad-formats/
