



Documents can get pretty long. Bookmarks let you link to a particular location inside a Google Docs file, making it easier to jump back to (or direct someone else to) a particular section. Here’s how you can bookmark specific locations in Google Docs.

文件可能会很长。 通过书签,您可以链接到Google Docs文件中的特定位置,从而可以更轻松地跳回(或引导其他人访问)特定部分。 您可以按照以下方法在Google文档中为特定位置添加书签。

如何在Google文档文件中为特定位置添加书签 (How to Bookmark Specific Locations in a Google Docs File)

Inserting a bookmark into your file is like creating a link that jumps directly to a point in your document. Bookmarks are only visible when viewing the document on your computer and won’t show if you print it out.

在文件中插入书签就像创建一个直接跳到文档中某个点的链接一样。 书签仅在计算机上查看文档时可见,如果您打印出来,则不会显示。

To create a bookmark in a specific location of a Google Docs file, highlight (or place the insertion point at) the desired location. Open the “Insert” menu and then click the “Bookmark” command.

要在Google Docs文件的特定位置创建书签,请突出显示(或将插入点放置在)所需位置。 打开“插入”菜单,然后单击“书签”命令。


A blue bookmark ribbon should appear next to the word. Click it to reveal two options: “Link” and “Remove.”

该单词旁边应出现一个蓝色的书签功能区。 单击它可以显示两个选项:“链接”和“删除”。


Right-click “Link” and select “Copy Link Address” to copy the link to your clipboard.



You can do anything with this link that you’d typically do with a URL: send it to someone, add it to your favorites, insert it in another page or document, or even use it to create a table of contents. When used, the URL will direct you to that exact part of your document.

使用此链接,您可以执行通常使用URL的任何操作:将其发送给某人,将其添加到收藏夹中,将其插入另一个页面或文档中,甚至使用它来创建目录。 使用该URL时,会将您定向到文档的确切部分。


If you no longer want the bookmark link in your document, click the blue ribbon and then click “Remove” to delete the link.



If you’d like to add more than one bookmark, repeat the steps from above to generate links to different parts of your document.


Bonus: You can also bookmark a particular slide in Google Slides. Click the specific slide and then copy the URL from the address bar. Each slide has a unique URL.

奖励:您还可以在Google幻灯片中为特定的幻灯片添加书签。 单击特定的幻灯片,然后从地址栏中复制URL。 每张幻灯片都有一个唯一的URL。


Adding bookmarks is a simple way to navigate a large file and link to specific sections of a document. This is much more manageable than starting from the beginning every time and having to scroll through the whole thing.

添加书签是浏览大文件并链接到文档特定部分的简单方法。 这比每次从头开始并滚动整个过程要容易得多。

