pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器

pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器

pandora nohup

pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器

Getting out of bed can be a constant daily battle but having a good alarm clock can sometimes help a great deal. You may not realize it, but you can set Pandora to act as your alarm, which we’ll show you how to do today.

起床可能是每天不间断的战斗,但是拥有一个良好的闹钟有时可以有很多帮助。 您可能没有意识到,但是可以将Pandora设置为闹钟,我们将向您展示如何做。

One of the benefits of using the Pandora app on your smartphone or tablet is that you can set it to turn on at certain time to play your favorite station. This alarm function is unique in that it’s akin to waking up to an alarm clock radio rather than the normal, boring alarm on your phone.

在智能手机或平板电脑上使用Pandora应用程序的好处之一是,您可以将其设置为在特定时间打开以播放自己喜欢的电台。 此警报功能的独特之处在于,它类似于唤醒闹钟收音机,而不是手机上正常无聊的警报。

To set an alarm using Pandora, first fire up the app and then tap open the “Settings”. On Android, the settings can be found in the upper-right corner of the app.

要使用Pandora设置警报,请先启动应用程序,然后点击打开“设置”。 在Android上,可以在应用程序的右上角找到设置。

pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器

On the iOS app, the settings can be accessed from the bottom-right corner. Once you have opened the settings panel, you can tap on the “Alarm Clock” function in either version of the app.

在iOS应用上,可以从右下角访问设置。 打开设置面板后,您可以在任一版本的应用程序中点击“闹钟”功能。

pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器
Once in the settings, it’s just a matter of tapping open the “Alarm Clock” option.

Here in the iOS version, you will need to set the time, station, and volume to which you want to wake. Additionally, you can set the snooze time, which defaults to five minutes.

在iOS版本中,您需要设置您要唤醒的时间,时间和音量。 此外,您可以设置小睡时间,默认为五分钟。

pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器

On the Android app version, there’s an additional feature, which will let you repeat the alarm on the days you need to use.


pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器
The Android app’s alarm clock is almost exactly the same as the iOS version, except you can choose to repeat them.

For example, as seen here in this screenshot, you can decide what day or days Pandora wakes you.


pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器
The Android app will let you repeat the alarm for every day you need it.

Once you’ve set up your Pandora alarm, you need to turn it on. Once on, you will need to plug your device in and Pandora will need to remain on for the alarm to function. Pandora will appear on your screen in alarm clock mode, which will dim considerably so it doesn’t shine brightly in your darkened room

设置潘多拉闹钟之后,您需要将其打开。 开启后,您需要将设备插入电源,并且Pandora需要保持打开状态才能使警报起作用。 潘多拉盒猫将以闹钟模式出现在屏幕上,该模式会显着变暗,因此在昏暗的房间中不会明亮地发光

pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器
Your device needs to be connected to a power source or it will run the device down. On the right, we see that everything is blue and good to go.
您的设备需要连接到电源,否则它将使设备停机。 在右边,我们看到一切都是蓝色的,一切顺利。

From hereon, you can wake up to any station or type of music you desire. Furthermore, if you want to really make sure you wake up, you could output your device to larger speakers in another room via a Bluetooth connection.

从这里开始,您可以唤醒所需的任何电台或音乐类型。 此外,如果您真的想确保自己醒来,可以通过蓝牙连接将设备输出到另一个房间的较大扬声器

Note, if you want to turn off your Pandora alarm clock, simply tap the screen and you will be given that option.


pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器

Conversely, if you like to fall asleep to music, you can also set Pandora’s sleep timer so it shuts off after a certain duration. To do this, again open the settings on your app and simply choose how long you want your station to play. You can let Pandora play for up to an hour in 15-minute increments.

相反,如果您想听音乐入睡,也可以设置Pandora的睡眠计时器,使其在一定时间后关闭。 为此,请再次打开应用程序上的设置,然后简单地选择希望电台播放多长时间。 您可以让Pandora以15分钟为增量最多播放一个小时。

pandora nohup_如何将Pandora用作闹钟或睡眠定时器

After your timer’s duration expires, Pandora will turn off. Bear in mind, you can use the sleep timer in conjunction with the alarm function, so you can not only wake up to music, but fall asleep to it as well!

计时器的持续时间到期后,Pandora将关闭。 请记住,您可以将睡眠定时器与警报功能结合使用,这样您不仅可以唤醒音乐,还可以入睡!

Let’s hear from you now, do you have a favorite way you like to wake up in the morning, such as a preferred alarm clock app? Please leave your questions or comments in our discussion forum. We appreciate your feedback.

现在让我们听听您的消息,您是否有喜欢早上醒来的最喜欢的方式,例如首选的闹钟应用程序? 请在我们的论坛中留下您的问题或评论。 感谢您的反馈。


pandora nohup