Android BLE 蓝牙快速开发框架。


项目地址:Jasonchenlijian/FastBle Android BLE 蓝牙快速开发框架。

简介:Android BLE 蓝牙快速开发框架。

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Android BLE 蓝牙快速开发框架。

Thanks to the logo designed by anharismail

Android Bluetooth Low Energy

  • Filtering, scanning, linking, reading, writing, notification subscription and cancellation in a simple way.
  • Supports acquiring signal strength and setting the maximum transmission unit.
  • Support custom scan rules
  • Support multi device connections
  • Support reconnection
  • Support configuration timeout for conncet or operation


Android BLE 蓝牙快速开发框架。 Android BLE 蓝牙快速开发框架。 Android BLE 蓝牙快速开发框架。 Android BLE 蓝牙快速开发框架。


If you want to quickly preview all the functions, you can download APK as a test tool directly.





compile 'com.clj.fastble:FastBleLib:2.3.2'





Android BLE 开发详解和 FastBle 源码解析


  • Init

  • Determine whether the current Android system supports BLE

      boolean isSupportBle()
  • Open or close Bluetooth

      void enableBluetooth()
      void disableBluetooth()
  • Initialization configuration

              .setReConnectCount(1, 5000)
  • Configuration scan rules

    void initScanRule(BleScanRuleConfig scanRuleConfig)

      BleScanRuleConfig scanRuleConfig = new BleScanRuleConfig.Builder()
              .setDeviceName(true, names)


    • Before scanning the device, scan rules can be configured to filter out the equipment matching the program.
    • What is not configured is the default parameter
  • Scan

    void scan(BleScanCallback callback)

      BleManager.getInstance().scan(new BleScanCallback() {
          public void onScanStarted(boolean success) {
          public void onScanning(BleDevice bleDevice) {
          public void onScanFinished(List<BleDevice> scanResultList) {


    • The scanning and filtering process is carried out in the worker thread, so it will not affect the UI operation of the main thread. Eventually, every callback result will return to the main thread.。
  • Connect with device

`BluetoothGatt connect(BleDevice bleDevice, BleGattCallback bleGattCallback)`

    BleManager.getInstance().connect(bleDevice, new BleGattCallback() {
        public void onStartConnect() {


        public void onConnectFail(BleDevice bleDevice, BleException exception) {


        public void onConnectSuccess(BleDevice bleDevice, BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {


        public void onDisConnected(boolean isActiveDisConnected, BleDevice bleDevice, BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {


- On some types of phones, connectGatt must be effective on the main thread. It is very recommended that the connection process be placed in the main thread.
- After connection failure, reconnect: the framework contains reconnection mechanism after connection failure, which can configure reconnection times and intervals. Of course, you can also call the `connect` method in `onConnectFail` callback automatically.
- The connection is disconnected and reconnected: you can call the `connect` method again in the `onDisConnected` callback method.
- In order to ensure the success rate of reconnection, it is recommended to reconnect after a period of interval.
- When some models fail, they will be unable to scan devices for a short time. They can be connected directly through device objects or devices MAC without scanning.
  • Connect with Mac

    BluetoothGatt connect(String mac, BleGattCallback bleGattCallback)

      BleManager.getInstance().connect(mac, new BleGattCallback() {
          public void onStartConnect() {
          public void onConnectFail(BleDevice bleDevice, BleException exception) {
          public void onConnectSuccess(BleDevice bleDevice, BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {
          public void onDisConnected(boolean isActiveDisConnected, BleDevice bleDevice, BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {


    • This method can attempt to connect directly to the BLE device around the Mac without scanning.
    • In many usage scenarios, I suggest that APP save the Mac of the user's customary device, then use this method to connect, which will greatly improve the connection efficiency.
  • Scan and connect

    After scanning the first equipment that meets the scanning rules, it will stop scanning and connect to the device.

    void scanAndConnect(BleScanAndConnectCallback callback)

      BleManager.getInstance().scanAndConnect(new BleScanAndConnectCallback() {
          public void onScanStarted(boolean success) {
          public void onScanFinished(BleDevice scanResult) {
          public void onStartConnect() {
          public void onConnectFail(BleDevice bleDevice,BleException exception) {
          public void onConnectSuccess(BleDevice bleDevice, BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {
          public void onDisConnected(boolean isActiveDisConnected, BleDevice device, BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {
  • Cancel scan

    void cancelScan()



    • If this method is called, if it is still in the scan state, it will end immediately, and callback the onScanFinished method.
  • Notify

    `void notify(BleDevice bleDevice,

                     String uuid_service,
                     String uuid_notify,
                     BleNotifyCallback callback)`
              new BleNotifyCallback() {
                  public void onNotifySuccess() {
                  public void onNotifyFailure(BleException exception) {
                  public void onCharacteristicChanged(byte[] data) {
  • Stop Notify

    `boolean stopNotify(BleDevice bleDevice,

                            String uuid_service,
                            String uuid_notify)`
      BleManager.getInstance().stopNotify(uuid_service, uuid_characteristic_notify);
  • Indicate

