论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey

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github:https://github.com/hoya012/deep_learning_object_detection,A paper list of object detection using deep learning


More than 250 key contributions are included in this survey, covering many aspects of generic object detection research: leading detection frameworks and fundamental subprob-lems including object feature representation, object proposal generation, context information modeling and training strategies; evaluation issues, specifically benchmark datasets, evaluation metrics, and state of the art performance.


下面两张图来自github,分别为paper list和performance table,红色为作者认为必读的paper。
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey


目标检测任务的输入是一张图像,输出是图像中的物体位置和类别,如下图所示,位置可通过Bounding Box描述,也可描述为像素的集合。
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey


论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey


  1. Two stage detection framework:含region proposal,先获取ROI,然后对ROI进行识别和回归bounding box,以RCNN系列方法为代表。
  2. One stage detection framework:不含region proposal,将全图grid化,对每个grid进行识别和回归,以YOLO系列方法为代表。

论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey




主干网络(network backbone)

ILSVRC(ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition)极大促进了DCNN architecture的改进,在计算机视觉的各种任务中,往往将这些经典网络作为主干网络(backbone),再在其上做各种文章,常用在目标检测任务中的DCNN architectures如下:
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey

Methods For Improving Object Representation

物体在图像中的尺寸是未知的,图片中的不同物体尺寸也可能是不同的,而DCNN越深层的感受野越大,因此只在某一层上进行预测显然是难以达到最优的,一个自然的想法是利用不同层提取到的信息进行预测,称之为multiscale object detection,可分成3类:

  1. Detecting with combined features of multiple CNN layers
  2. Detecting at multiple CNN layers;
  3. Combinations of the above two methods

论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey
尝试对几何变形进行建模也是改善Object Representation的一个方向,方法包括结合Deformable Part based Models (DPMs)的方法、Deformable Convolutional Networks (DCN)方法等。
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey

Context Modeling


  1. Semantic context: The likelihood of an object to be found in some scenes but not in others;
  2. Spatial context: The likelihood of finding an object in some position and not others with respect to other objects in the scene;
  3. Scale context: Objects have a limited set of sizes relative to other objects in the scene.

DCNN通过学习不同抽象层级的特征可能已经隐式地使用了contextual information,因此目前的state-of-art目标检测方法并没有显式地利用contextual information,但近来也有一些显式利用contextual information的DCNN方法,可分为2类:Global context和Local context。

论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey

论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey

Detection Proposal Methods

Two stage detection framework需要生成ROI。

生成ROI的方法,可以分为Bounding Box Proposal MethodsObject Segment Proposal Methods,前者回归出Bounding Box来描述ROI,后者通过分割得到像素集合来描述ROI。
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey

Other Special Issues

通过data augmentation tricks(数据增广)可以得到更鲁棒的特征表示,可以看成是数据层面上的集成学习,考虑到物体尺度可大可小的问题,scaling是使用最多的数据增广方法。
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey

Datasets and Performance Evaluation

论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey

论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey
论文学习-深度学习目标检测2014至201901综述-Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection A Survey