macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

The next version of macOS is out now, with improvements to Safari, Mail, Photos, and a lot under the hood. Here are the best features you’ll see in macOS 10.13 “High Sierra”.

macOS的下一版本现已发布,对Safari,Mail,Photos进行了改进,并进行了很多改进。 这是您将在macOS 10.13“ High Sierra”中看到的最佳功能。

No, that’s not a typo—they’re calling it High Sierra, after the highest region of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in California. And yes: Apple made a few weed jokes after announcing the name, because the most powerful corporation on Earth is nothing if not counter-cultural.

不,那不是错字,他们称它为High Sierra,仅次于加利福尼亚内华达山脉的最高地区。 是的:苹果公司在宣布这个名字后开了一些笑话,因为地球上最强大的公司即使不是反文化的,也算不上什么。

You can download High Sierra right now from the Mac App Store; here’s what awaits you.

您可以立即从Mac App Store下载High Sierra。 这就是您的等待。

Safari阻止跟踪您的自动播放视频和广告 (Safari Blocks Auto-Play Videos and Ads That Track You)

macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

Apple took the time to brag about the speed increases in the new version of Safari, which is the browser macOS users should be using anyway. Time will tell how accurate Apple’s bragging here is, but it’s exciting.

苹果花了一些时间吹嘘新版Safari的速度提高,这是macOS用户无论如何都应该使用的浏览器 。 时间会证明苹果在这里的吹牛有多准确,但令人兴奋。

There are also a few very interesting features. Safari will now automatically stop auto-playing videos from interrupting you, a move we’re certain Facebook is already angry about. They also announced that Safari will block ads from tracking users out-of-the box, which we’re certain Amazon is already angry about (particularly because Apple announced Amazon Prime video on Apple TV just ten minutes before this). Regardless of which companies might be upset, these moves seem like they’ll make browsing better for everyone, and we’re excited to try them out.

还有一些非常有趣的功能。 Safari现在将自动停止自动播放视频,以免打扰您,我们相信Facebook已经对此表示愤怒。 他们还宣布Safari将阻止广告开箱即用地跟踪用户,我们确信亚马逊已经对此感到愤怒(特别是因为苹果在此之前十分钟就在Apple TV上发布了Amazon Prime视频)。 无论哪个公司感到不安,这些举动似乎都将使每个人的浏览都变得更好,我们很高兴能尝试一下。

借助Spotlight进行搜索的邮件 (Spotlight-Powered Search Comes to Mail)

macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

If you use Safari, you know that Spotlight-powered search results often pop up while you’re trying a URL. Sometimes these will be recommendations from Apple Maps, but mostly they’re just websites you tend to visit often.

如果您使用的是Safari,则会知道在尝试使用URL时,通常会弹出Spotlight支持的搜索结果。 有时,这些都是Apple Maps的推荐,但大多数情况下,它们只是您经常访问的网站。

The macOS Mail app will have this same feature, with Spotlight-powered suggestions at the top of your search results recommending particular emails. It’s a small tweak, but it could make finding particular emails just a little bit faster.

macOS Mail应用程序将具有相同的功能,在搜索结果顶部会显示Spotlight支持的建议,以推荐特定的电子邮件。 这是一个很小的调整,但可以使查找特定电子邮件的速度更快一点。

Apple also announced support for split-screen mode while composing a message. Hey: not every new feature can be amazing.

苹果还宣布在撰写消息时支持分屏模式 。 嘿:并非每个新功能都很棒。

照片现在支持外部编辑器 (Photos Now Supports External Editors)

macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

Perhaps the biggest visual changes are coming to Photos. First of all, there’s a persistent sidebar. You can also browser your photos on a per-import basis, allowing you to see which photos you imported when. Syncing with other devices is also easier: if you change categorizations on one device, they’ll sync to another.

也许最大的视觉变化即将出现在照片上。 首先,有一个持久的边栏。 您还可以基于每次导入浏览照片,从而可以查看何时导入的照片。 与其他设备同步也更加容易:如果您在一台设备上更改类别,它们将同步到另一台设备。

But the real highlight here is editing features. You can now edit curves and selective colors, right inside photos.

但是这里真正的亮点是编辑功能。 现在,您可以在照片内部编辑曲线和可选颜色。

macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

If that’s not enough, you can open images with a third party editor like Photoshop: any saved changes will immediately show up in Photos. This probably isn’t going to make Photos the organization tool of choice for Photographers, but it’s a step in the right direction.

如果这还不够,您可以使用Photoshop之类的第三方编辑器打开图像:任何保存的更改都将立即显示在“照片”中。 这可能不会使“照片”成为摄影师的首选组织工具,但这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。

Finally, third parties can now offer printed books within Photos itself, so if you want a Photo album you could in theory put it together entirely in Photos.


