telnet命令行_使用命令行+ Telnet Fun进行基本网络故障排除

telnet命令行_使用命令行+ Telnet Fun进行基本网络故障排除


So you’re not able to get on the Internet or connect to your home or office network?  Here are a few basic command line tools you can use to help pinpoint the problem.

因此,您无法上网或连接到家庭或办公室网络吗? 这里有一些基本的命令行工具,可用于帮助您查明问题。

All of the following use the command line interface in Windows which is accessed by typing CMD into the run line in XP or the search field in Vista.  After typing in CMD click OK or hit Enter.

以下所有命令均使用Windows中的命令行界面,可通过在XP中的运行行或Vista中的搜索字段中键入CMD来访问。 输入CMD后,单击“确定”或按Enter。

telnet命令行_使用命令行+ Telnet Fun进行基本网络故障排除

You cannot connect to the network but all your hardware seems to be functioning fine.  You can try pinging your network card to make sure it is functioning by pining local host.  At the prompt type in “ping″ Without the quotes.  If you receive a reply 4 times you’re good to go.  If not, then you will want to investigate your NIC (Network Identification Card).

您无法连接到网络,但是所有硬件似乎都运行良好。 您可以尝试通过固定本地主机来ping通您的网卡,以确保其正常运行。 在提示符下键入“ ping”,不带引号。 如果您收到4次回复,那就很好了。 如果不是,那么您将要调查NIC(网络标识卡)。

telnet命令行_使用命令行+ Telnet Fun进行基本网络故障排除

An easy way to find out if your communicating to the Internet is to ping a known site such as Google or Yahoo.  Just type in “ping” if you receive a reply 4 times your talking to the web.

一种简单的方法来查明您是否与Internet通信是对已知站点(例如Google或Yahoo)进行ping操作。 如果您收到四次与网络交谈的回复,则只需键入“ ping ”。

telnet命令行_使用命令行+ Telnet Fun进行基本网络故障排除

I will include a lot more useful network troubleshooting tips in the coming weeks.  At this time I would like to completely shift gears and show you an old Telnet movie which has been around for years.  Click Start Run  now type in

在接下来的几周中,我将提供更多有用的网络故障排除提示。 目前,我想完全换档,并向您展示已经存在多年的Telnet电影。 单击“开始”,然后单击“运行”。立即键入

telnet命令行_使用命令行+ Telnet Fun进行基本网络故障排除

Now sit back and watch a telnet version of Star Wars.


telnet命令行_使用命令行+ Telnet Fun进行基本网络故障排除

