

Facebook users may have noticed a recent change to its mobile app. When you click on a link, it now opens in Facebook, instead of your preferred, default browser. This is really annoying; here’s how to change it back on Android.

Facebook用户可能已经注意到其移动应用程序的最新更改。 当您单击链接时,它现在在Facebook中打开,而不是您的首选默认浏览器。 这真让人讨厌。 这是将其更改回Android的方法。


Facebook claims “links open faster” but they do not. Perhaps on slower devices they seem to open faster because you’re no longer switching from one app to another, but webpages, particularly complex, image and ad-heavy ones, take significantly longer to load than they do in Chrome.

Facebook声称“链接打开速度更快”,但事实并非如此。 也许在速度较慢的设备上,它们似乎打开得更快,因为您不再需要从一个应用程序切换到另一个应用程序,但是网页(尤其是复杂的图像和广告密集型网页)的加载时间要比Chrome浏览器长得多。

We timed several websites with a stopwatch, first in Facebook and then in Chrome, and our totally unscientific findings reveal that it’s not simply a subjective figment of our imagination. Websites do indeed take anywhere from three to eight seconds longer to fully render than they do in Chrome.

我们用秒表为几个网站计时,首先是在Facebook中,然后是在Chrome中,而我们完全不科学的发现表明,这不仅仅是我们想象力的主观虚构。 与Chrome浏览器相比,完全呈现网站确实要花费三到八秒钟的时间。

切换回Chrome (Switching Back to Chrome)

To be fair, Facebook does warn you, but you may not even notice if you’re not paying attention. Moreover, because it disappears as soon as you start scrolling, you’re not required to acknowledge that you’ve actually seen it.

公平地说,Facebook确实会警告您,但如果您不注意,您甚至可能不会注意到。 此外,由于它在您开始滚动时就消失了,因此您无需确认已经实际看到它。

Don’t blink or you might miss this “warning.”

If you tap the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner, you see an option to open links in Chrome.



This method though is wholly unsatisfying. It’s clunky because it requires another step, rather than simply opening links in Chrome in the first place.

但是这种方法是完全不令人满意的。 它很笨拙,因为它需要再做一步,而不是首先在Chrome中打开链接。

Fortunately, you can turn off the Facebook browser and revert to your default one. From the Facebook app, click on the navigation button, and then scroll down to “Help & Settings” and then tap “App Settings.”

幸运的是,您可以关闭Facebook浏览器并恢复为默认浏览器。 在Facebook应用程序中,单击导航按钮,然后向下滚动到“帮助和设置”,然后点击“应用程序设置”。


In the Settings, simply scroll down and tap “always open links with external browser” to “On,” then tap your device’s back button to exit the Settings.



That’s it, your links will now open in your default browser (likely Chrome).


Unfortunately, it appears you cannot revert to your default browser on the iOS version of the app, so iPhone and iPad users appear to be stuck (for now) either using the Facebook browser, or tapping the menu button and then “open in Safari.”

不幸的是,您似乎无法在该应用的iOS版本上恢复到默认浏览器,因此使用Facebook浏览器或点击菜单按钮,然后“在Safari中打开”似乎暂时阻止了iPhone和iPad用户。 ”


Hopefully, Facebook will add this setting to the iOS version. Obviously, it’s something they may eventually remove from the Android version, but for now, it’s simply a brief inconvenience that you can easily remedy.

希望Facebook将此设置添加到iOS版本。 显然,这是他们最终可能会从Android版本中删除的东西,但就目前而言,这只是短暂的不便,您可以轻松地解决。

If you have an opinion on this and would like to make yourself heard, please let us know what you think in the discussion forum.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/201229/make-facebook-on-android-open-links-in-the-default-browser/