数据库中alter database rename file to子句怎么用

小编给大家分享一下数据库中alter database rename file  to子句怎么用,希望大家阅读完这篇文章之后都有所收获,下面让我们一起去探讨吧!


    The database_file_clauses let you modify data files and temp files. You can use any of the following clauses when your instance has the database mounted, open or closed,  and the files involved are not in use.


     Use the RENAME FILE clause to rename data files, temp files, or redo log file members. You must create each filename using the conventions for filenames on your operating system before specifying this clause.
使用RENAME FILE子句重命名数据文件,临时文件或重做日志文件成员。 在指定此子句之前,必须使用操作系统上的文件名约定创建每个文件名。

  • To use this clause for a data file or temp file, the database must be mounted. The database can also be open, but the data file or temp file being renamed must be offline. In addition, you must first rename the file on the file system to the new name.
    要将此子句用于数据文件或临时文件,必须装入数据库。 数据库也可以打开,但重命名的数据文件或临时文件必须处于脱机状态。 另外,您必须首先将文件系统上的文件重命名为新名称。

  • To use this clause for logfiles, the database must be mounted but not open.

  • If you have enabled block change tracking, then you can use this clause to rename the block change tracking file. The database must be mounted but not open when you rename the block change tracking file.
    如果启用了块更改跟踪,则可以使用此子句来重命名块更改跟踪文件。 重命名块更改跟踪文件时,数据库必须安装但不能打开

This clause renames only files in the control file. It does not actually rename them on your operating system. The operating system files continue to exist, but Oracle Database no longer uses them.
    该子句仅重命名控制文件中的文件。 它实际上并没有在你的操作系统上重命名它们。 操作系统文件继续存在,但Oracle数据库不再使用它们。

Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide for information on recovery of data files and temp files

  • "Renaming a Log File Member: Example" and "Manipulating Temp Files: Example"

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