tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

tasker 语音配置文件

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Tasker is one of the most powerful automation tools on Android. Plugins like AutoVoice let you expand Tasker’s core functionality to do even more cool things…like create custom voice commands for your Amazon Echo or Google Home. Here’s how to make your own voice commands.

Tasker是Android上功能强大的自动化工具之一 。 诸如AutoVoice之类的插件使您能够扩展Tasker的核心功能,以完成更酷的事情……例如为Amazon Echo或Google Home创建自定义语音命令。 这是制作自己的语音命令的方法。

The built in voice commands in Alexa and Google Home can do some cool things, but Tasker gives you almost complete control over your phone. So, using AutoVoice, you could set your phone to battery saving mode, read your notifications aloud, turn your PS4 on and off, and more. Tasker may not always be the most user-friendly app in the world, but you can build some pretty awesome profiles with it.

Alexa和Google Home中的内置语音命令可以完成一些很酷的事情,但是Tasker可以使您几乎完全控制手机。 因此,使用AutoVoice,您可以将手机设置为省电模式,大声阅读通知, 打开和关闭PS4等 。 Tasker不一定总是世界上最用户友好的应用程序,但是您可以使用它来构建一些非常棒的配置文件。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

We’ll assume for the purposes of this article that you’re already familiar with Tasker. If you’re not, check out our guide here to learn the basics. Before you get started, you’ll also need the following:

出于本文的目的,我们假设您已经熟悉Tasker。 如果您不是, 请在此处查看我们的指南以了解基础知识。 在开始之前,您还需要满足以下条件:

  • A Google Home or Amazon Echo: Naturally, you’ll need to have one of these voice assistant devices in your living room if you’re going to talk to it. If you haven’t set one up, you can check out our guides to setting up an Amazon Echo or Google Home here.

    Google Home或Amazon Echo:自然,如果要与之交谈,则需要在客厅中使用这些语音助手设备之一。 如果您尚未设置,则可以在此处查看我们的指南以设置Amazon Echo或Google Home

  • An Android Phone: We’re using an Android app called Tasker for this, so you’ll need an Android phone—there’s no way around this. Thankfully, even older Android phones should work fine.

    Android手机 :为此,我们正在使用一个名为Tasker的Android应用程序,因此您将需要Android手机-无法解决。 值得庆幸的是,即使是较旧的Android手机也可以正常工作。

  • Tasker: This Android automation app lets you create triggers and tasks to manage your phone, or any remote device that you can control through your phone. It costs $2.99 on the Play Store.

    Tasker此Android自动化应用程序可让您创建触发器和任务来管理手机或您可以通过手机控制的任何远程设备。 它在Play商店的售价为2.99美元。

  • AutoVoice: For our purposes, this plugin is where the real magic happens. AutoVoice is one of many handy plugins created by developer Joaoapps. AutoVoice comes with a free 7-day trial, but you can buy the AutoVoice Pro Unlock for $2.49.

    AutoVoice出于我们的目的,这个插件才是真正的魔术。 AutoVoice是由开发人员Joaoapps创建的众多便捷插件之一 。 AutoVoice随附7天免费试用版,但您可以以2.49美元的价格购买AutoVoice Pro Unlock

Once you have everything installed, you’ll need to do a bit of setup before you can start creating your own custom voice commands.


将AutoVoice链接到您的Google Home或Amazon Echo (Link AutoVoice to Your Google Home or Amazon Echo)

As with anything involving Tasker, setting up AutoVoice will take more than a few steps. First, you’ll need to connect your Google Home or Amazon Echo to your AutoVoice account. If you’re using Google Home, open up the Google Home app and tap the menu icon in the top-left corner. Then, tap “More settings.”

与涉及Tasker的任何事情一样,设置AutoVoice将需要多个步骤。 首先,您需要将Google Home或Amazon Echo连接到AutoVoice帐户。 如果您使用的是Google Home,请打开Google Home应用,然后点击左上角的菜单图标。 然后,点击“更多设置”。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...
tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Scroll down and tap Services. In the giant list of services, scroll down until you find AutoVoice. Fortunately, the list is alphabetical, so AutoVoice should be close to the top.

向下滚动并点击服务。 在庞大的服务列表中,向下滚动直到找到AutoVoice。 幸运的是,该列表是按字母顺序排列的,因此AutoVoice应该靠近顶部。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...
tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

On the AutoVoice service screen, tap the words Link Account in blue. Choose the account you want to link—this should be the same one that you’re using on the phone that’s running Tasker—and give AutoVoice the permissions it needs.

在“ AutoVoice服务”屏幕上,点击蓝色的链接帐户字样。 选择要链接的帐户(该帐户应该与在运行Tasker的电话上使用的帐户相同),并向AutoVoice授予所需的权限。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...
tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

If you’re using an Amazon Echo, you can connect the AutoVoice skill on the web. You can find it on Amazon’s website here. Head to that link, make sure you’re signed in, then click Enable.

如果您使用的是Amazon Echo,则可以在网络上连接AutoVoice技能。 您可以在Amazon网站上找到它。 转到该链接,确保您已登录,然后单击“启用”。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Just like with Google Home, you’ll need to link your Google account and give it permission. Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to move on to the fun part.

就像使用Google Home一样,您需要关联您的Google帐户并授予其权限。 完成此操作后,就可以继续进行有趣的部分了。

创建自己的自定义AutoVoice命令 (Create Your Own Custom AutoVoice Commands)

Next, we’ll show you how to create your own voice commands. You can use these commands to trigger any task that you can make in Tasker, so use your imagination. For our guide, we’ll trigger a popup to keep things simple. To get started, open the AutoVoice app on your phone and tap AutoVoice Devices.

