如何在Ubuntu 20.04 LTS上启用暗模式

如何在Ubuntu 20.04 LTS上启用暗模式

LUbuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa” ships with a built-in dark theme. You can activate the dark version of Ubuntu’s standard Yaru theme and get a dark GNOME desktop in just a few clicks. Here’s how.

L Ubuntu 20.04 LTS“ Focal Fossa”带有内置的深色主题。 您可以单击几下**深色版本的Ubuntu标准Yaru主题,并获得深色GNOME桌面。 这是如何做。

First, click the system menu button on the panel at the top-right corner of Ubuntu’s GNOME desktop and select “Settings.”

首先,单击Ubuntu GNOME桌面右上角面板上的系统菜单按钮,然后选择“设置”。

You can also click the “Show Applications” button at the bottom-left corner of your screen, search for the “Settings” application, and launch it from there.


如何在Ubuntu 20.04 LTS上启用暗模式

Click the “Appearance” category in the Settings application.


如何在Ubuntu 20.04 LTS上启用暗模式

By default, Ubuntu uses the “Standard” window color theme with dark toolbars and light content panes. To activate Ubuntu’s dark mode, click “Dark” instead.

默认情况下,Ubuntu使用带有深色工具栏和浅色内容窗格的“标准”窗口颜色主题。 要**Ubuntu的暗模式,请单击“暗”。

To use a light mode without the dark toolbars, click “Light” instead.


如何在Ubuntu 20.04 LTS上启用暗模式

Your change will take effect immediately. You can now close the window.

您的更改将立即生效。 您现在可以关闭窗口。

如何在Ubuntu 20.04 LTS上启用暗模式

Note that this won’t change Ubuntu’s panel interface to dark mode. For example, when you click the menu button at the top-right corner of your screen, you’ll see that it has a light background even when you have dark mode enabled.

请注意,这不会将Ubuntu的面板界面更改为暗模式。 例如,当您单击屏幕右上角的菜单按钮时,即使启用了暗模式,您也会看到它具有浅色背景。

如何在Ubuntu 20.04 LTS上启用暗模式

To change the panel theme, you’ll need to install a GNOME Shell extension. OMG! Ubuntu! has a guide that will walk you through the process of installing the gnome-shell-extensions package, enabling the “User Themes” extension, and switching the “Shell” theme to “Yaru-dark.”

要更改面板主题,您需要安装GNOME Shell扩展。 我的天啊! Ubuntu的! 有一个指南,将指导您完成安装gnome-shell-extensions软件包,启用“用户主题”扩展以及将“ Shell”主题切换为“ Yaru-dark”的过程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669755/how-to-enable-dark-mode-on-ubuntu-20.04-lts/