

The Automatic substitution feature in Google Docs is a simple way to create text shortcuts for words or sentences you regularly use in your documents. Here’s how you can save time and effort with this handy tool.

Google文档中的自动替换功能是一种为您经常在文档中使用的单词或句子创建文本快捷方式的简单方法。 这是使用此便捷工具可以节省时间和精力的方法。

Fire up your web browser, head to Google Docs, and open a new or existing document.

启动您的网络浏览器,转到Google文档 ,然后打开一个新的或现有的文档。

On the menu bar, click Tools > Preferences.



From the Preferences settings, make sure the box next to “Automatic Substitution” is checked before you enter anything.



This is the same feature that automatically creates hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes in your document.


Next, you’ll see two text boxes, one for the word you want to replace and the second for what it will be replaced with. For example, anytime I type the word “Email” followed by the space character, Docs will replace it with my email address.

接下来,您将看到两个文本框,一个文本框表示要替换的单词,第二个文本框表示要替换的单词。 例如,每当我输入单词“ Email”后跟空格字符时,Docs都会用我的电子邮件地址替换它。


You can also use the auto substitution feature as a kind of autocorrect for common words you might accidentally misspell, without having to right-click an error in Docs’ spellchecker.


Just as before, type any misspelling of a word in the “Replace” field along with the correct spelling in the “With” field.



One caveat to using automatic substitutions in Google Docs is anything in the “Replace” field has to be one word without spaces. If you enter something in this field with a space between words, Docs will add it to the list, but the shortcut won’t work. The “With” field can be virtually anything, however, including multiple words with space characters.

在Google文档中使用自动替换的一个警告是,“替换”字段中的任何内容都必须是一个不带空格的单词。 如果您在此字段中输入的内容在单词之间留有空格,那么Google文档会将其添加到列表中,但是快捷方式将不起作用。 “带”字段实际上可以是任何内容,包括带有空格字符的多个单词。

If often reuse a sentence or paragraph in your documents, you can use the substitution feature to create a text shortcut to shorten the number of keystrokes it takes to write it all out.


When using text shortcuts like this, to ensure any words you regularly use don’t overlap with keywords, place it alongside special characters, such as brackets, curly braces, colons, exclamation marks, etc. This way, you won’t get any unwarranted substitutions in your document.



You can disable any substitution you’ve added by clicking the box next to the left of the “Replace” field or delete the substitute by clicking the small “X” to the right of the “With” field.

您可以通过单击“替换”字段左侧的框来禁用已添加的任何替换,也可以通过单击“与”字段右侧的小“ X”来删除替换。


After you’re done entering all the substitutions, click the “OK” button to save changes and return to your document.



There you go. To add more shortcuts to your document, head back to Tools > Preferences and type in any substitutions you might need in the future.

妳去 要向您的文档添加更多快捷方式,请返回“工具”>“首选项”,然后键入您将来可能需要的任何替代方式。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/448511/how-to-use-text-shortcuts-in-google-docs/