Mac版 pycharm修改主题、字号(To change the theme and font of your Pycharm)


1. 如图所示,点击mac导航栏的pycharm的标,如图(click the icon of pycharm in your mac navigation bar):

Mac版 pycharm修改主题、字号(To change the theme and font of your Pycharm)

2. 选择Preferences这一项,如图(choose "Preference"):

Mac版 pycharm修改主题、字号(To change the theme and font of your Pycharm)

点击如图所示的appearance,选择右侧的theme,即可更换主题(click "appearance", and then click "theme" in the right part)~

Note:Default--白底黑字(black words with white background);Darcula--黑底白字(white words with black background)~

3.更改字体话就点击左侧选项中的Editor ->General->Font即可完成修改(If you want to change the size of font: Editor ->General->Font)~


Coding愉快哦(Hope you have a good experence when coding)~