

By default, the author of a document is set to the user name you entered when you installed Word. However, you can change the user name, thus changing the main author, as well as add authors to or remove authors from a document.

默认情况下,文档的作者设置为在安装Word时输入用户名。 但是,您可以更改用户名,从而更改主要作者,以及向文档中添加作者或从文档中删除作者。

NOTE: We used Word 2013 to illustrate this feature.

注意:我们使用Word 2013来说明此功能。

To add an author to a document, click the “File” tab.



Make sure the “Info” screen is the active backstage screen. In the “Related People” section of the “Info” screen, notice that the user name from the “Summary” information is listed as the author. To add another author, click “Add an author” under the user name.

确保“信息”屏幕是活动的后台屏幕。 在“信息”屏幕的“相关人员”部分,请注意,“摘要”信息中的用户名被列为作者。 要添加其他作者,请单击用户名下方的“添加作者”。


Enter the name of the author you want to add in the edit box. If you have any contacts in your address book, names matching what you are typing display in a popup menu. If the person’s name is available, you can choose it from the list.

在编辑框中输入要添加的作者的姓名。 如果通讯录中有任何联系人,则与您键入的内容匹配的名称会显示在弹出菜单中。 如果此人的姓名可用,则可以从列表中选择。


To finish adding the author, click on any free space on the “Info” screen outside of the author edit box. The additional author displays in the “Related People” section.

要完成添加作者,请在作者编辑框外部的“信息”屏幕上单击任何可用空间。 其他作者将显示在“相关人员”部分中。


You can also add authors by editing the “Author” property in the “Summary” information. Click the “Properties” button on the “Info” screen and select “Advanced Properties” from the drop-down menu.

您也可以通过编辑“摘要”信息中的“作者”属性来添加作者。 单击“信息”屏幕上的“属性”按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“高级属性”。


On the “Summary” tab of the dialog box that displays, notice that the author you added displays in the “Author” edit box. You can add additional authors in this edit box, putting a semicolon between each author’s name.

在显示的对话框的“摘要”选项卡上,请注意您添加的作者将显示在“作者”编辑框中。 您可以在此编辑框中添加其他作者,在每个作者的名字之间添加一个分号。


To remove an author on the “Info” screen, right-click on the author’s name and select “Remove Person” from the popup menu.



You can also use the “Document Panel” to add and remove authors. Click the “Properties” button on the “Info” screen and select “Show Document Panel” from the drop-down menu.

您还可以使用“文档面板”添加和删除作者。 单击“信息”屏幕上的“属性”按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“显示文档面板”。


The “Document Panel” opens above the currently open document. Add and remove authors using the “Author” edit box on the panel the same way we did on the “Summary” tab on the “Advanced Properties” dialog box earlier in this article. Remember to put semicolons between the author names.

“文档面板”在当前打开的文档上方打开。 使用面板上的“作者”编辑框添加和删除作者,方法与本文前面“高级属性”对话框的“摘要”选项卡上的方法相同。 请记住在作者姓名之间加上分号。


You can also add and remove authors in the same manner in Excel and PowerPoint.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/217226/how-to-add-and-remove-authors-in-an-office-document/