如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

Excited about High Sierra, but don’t want to wait until autumn? The public beta is now available to try; here’s how to install it.

对High Sierra感到很兴奋,但不想等到秋天吗? 公开测试版现已可供试用; 这是安装方法。

We’ve shown you the new features in High Sierra, coming fall 2017. Highlights include a new filesystem, a new version of Photos, and all sorts of useful tweaks to Safari. You can try the new Safari features in Safari Technology Preview right now, without upgrading your operating system, so if that’s most of what interests consider doing that instead.

我们已经向您展示了High Sierra新功能,将于2017年秋季发布 。 亮点包括新的文件系统,新版本的“照片”以及对Safari的各种有用的调整。 您可以立即在Safari Technology Preview中尝试新的Safari功能 ,而无需升级操作系统,因此,如果您最感兴趣的是考虑这样做。

But if you want an entire operating system’s worth of new features to play with, the Public Beta gives you access right now. As always, back up your Mac before proceeding! There’s a chance the install won’t work properly, and if that happens you’ll want a Time Machine backup to restore to.

但是,如果您想使用整个操作系统的各种新功能,可以使用Public Beta立即访问。 与往常一样,请继续备份Mac ! 安装可能无法正常进行,如果发生这种情况,您将需要将Time Machine备份还原到该位置。

这不适用于日常计算 (This Is Not For Day-To-Day Computing)

High Sierra is not ready for production machines at this point: if you install the public beta you can expect bugs and crashes. Do not try to use the High Sierra Beta as your primary operating system.

目前,High Sierra还没有为生产机器做好准备:如果您安装了公开测试版,则可能会出现错误和崩溃。 不要尝试将High Sierra Beta用作主要操作系统。

The best idea is probably to put High Sierra on a second Mac—one you don’t use for day-to-day work. I installed on an old MacBook Pro I keep around the house for exactly these sorts of things.

最好的想法可能是将High Sierra放在第二台Mac上,这是您日常工作中不使用的Mac。 我安装在一台旧的MacBook Pro上,我经常在家里待着这些事情。

If you don’t have the luxury of a second Mac (after all, money doesn’t grow on trees), consider dual booting instead. Simply create a new partition with Disk Utility, with at least 20GB of space (more if you want to try a bunch of applications.) Label this partition something obvious, like “High Sierra.”

如果您没有第二台Mac的奢侈(毕竟,树上没有钱),请考虑使用双启动。 只需使用Disk Utility创建一个至少有20GB空间的新分区 (如果要尝试一堆应用程序 ,则可以使用更多空间。)将此分区标记为明显的名称,例如“ High Sierra”。

如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

While installing the beta, use this partition instead of the default.


As of this writing, we can’t find a way to get High Sierra working properly in a virtual machine, so that option is out for now. We’ll try to update this article when that changes.

在撰写本文时,我们找不到让High Sierra在虚拟机中正常工作的方法,因此该选项目前尚不可用。 发生更改时,我们将尝试更新本文。

注册并安装公共Beta (Register For and Install The Public Beta)

First, head to beta.apple.com and click Get Started. Sign in with your iCloud account to enroll for the beta, then head to the page dedicated to the macOS beta. Scroll down to the “Enroll your Mac” section, then click the blue button to download the macOS Public Beta Access Utility.

首先,转到beta.apple.com ,然后单击“入门”。 使用您的iCloud帐户登录以注册Beta版,然后转到macOS beta版专用页面 。 向下滚动到“注册Mac”部分,然后单击蓝色按钮以下载macOS Public Beta Access Utility。

如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

Mount the DMG file, then launch the PKG installer found inside.


如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

Go through the steps and your Mac will be ready to download the macOS High Sierra Public Beta from the Mac App Store. In fact, the App Store will open for you.

完成这些步骤,您的Mac将准备从Mac App Store下载macOS High Sierra Public Beta。 实际上,App Store将为您打开。

如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

Click “Download,” then wait. This might take a while: the servers have been fairly busy since the public beta launched. Eventually the installer will start.

单击“下载”,然后等待。 这可能需要一段时间:自公开测试版发布以来,服务器一直很忙。 最终,安装程序将启动。

如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

The installation is going to take a while, and will involve shutting down your computer, so save anything you’re working on before hitting “Continue.” When you do, you’ll be asked which partition you want to put the beta on. (If you’re dual booting, this is where you’d choose your newly-created second partition.)

安装将花费一些时间,并且将涉及关闭计算机,因此在单击“继续”之前,请保存您正在处理的所有内容。 完成后,系统会询问您要在哪个分区上安装Beta。 (如果您是双重引导,则可以在这里选择新创建的第二个分区。)

如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

You will be asked whether you want to upgrade the filesystem.


如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

After that, the installation will begin.


如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

You can continue to use your Mac during this initial phase, though it may be slow. When that done, your Mac will reboot (after asking you, of course) before getting to the second phase of the process.

您可以在此初始阶段继续使用Mac,尽管速度可能很慢。 完成此操作后,Mac将重新启动(当然,在询问您之后),然后再进入该过程的第二阶段。

如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

You will not be able to use your Mac during this part of the installer. Eventually your Mac will restart again, before finally allowing you to try out your new operating system. If you installed it on a second partition, just hold the “Option” key as your Mac boots to choose which operating system to launch.

在安装程序的这一部分,您将无法使用Mac。 最终,您的Mac将再次重新启动,最后再允许您试用新的操作系统。 如果您将其安装在第二个分区上,则在Mac启动时按住“ Option”键即可选择要启动的操作系统。

如何立即尝试macOS High Sierra Beta

Apple has a very complete roundup of new features on their website, so check that our as you explore the new features. Let us know about anything awesome you find, okay?

苹果在其网站上有非常完整的新功能汇总 ,因此在探索新功能时请检查我们的功能。 让我们知道您发现的任何很棒的东西,好吗?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/262159/how-to-install-the-macos-sierra-public-beta/