macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

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macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

Many Mac users store files on their desktops. Apple even lets you sync your Desktop folder via iCloud. The upcoming macOS Mojave release helps cut through the clutter with “Desktop Stacks,” a feature that automatically organizes the files on your desktop.

许多Mac用户将文件存储在其桌面上。 Apple甚至允许您通过iCloud同步Desktop文件夹 。 即将发布的macOS Mojave版本通过“桌面堆栈”帮助消除混乱,该功能可自动整理桌面上的文件。

如何在macOS Mojave上启用桌面堆栈 (How to Enable Desktop Stacks on macOS Mojave)

Desktop Stacks aren’t enabled by default on macOS Mojave. You can enable them from the desktop’s context menu. To open it, either Ctrl+click or right-click on your desktop. If you’re using a MacBook with a touchpad, perform a two-finger click.

macOS Mojave上默认情况下不启用桌面堆栈。 您可以从桌面的上下文菜单中启用它们。 要打开它,请按住Ctrl键单击或在桌面上单击鼠标右键。 如果您使用的是带触摸板的MacBook,请用两指点击。

When the menu appears, point to the “Group Stacks By” menu, and then select your preferred categorization scheme. Select “Kind” to group files by type—for example, this will give you separate stacks for documents, images, screenshots, and videos. Select “Date Last Opened,” “Date Added,” “Date Modified,” or “Date Created” to group files by a time associated with the file. To organize your files into custom stacks, select “Tags.” You can then assign tags to your files.

出现菜单时,指向“组堆叠依据”菜单,然后选择首选的分类方案。 选择“种类”以按类型对文件进行分组-例如,这将为您提供文档,图像,屏幕截图和视频的单独堆栈。 选择“上次打开的日期”,“添加的日期”,“修改的日期”或“创建的日期”以按与文件关联的时间对文件进行分组。 要将文件组织到自定义堆栈中,请选择“标签”。 然后,您可以为文件分配标签。

If you’re not sure which option to choose, we recommend selecting Kind. You can always go back to this menu and change the Stacks later.

如果您不确定要选择哪个选项,建议您选择“种类”。 您随时可以返回此菜单并在以后更改堆栈。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

Your files immediately will be sorted into different “Stacks” on your desktop.


macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

Click a stack to see the files inside it. When you add a new file to the desktop, your Mac automatically places it in the correct stack, keeping your desktop clear and making it easy to find recent files. You can always rearrange these stacks by selecting a different grouping option in the context menu.

单击堆栈以查看其中的文件。 当您将新文件添加到桌面时,Mac会自动将其放置在正确的堆栈中,保持桌面整洁并易于查找最新文件。 您始终可以通过在上下文菜单中选择其他分组选项来重新排列这些堆栈。

To stop using Stacks, select Group Stacks By > None. Files will appear on the desktop normally.

要停止使用堆栈,请选择分组堆栈依据>无。 文件将正常显示在桌面上。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

The macOS dock still supports stacked folders, too. These are separate from desktop stacks.

macOS扩展坞也仍然支持堆叠的文件夹 。 这些与桌面堆栈分开。

如何在macOS Mojave上更改堆栈排序 (How to Change Stacks Sorting on macOS Mojave)

You can change how Stacks are sorted, if you like. After enabling stacks, open the desktop context menu once again, point to the “Sort Stacks By” menu, and then choose a sorting scheme. You can select either “Name,” “Kind,” “Date Last Opened,” “Date Added,” “Date Modified,” “Date Created,” “Size,” or “Tags.”

您可以根据需要更改堆栈的排序方式。 启用堆栈后,再次打开桌面上下文菜单,指向“排序堆栈依据”菜单,然后选择排序方案。 您可以选择“名称”,“种类”,“上次打开的日期”,“添加的日期”,“修改的日期”,“创建的日期”,“大小”或“标签”。

By default, Stacks are sorted by “Date Added,” which means that the files you most recently added to your desktop appear at the top of each stack.


macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

如何为文件分配标签 (How to Assign Tags to Files)

Tags are a powerful way to group stacks. Tags let you set up a custom sorting system where you group related files together. For example, you could tag files belonging to a specific project with a special tag, group stacks by tag, and see all the project’s files in a single stack.

标签是对堆栈进行分组的有效方法。 标签使您可以设置自定义排序系统,将相关文件分组在一起。 例如,您可以使用特殊标签来标记属于特定项目的文件,按标签对堆栈进行分组,然后在单个堆栈中查看所有项目文件。

To assign tags to an individual file, Ctrl+click, right-click, or two-finger click the file to open its context menu. Select multiple files before opening the context menu to assign the same tags to multiple files at once.

要将标签分配给单个文件,请按住Ctrl键并单击,右键单击或用两根手指单击该文件以打开其上下文菜单。 打开上下文菜单之前,请选择多个文件,以一次将相同标签分配给多个文件。

In the menu, select one of the options in the Tags section. You can quickly add a colored tag like “Red” by clicking one of the colors.

在菜单中,选择“标签”部分中的选项之一。 您可以通过单击一种颜色来快速添加诸如“红色”之类的彩色标签。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

To assign custom tags, click the “Tags” option underneath the colored circles. You can type custom tags into this box or click existing tags to quickly add them.

要分配自定义标签,请点击彩色圆圈下方的“标签”选项。 您可以在此框中键入自定义标签,或单击现有标签以快速添加它们。

You can assign multiple tags by separating them with a comma. For example, to assign both “work” and “project” tags to a file, type “work, project” into the box, and then press Enter.

您可以使用逗号分隔多个标签。 例如,要将“工作”和“项目”标签都分配给文件,请在框中键入“工作,项目”,然后按Enter。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

To view stacks grouped by tag, select Group Stacks By > Tags in the desktop context menu. Untagged files will appear together in a “No Tags” stack.

要查看按标记分组的堆栈,请在桌面上下文菜单中选择“按堆栈分组>标记”。 未标记的文件将一起显示在“无标记”堆栈中。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave上使用堆栈来组织桌面

You can assign tags to files anywhere on your system via the Finder, too. Tags can help sort your files and make them easier to find with Spotlight search. Of course, only tagged files located on your desktop will appear in desktop stacks.

您也可以通过Finder 将标记分配给系统任何位置的文件 。 标签可以帮助您对文件进行排序,并使它们更易于通过Spotlight搜索找到。 当然,只有位于桌面上的标记文件才会出现在桌面堆栈中。


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