Apple文件系统成为默认文件 (Apple File System Becomes the Default)

macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

Step aside, HFS: The Apple File System (AFS) is already in use on iOS devices, and it will be the default for macOS High Sierra. This file system is built from the ground up with modern computers in mind, and was first announced one year ago. This should result in faster file transfers, and also introduce new features like native encryption and crash protection.

撇开HFS:Apple文件系统(AFS)已在iOS设备上使用,它将是macOS High Sierra的默认设置。 该文件系统是从一开始就考虑到现代计算机而构建的,并于一年前首次发布。 这样可以加快文件传输速度,还可以引入新功能,例如本机加密和崩溃保护。

You can already format a drive with AFS if you want to, but this file format is now the default file system for all macOS systems. It’s not clear whether upgrading to the new version will mean your file system is changed, or whether users will need to do a fresh installation in order to take advantage of the new file system, but we’ll let you know when we find out.

如果需要,您已经可以使用AFS格式化驱动器 ,但是此文件格式现在是所有macOS系统的默认文件系统。 尚不清楚升级到新版本是否意味着您的文件系统已更改,或者用户是否需要进行全新安装才能利用新文件系统,目前尚不清楚,但我们会在发现后通知您。

Macs获得外部显卡的官方支持 (Macs Get Official Support for External Graphics Cards)

macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

If you want an extremely powerful graphics card in a MacBook Pro, too bad: there’s not enough room in these thin laptops to accommodate the latest and greatest. But macOS High Sierra offers a compromise with official support for external graphics cards over FireWire. Apple is even releasing a a developer kit with an AMD Radeon 580 graphics card.

如果您想在MacBook Pro中使用功能非常强大的图形卡,那就太糟糕了:这些轻薄的笔记本电脑没有足够的空间容纳最新和最强大的笔记本电脑。 但是,macOS High Sierra通过FireWire对外部显卡的官方支持提供了折衷方案。 苹果甚至发布了带有AMD Radeon 580显卡的开发套件。

The target audience here is developers, not gamers, so don’t expect a consumer version anytime soon, but it’s still an interesting way to give developers access to more graphics power now that the Mac Pro is seemingly never getting an update.

这里的目标受众是开发人员,而不是游戏玩家,因此不要指望很快推出消费版,但是由于Mac Pro似乎永远都没有更新,这仍然是使开发人员获得更多图形功能的一种有趣的方式。

Metal 2提高了图形性能,将运行桌面界面 (Metal 2 Improves Graphics Performance, Will Run the Desktop Interface)

macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

Last year Apple announced Metal, a new graphics engine for macOS Sierra. The new High Sierra will come with the next version, boringly named Metal 2 (sadly, they didn’t call think to call it “High Metal”). It will supposedly improves on the framework in all kinds of ways, most of which are going to be primarily interesting to developers.

去年,苹果公司发布了Metal,它是macOS Sierra的新图形引擎。 新的High Sierra将带有下一个版本,无聊地命名为Metal 2(可悲的是,他们并没有认为将其称为“ High Metal”)。 据说它将以各种方式对框架进行改进,其中大多数将是开发人员最感兴趣的。

But users should be excited about one thing: Metal will now power desktop effects, like Mission Control. This should result in a snappy desktop, but we’ll have to mash the Mission Control Button repeatedly to find out how well it works.

但是用户应该对一件事感到兴奋:Metal现在将为桌面特效提供动力,例如Mission Control。 这应该可以使桌面变得活泼,但是我们必须反复捣碎“任务控制按钮”才能发现其效果如何。

开发人员对虚拟现实的支持 (Developer Support for Virtual Reality)

macOS 10.13 High Sierra的新增功能,现已上市

Virtual Reality has long been a no-show on macOS, with major headsets not offering drivers or software. High Sierra aims to change that with Metal for VR. The SteamVR SDK is coming to macOS, and so is Unity and Unreal’s VR Engines. Final Cut Pro X will also now work for editing spherical video.

长期以来,虚拟现实在macOS上一直没有出现,主要的耳机不提供驱动程序或软件。 High Sierra旨在通过Metal for VR改变这一现状。 SteamVR SDK即将发布到macOS,Unity和Unreal的VR引擎也将发布。 Final Cut Pro X现在也可以用于编辑球形视频。

Gamers hoping to user VR on their Mac shouldn’t get too excited: the focus is on developers for now. But this is progress, and maybe someday playing VR games on your Mac will be an option (particularly if you buy an external graphics card.)

希望在Mac上使用VR的游戏玩家不要太兴奋:目前的重点是开发人员。 但这是进步,也许有朝一日可以在Mac上玩VR游戏(特别是如果您购买外接显卡的话)。

There are likely to be other small improvements to macOS, but we’ll have to really dive in to find out—when that happens, be sure to check back here for more details.

