Windows Home服务器

I have been testing Windows Home Server (WHS) for about 6 months now. I thought I would write a few things about this new product from Microsoft. Basically, WHS is meant to be a computer which will sit in your closet and deliver multimedia content to various computers and other geek gadgets around your house. You are able to create user accounts, stream music and video, and create backups to your home server. Your children can watch a movie on their computer while you listen to your favorite music or vice versa. Saving copies of your files is just like you would do at work if you put them on a network drive.

我已经测试Windows Home Server(WHS)大约6个月了。 我以为我会写一些有关Microsoft的新产品的东西。 基本上,WHS旨在成为一台计算机,它将安装在您的壁橱中,并将多媒体内容传输到您家周围的各种计算机和其他极客设备。 您可以创建用户帐户,流式传输音乐和视频,以及创建到家庭服务器的备份。 当您听自己喜欢的音乐时,您的孩子可以在计算机上观看电影,反之亦然。 保存文件副本就像将文件放在网络驱动器上一样。

There is also an automatic backup feature which will back up all your PC’s on your home network incrementally to the server. Adding more hard drive space is extremely easy. You can simply hook up an extra external USB hard drive. WHS will add this to the overall space on your server. One thing to keep in mind with this is that drive becomes a part of a whole. Meaning, it will become part of the overall server space and not an individual drive.

还有一个自动备份功能,可以将家庭网络中的所有PC增量备份到服务器。 添加更多的硬盘空间非常容易。 您可以简单地连接一个额外的外部USB硬盘驱动器。 WHS会将其添加到服务器的整体空间中。 要记住的一件事是,驱动器成为整体的一部分。 这意味着它将成为整个服务器空间的一部分,而不是单个驱动器。

When booting up Windows Home Server Beta 2 there is always a Windows Server 2003 splash screen. This is because WHS is built from the Sever 2003 technology. I am not sure if you will get this in the final release or not. It is not as complex as Server 2003 however, so don’t be too intimidated. There is no Active Directory to worry about with WHS. You will be able to administer a server at home without having to be an IT geek!

启动Windows Home Server Beta 2时,始终会出现Windows Server 2003初始屏幕。 这是因为WHS是基于Sever 2003技术构建的。 我不确定您是否会在最终版本中得到它。 但是它并不像Server 2003那样复杂,因此不要太吓人。 WHS无需担心Active Directory。 您将可以在家中管理服务器,而不必成为IT怪胎!

Windows Home服务器

In the coming weeks I will be adding a lot more how to’s on the site. When Windows Home Server becomes officially available to the public you will have a place to come to get the information you need to start using it quickly and effectively!

在接下来的几周内,我将在网站上添加更多操作方法。 当Windows Home Server正式向公众提供时,您将有机会获得快速有效地开始使用它所需的信息!

Mysicgeek’s Tech Lingo: USB (Universal Serial Bus) Industry standard to allow plug & play peripherals to be connected easily to your PC. An external hard drive for example.

Mysicgeek的Tech Lingo: USB(通用串行总线)行业标准,允许即插即用外围设备轻松连接到PC。 例如,外部硬盘驱动器。
