SmartAdP: Visual Analytics of Large-scale Taxi Trajectories for Selecting Billboard Locations




  • Dongyu Liu
  • Huamin Qu


  • Di Weng
  • Yingcai Wu


  • Yuhong Li


  • Jie Bao
  • Yu Zheng

SmartAdP: Visual Analytics of Large-scale Taxi Trajectories for Selecting Billboard Locations




Billboard advertising works because it is seen by everyone on the roads.
Appropriate locations


  • How to acquire such comprehensive data in a cheap way
    • Conventional approaches are expensive and time-consuming
  • How to formulate a good solution quickly?
    • Large solution space
    • Different opinions on the optimal
  • How to visually compare several candidate solutions to find the optimal one
    • Which advertising strategy is better…
    • What if I spend more $50000 to buy three more billboards…


  • 利用出租车轨迹数据对广告牌位置选择问题进行系统描述,并对设计要求和空间进行深入讨论和总结。
  • 一个交互式框架,通过新颖的可视化驱动的数据挖掘模型和定制的特定于应用程序的数据索引机制来生成广告牌解决方案。
  • 一套新的可视化技术,使最终用户能够探索多种解决方案的主要特征,并比较它们之间的共性和差异。

Related Work

  • Trajectory query processing
    • New Query: finding points within user specified regions that can cover maximum trajectories (trajectories may have different weight)
    • We propose a visualization-driven data mining model
  • Multicriteria decision making in a spatial context
    • Integrations of computational methods with interactive visualization tools by multiple coordinated views have been suggested to solve MCDM problem.
    • We first apply this mechanism on billboard location selection problem with taxi trajectory data.
  • Taxi trajectory visualization & Visual comparison
    • We develop a visual analytics system tailored to the billboard location selection problem.



  • The Tianjin (China) dataset
    • Road network data, 133726 road segments and 99007 vertices (Intersections)
    • GPS trajectory data, 4 million trajectories
    • POI data, 154633 points

Performance Indicators:

  • Traffic volume
  • Traffic speed
  • Traffic OD
  • Environment

Reach: The percentage of covered target trajectories among all target trajectories.
Opportunities to see (OTS)/Frequency
Gross rating points (GRP)

Task Analysis

  • Spatio-temporal distribution: How are the target trajectories distributed across the city? What is the difference between weekday and weekend?
  • Location recommendation: How many billboards should be placed in the target areas? Where are the optimal locations?
  • Location assessment: How good is a billboard location? Why is it selected for a billboard?
  • Solution assessment: How effective is a billboard solution? How does it satisfy customers’ requirements?
  • Solution comparison: What are the differences and similarities among multiple candidate solutions?
  • Solution classification: How many groups of candidate solutions exist? How these groups differentiate from each other?
  • Solution ranking: What is the ranking of multiple solutions? Which ones are optimal?

System Architecture

SmartAdP: Visual Analytics of Large-scale Taxi Trajectories for Selecting Billboard Locations


Indexes for speeding up the mining algorithm
A GPS trajectory is a sequence of time-oriented spatial points

Mining Algorithm
Problem: identifying a set of locations with the maximum trajectory coverage value (the sum of the weights of all the covered trajectories)

  • Each trajectory has a weight
  • Each location has a cost
    K-Location Query
  • Selection & Updating
    t-Budget Constraint Query
  • Utilization ratio = current coverage value / cost

SmartAdP: Visual Analytics of Large-scale Taxi Trajectories for Selecting Billboard Locations

Visual Design

  • Solution Generator
    • Dashboard View
    • Map View
    • Solution Preview
  • Solution Explorer
    • Solution View
    • Location View
    • Ranking View
  • Interactions
    • Details-on-demand
    • Filtering and highlighting
    • Linking

SmartAdP: Visual Analytics of Large-scale Taxi Trajectories for Selecting Billboard Locations


SmartAdP: Visual Analytics of Large-scale Taxi Trajectories for Selecting Billboard Locations
SmartAdP: Visual Analytics of Large-scale Taxi Trajectories for Selecting Billboard Locations



Future Work

  • Improving the system
    • Improve the mining algorithm
    • Integrate additional types of data
  • Extending the application scenarios
    • apply the approach to other resource allocation-related applications