



We have all heard the advice about power cycling an electronic device in order to clear up problems, but is power cycling better than simply unplugging and plugging the device back in? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answers to a curious reader’s question.

我们所有人都听说过有关重启电子设备以解决问题的建议,但是重启电源是否比简单地拔出设备再插入电源更好? 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子回答了一个好奇的读者的问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Photo courtesy of Ben Daines (Flickr).

照片由Ben Daines(Flickr)提供

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader cqm wants to know if there is any quantifiable evidence to support power cycling electronic devices instead of simply unplugging them and plugging them back in:


Is there any quantifiable evidence to support power cycling routers for 10 seconds (or any arbitrary amount of time) instead of just unplugging and plugging them back in?


This is related to troubleshooting a misbehaving router. The theory is based on ‘things’ needing to be cleared from memory and that this could take a few seconds. This is also a theory related to electronics from over a decade ago, and I am sure it was equally as anecdotal then.

这与对行为异常的路由器进行故障排除有关。 该理论基于需要从内存中清除“事物”的过程,这可能需要花费几秒钟的时间。 这也是十多年前与电子学有关的理论,我相信那时它同样是轶事。

As a person allergic to anecdotes, I became curious when I realized that I had never investigated this issue. Is there any quantifiable reason to support power cycling routers for 10 seconds (or any arbitrary amount of time) instead of just unplugging and plugging them back in?

作为一个对轶事过敏的人,当我意识到自己从未研究过这个问题时,我感到好奇。 是否有任何可量化的理由支持将电源循环路由器支持10秒钟(或任意时间),而不仅仅是拔掉电源并重新插入电源?

Is there any quantifiable evidence to support power cycling electronic devices versus simple unplugging/re-plugging?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors Enis P. Aginic and Wes Sayeed have the answer for us. First up, Enis P. Aginic:

超级用户贡献者Enis P. Aginic和Wes Sayeed为我们找到了答案。 首先是Enis P. Aginic:

Yes, there is. Any electronics device will have capacitors that will store energy even after you unplug it. You may have noticed that when you unplug a monitor or TV, the little diode will take another second or two to discharge remaining energy from the capacitors in the form of electricity and stop glowing.

就在这里。 任何电子设备都将具有电容器,即使您拔掉电源,电容器也会存储能量。 您可能已经注意到,拔下显示器或电视的电源时,小二极管会花一两秒钟的时间以电能的形式释放电容器中的剩余能量并停止发光。

This residual energy may not allow memory chips to wipe and you may have problems once your router starts again.


As for sources, well it is really common sense to someone with basic electronics knowledge, like the sky is blue and water is wet, so I recommend reading about capacitors to see what they do and you will understand it.


The point is that electronics components are far from perfect and any interference may produce unpredictable results.


Followed by the answer from Wes Sayeed:

随后是Wes Sayeed的回答:

Ten seconds is an arbitrarily long amount of time, but yes, it does take time for electronic devices to discharge themselves completely because of the capacitance of the circuits within. Some of this capacitance is intentional, some of it is not.

十秒钟是任意长的时间,但是是的,由于内部电路的电容,电子设备需要花费一些时间才能完全放电。 该电容中的某些是有意的,而某些则不是。

It is impossible to say exactly how much time is needed, as the bleed-off of that capacitance varies with environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and background EMI generated by nearby electronics. The RAM in your computer, for example, can take minutes to fully discharge.

确切地说需要多少时间是不可能的,因为该电容的泄漏会随环境因素(例如温度,湿度和附近电子设备产生的背景EMI)而变化。 例如,计算机中的RAM可能需要几分钟才能完全放电。

But there is a shortcut. If the router has a button of any kind on it (WPS button or a reset button), this will usually discharge any residual electrical charge immediately. This is because the button places a load on the circuit(s) holding the charge and there is no power going into the device.

但是有一个捷径。 如果路由器上有任何种类的按钮(WPS按钮或重置按钮),则通常会立即释放任何残余电荷。 这是因为该按钮在保持电荷的电路上施加了一个负载,并且没有电源进入设备。

In fact, in the old days of parallel ports, this used to be a guaranteed way to correct a stubborn printer. Unplug the printer, unplug the computer, and unplug the parallel cable. Then hit the power button on both devices. Then plug everything back in. Worked every time. Parallel SCSI busses had this problem too sometimes.

实际上,在并行端口的较早时期,这曾经是纠正顽固打印机的保证方法。 拔下打印机电源,拔下计算机电源,然后拔下并行电缆。 然后在两个设备上按电源按钮。 然后重新插上所有电源。每次都工作。 并行SCSI总线有时也有此问题。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/207373/is-there-quantifiable-evidence-for-power-cycling-a-router-for-10-seconds/
