Delphi Icon Generator (MobileGFX)-SEO狼术

 Delphi Icon Generator (MobileGFX) 

     如果您曾经尝试为Delphi Android和iOS应用程序创建图形图标和启动器,那么您很快就会意识到该过程相当荒谬。 有2种不同的平台(iOS和Android),3种不同的设备类型(iPhone,iPad,Android)和13种不同比例的图标/启动器图形大小(1:1、1.33:1等),所有这些组合在一起需要大笔费用 总共要创建54个不同的png文件。

Delphi Icon Generator (MobileGFX)-SEO狼术

  该实用程序的工作原理是允许您为每个图形比率指定基本图像,可以选择定义每个比率要提取的图像部分,然后生成png文件。 您可以选择创建iPhone,iPad和/或Android文件。

  If you have ever tried to create the graphic icons and launchers for Delphi Android and iOS applications, you have quickly realized that the process is fairly ridiculous. There are 2 different platforms (iOS and Android), 3 different device types (iPhone, iPad, Android), and 13 different ratios (1:1, 1.33:1, etc) of icon/launcher graphic sizes all combining to require a whopping total of 54 different png files to be created.

  The utility works by allowing you to specify base image(s) for each graphic ratio, optionally defining what portion of the image to extract for each ratio, and then generating the png files. You have the option of creating iPhone, iPad, and/or Android files.