    `void indicate(BleDevice bleDevice,

                       String uuid_service,
                       String uuid_indicate,
                       BleIndicateCallback callback)`
              new BleIndicateCallback() {
                  public void onIndicateSuccess() {
                  public void onIndicateFailure(BleException exception) {
                  public void onCharacteristicChanged(byte[] data) {
  • Stop Indicate

    `boolean stopIndicate(BleDevice bleDevice,

                              String uuid_service,
                              String uuid_indicate)`
      BleManager.getInstance().stopIndicate(uuid_service, uuid_characteristic_indicate);
  • Write

    `void write(BleDevice bleDevice,

                    String uuid_service,
                    String uuid_write,
                    byte[] data,
                    BleWriteCallback callback)`

    `void write(BleDevice bleDevice,

                    String uuid_service,
                    String uuid_write,
                    byte[] data,
                    boolean split,
                    BleWriteCallback callback)`
              new BleWriteCallback() {
                  public void onWriteSuccess(int current, int total, byte[] justWrite) {
                  public void onWriteFailure(BleException exception) {


    • Without expanding MTU and expanding MTU's ineffectiveness, subcontracting is required when long data with more than 20 bytes are to be sent. The parameter boolean split indicates whether to use packet delivery; the write method without the boolean split parameter is subcontracted to the data by more than 20 bytes by default.
    • On the onWriteSuccess callback method: current represents the number of packets that are currently sent, and total represents the total packet data this time, and justWrite represents the successful packet that has just been sent.
  • Read

    `void read(BleDevice bleDevice,

                   String uuid_service,
                   String uuid_read,
                   BleReadCallback callback)`
              new BleReadCallback() {
                  public void onReadSuccess(byte[] data) {
                  public void onReadFailure(BleException exception) {
  • Get Rssi

    void readRssi(BleDevice bleDevice, BleRssiCallback callback)

              new BleRssiCallback() {
                  public void onRssiFailure(BleException exception) {
                  public void onRssiSuccess(int rssi) {


    • Obtaining the signal strength of the device must be carried out after the device is connected.
    • Some devices may not be able to read Rssi, do not callback onRssiSuccess (), and callback onRssiFailure () because of timeout.
  • set Mtu

    `void setMtu(BleDevice bleDevice,

                     int mtu,
                     BleMtuChangedCallback callback)`
      BleManager.getInstance().setMtu(bleDevice, mtu, new BleMtuChangedCallback() {
          public void onSetMTUFailure(BleException exception) {
          public void onMtuChanged(int mtu) {


    • Setting up MTU requires operation after the device is connected.
    • There is no such restriction in the Android Version (API-17 to API-20). Therefore, only the equipment above API21 will expand the demand for MTU.
    • The parameter MTU of the method is set to 23, and the maximum setting is 512.
    • Not every device supports the expansion of MTU, which requires both sides of the communication, that is to say, the need for the device hardware also supports the expansion of the MTU method. After calling this method, you can see through onMtuChanged (int MTU) how much the maximum transmission unit of the device is expanded to after the final setup. If the device does not support, no matter how many settings, the final MTU will be 23.
  • Converte BleDevice object

    BleDevice convertBleDevice(BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice)通过 BluetoothDevice 对象构建

    BleDevice convertBleDevice(ScanResult scanResult)通过 ScanResult 对象构建


    • The completed BleDevice object is still unconnected, if necessary, advanced connection.
  • Get all connected devices

    List<BleDevice> getAllConnectedDevice()

  • Get a BluetoothGatt of a connected device

    BluetoothGatt getBluetoothGatt(BleDevice bleDevice)

  • Get all Service of a connected device

    List<BluetoothGattService> getBluetoothGattServices(BleDevice bleDevice)

  • Get all the Characteristic of a Service

    List<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> getBluetoothGattCharacteristics(BluetoothGattService service)

  • Determine whether a device has been connected

    boolean isConnected(BleDevice bleDevice)


    boolean isConnected(String mac)

  • Determine the current connection state of a device

    int getConnectState(BleDevice bleDevice)

  • Disconnect a device

    void disconnect(BleDevice bleDevice)

  • Disconnect all devices

    void disconnectAllDevice()

  • Out of use, clean up resources

    void destroy()

  • HexUtil

    Data operation tool class

    String formatHexString(byte[] data, boolean addSpace)

    byte[] hexStringToBytes(String hexString)

    char[] encodeHex(byte[] data, boolean toLowerCase)

  • BleDevice

    BLE device object is the smallest unit object of scanning, connection and operation in this framework.

    String getName() Bluetooth broadcast name

    String getMac() Bluetooth MAC

    byte[] getScanRecord() Broadcast data

    int getRssi() Initial signal intensity


If you have problems and ideas to communicate with me, you can contact me in the following ways.

QQ: 1033526540

Email: [email protected]


If this framework is a great help to you and you want to support the subsequent development and maintenance of the library, you can scan the underside donation two-dimensional code to support me, and I would be grateful.