接下来,我们将向您展示如何创建自己的语音命令。 您可以使用这些命令来触发您可以在Tasker中执行的任何任务,因此请发挥您的想象力。 对于我们的指南,我们将触发一个弹出窗口以使事情保持简单。 首先,请在手机上打开AutoVoice应用,然后点击AutoVoice设备。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

First, AutoVoice will ask for permission to view your contacts to determine which accounts are available on your phone. Tap Allow. Then, choose the same Google account you linked to the AutoVoice service on Google Home or Alexa and tap OK.

首先,AutoVoice将请求查看您的联系人的权限,以确定您的手机上可以使用哪些帐户。 点击允许。 然后,选择您链接到Google Home或Alexa上的AutoVoice服务的相同Google帐户,然后点击确定。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...
tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Next, open up the Tasker app on your phone. Tap the + symbol at the bottom of the screen to create a new Profile, then tap Event.

接下来,在手机上打开Tasker应用程序。 点击屏幕底部的+符号以创建新的配置文件,然后点击事件。

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tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

In the popup that appears, tap Plugin, then choose AutoVoice.

在出现的弹出窗口中,点击“插件”,然后选择“ AutoVoice”。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...
tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

In the drop down list that appears, scroll to the bottom and choose Recognized.


tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

On the next screen, there will be a bar at the top that says Configuration. Tap the pencil icon at the right of this bar.

在下一个屏幕上,顶部将显示一个栏,显示配置。 点按此栏右侧的铅笔图标。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

This will take you to the AutoVoice configuration page. First, tap Commands at the top of the screen to enter your custom voice commands. You can add multiple trigger words or phrases separated by a comma if you want Google or Alexa to recognize multiple phrasings for the same command. For example, below we added “hello” and “hi” as commands. If AutoVoice hears either one, it will trigger the same task.

这将带您进入AutoVoice配置页面。 首先,点击屏幕顶部的命令以输入您的自定义语音命令。 如果您希望Google或Alexa识别同一命令的多个词组,则可以添加多个用逗号分隔的触发词或短语。 例如,下面我们添加了“ hello”和“ hi”作为命令。 如果AutoVoice听到任何声音,它将触发相同的任务。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...
tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Next, tap Responses. Here, you can set how AutoVoice will respond to you. This gives you a verbal confirmation that AutoVoice received your command, plus it’s a nice way to make your voice assistant a little more conversational. In this case, we told AutoVoice to respond with “hi back at you.” This won’t actually trigger any tasks (we’ll do that part in a second), but it adds some nice flavor to your interaction.

接下来,点击响应。 在这里,您可以设置AutoVoice将如何响应您。 这可以使您口头确认AutoVoice收到了您的命令,这也是使您的语音助手多一点对话的好方法。 在这种情况下,我们告诉AutoVoice回复“嗨,向您问好”。 这实际上不会触发任何任务(我们将在一秒钟内完成该部分),但会为您的交互添加一些不错的味道。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Once you’ve added all the commands and responses you want for this task, tap the check box at the top to return to Tasker.


tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Back in Tasker, you’ll see that AutoVoice has filled in the configuration page. You shouldn’t need to change anything here. Just tap the back button at the top (or use your phone’s back button).

返回Tasker,您将看到AutoVoice已填入配置页面。 您无需在此处进行任何更改。 只需点击顶部的后退按钮(或使用手机的后退按钮)。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

At this point, you can assign your command to any task you want. If you’ve already made a task in Tasker, you can assign it from your existing library. If you want to create your own, tap the New Task button and give it a name. In our case, we’ll name it Popup, but you should give yours a name based on whatever task you end up creating.

此时,您可以将命令分配给所需的任何任务。 如果您已经在Tasker中完成任务,则可以从现有库中分配它。 如果要创建自己的,请点击“新建任务”按钮并为其命名。 在本例中,我们将其命名为Popup,但您应根据最终创建的任务为它命名。

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tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Your process will probably differ from our instructions after this, but we’ll finish our task just to demonstrate. On the task page, tap the + icon at the bottom to add a new action.

此后,您的过程可能会与我们的指示有所不同,但是我们将完成任务只是为了演示。 在任务页面上,点击底部的+图标以添加新操作。

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In the box that pops up, tap Alert, then choose Popup.


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tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Under Text, write a message like “Hi everybody!” When you’re done, tap the back arrow at the top-left corner of the screen, or press your phone’s back button.

在“文本”下,写一条消息,例如“大家好!” 完成后,请点击屏幕左上角的后退箭头,或按手机的后退按钮。

tasker 语音配置文件_如何使用Android和Tasker为Alexa和Google Home创建自定义语音命令...

Now, it’s time to try your command out! Say “[Ok google/Alexa], tell Autovoice hello” and open your phone. You should see a popup that looks like the one below.

现在,该试试您的命令了! 说“ [Ok google / Alexa],告诉Autovoice你好”,然后打开手机。 您应该会看到一个类似于下面的弹出窗口。

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That should confirm that your AutoVoice command worked. You can replace this sample task with anything you want. Once again, check out our full Tasker guide for how to make more tasks.

那应该确认您的AutoVoice命令有效。 您可以使用所需的任何示例替换此示例任务。 再次查看我们完整的Tasker指南 ,了解如何执行更多任务。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/303001/how-to-create-custom-voice-commands-for-alexa-and-google-home-with-android-and-tasker/

tasker 语音配置文件