


Equipmake is a UK-based company that is currently developing “Ampere” — a traction motor designed to be the world’s best in terms of power density. The device will have a peak current density of more than 20 kW/kg (12 hp/lb), the outstanding value that the company aims to achieve by implementing various technologies of additive manufacturing.
Equipmake是一家总部位于英国的公司,目前正在开发“ Ampere”,这是一种牵引电动机,其功率密度设计为世界上最好。 该设备的峰值电流密度将超过20 kW / kg(12 hp / lb),这是该公司旨在通过实施增材制造的各种技术来实现的杰出价值。

Currently, the company is focusing on the manufacturing of electric buses, but there is an undergoing joint project with Ariel Motors, an automotive company from the UK. During the framework of this year's promising project called ‘HIPERCAR”, the teams will join their efforts in order to create high-performance electric sports cars. The cars are expected to develop a speed of 0 to 100 kph (0 to 60 mph) in just under 2.5 seconds. The world’s most power-dense motor is anticipated to be ready near the beginning of the next year, so there’s a probability that it just might be found under the hoods of these particular sports cars.
目前,该公司专注于电动客车的制造,但与英国汽车公司Ariel Motors正在进行一个联合项目。 在今年充满希望的项目“ HIPERCAR”的框架内,各车队将共同努力,创造出高性能的电动跑车。 预计这些汽车将在不到2.5秒的时间内达到0至100 kph(0至60 mph)的速度。 预计世界上功率最大的电动机将在明年年初投入使用,因此有可能在这些特殊跑车的引擎盖下找到它。

The “Ampere” is designed to be a high-performance motor with unique spoke design, forced cooling and a total weight of less than 10 kg (22 lbs). But don’t be fooled by its diminutiveness, because this motor is expected to supply 220 kW (299 hp) at an unbelievable speed of 30000 rpm, which provides the power density of 20 kW/kg (12 hp/lb). For example, the traction motors of a standard Tesla Model S make 8.4 kW/kg (5 hp/lb), which is 270 kW at 32 kg (360 hp at 70 lb). Another example is Equipmake’s APM 120R, a holder of the current record. It is an electric motor capable of making nearly 9 kW/kg (5.5 hp/lb), which is 125 kW at 14 kg (168 hp at 31 lb). APM 120R uses samarium cobalt magnets with the methods of direct oil cooling and forced cooling of the rotor.
“安培”是一款高性能的电机,具有独特的辐条设计,强制冷却且总重量不到10千克(22磅)。 但是不要被它的小巧所迷惑,因为这台电动机预计将以令人难以置信的30000 rpm的速度提供220 kW(299 hp)的功率,这将提供20 kW / kg(12 hp / lb)的功率密度。 例如,标准特斯拉Model S的牵引电动机的功率为8.4 kW / kg(5 hp / lb),在32千克时为270 kW(70 lb为360 hp)。 另一个例子是Equipmake的APM 120R,它是当前记录的持有者。 这是一种电动机,能够产生近9 kW / kg(5.5 hp / lb)的功率,在14 kg时为125 kW(在31 lb时为168 hp)。 APM 120R使用sa钴磁铁,并采用直接油冷却和转子强制冷却的方法。

One of the reasons behind such a significant weight reduction is a fact that most of the metal parts are no longer composed separately, but rather one at a time which results in improved cost-efficiency, thanks to various possibilities provided by 3D-printing technologies. Another reason for the implementation of additive manufacturing is a high degree of geometric complexity of some shapes of motor components. The motor is being developed in tandem with HiETA — a Bristol-based company specialized in metal 3D-printing solutions. Based on the project outline, there is a high probability that Renishaw’s SLM 3D-printers are applied in the manufacturing process. The first prototypes of Ampere, the world’s future most power-dense electric motor will be ready to be tested over the course of the next 12 months.
如此显着减轻重量的原因之一是,由于3D打印技术提供了多种可能性,因此大多数金属零件不再是单独组成,而是一次组成,从而提高了成本效益。 进行增材制造的另一个原因是某些形状的电机组件的几何复杂度很高。 该电机是与HiETA联合开发的,HiETA是一家位于布里斯托尔的公司,致力于金属3D打印解决方案。 根据项目大纲,很可能在制造过程中使用雷尼绍的SLM 3D打印机。 Ampere的第一批原型机是世界上未来功率最高的电动机,将在接下来的12个月内进行测试。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/top3dshop/blog/492644/
