Ubuntu 16.04 用户登录界面死循环问题的解决

硬件:GPU:nivdia Titan
1.参考 https://blog.****.net/ssmixi/article/details/73483795(多数人反应此方法可以)
(3)sudo apt-get remove nvidia-*
(4) sudo apt-get autoremove
(5)sudo nvidia-uninstall XXX.run(卸载之前安装的驱动)
(6)su reboot,重启
(8)sudo service lightdm stop
(9)sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-381.22.run -no-x-check -no-nouveau-check -no-opengl-files
-no-nouveau-check 安装驱动时禁用Nouveau
-no-opengl-files 安装时只装驱动文件,不安装Opengl
(10)sudo service lightdm restart(可正常登录)
(1)NVIDIA drivers missing or broken?
Run nvidia-smi to access the NVIDIA system management interface. The output should be something of this sort.
Ubuntu 16.04 用户登录界面死循环问题的解决
If you’re not able to access it, there is probably some issue with your graphic drivers.
In that case, you should be able to find out the name of your graphics card using lspci | grep VGA.
You can find out the compatible drivers for your graphics card using the link.
(Try without this stepand maybe then with this step if there was no success). Remove the existing broken drivers using sudo apt-get purge nvidia*.
Install the drivers using
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nvidia-390 (Or whatever the compatible driver is for your graphics card)

Try a restart using systemctl reboot -i and hope your login loop is fixed.

(2)Is your HOME your HOME?
Check the owner of your home directory using ls -l /home
If you don not own your home directory, change it using sudo chown user:user $HOME
Try a restart using systemctl reboot -i and hope your login loop is fixed.
Do you own your .Xauthority?
Check the owner of your home directory using ls -l ~/.Xauthority
If you don’t own your .Xauthority, change it using sudo chown user:user ~/.Xauthority
If you do, move your .Xauthority file using sudo mv ~/.Xauthority ~/.Xauthority.bak
Try a restart using systemctl reboot -i and hope your login loop is fixed.
You might need to do the same thing on .ICEauthority.
Is your /tmp right?
Run ls -ld /tmp and make sure the permissions are exactly drwxrwxrwt. The output should be of this sort
drwxrwxrwt 27 root root 36864 Sep 17 17:15 /tmp
If not, run sudo chmod a+wt /tmp
Try a restart using systemctl reboot -i and hope your login loop is fixed.
Maybe lightdm is your problem?
Reconfigure your display manager using dpkg-reconfigure lightdm and try out other display managers (gdm3,lightdm,) that are available. Maybe this will you give you enough clues to move forward.
If none of them help,try installing sddm using sudo apt-get install sddm
for one final try. reconfigure display to sddm.
If none of the above solutions worked, you can try re-installing ubuntu
(1)ls -1A
(2)cat ~/.Xsession-errors等
(3)sudo vi /etc/profile
Ubuntu 16.04 用户登录界面死循环问题的解决
重启,键入sudo reboot回车