



In what’s quickly becoming a trend, another city in Florida found its computers infected with ransomware. With most of its computer systems encrypted, outside Police and Fire departments, the city agreed to pay a ransom of 42 bitcoins—about $500,000.

快速发展的趋势是,佛罗里达州的另一个城市发现其计算机感染了勒索软件。 在警察和消防部门以外的大多数计算机系统都经过加密的情况下,纽约市同意支付42比特币的赎金,约合500,000美元。

It’s not a great time for cities and counties. In addition to the Lake City, Florida this week, and Riviera City, Florida last week, Jackson County, Georgia, Cartersville, Georgia, Lynn, Massachusetts, and Baltimore, Maryland have all been hit by ransomware this year. In each case, essential data is encrypted, and the cities often cannot continue operations. Some cities choose to pay, others like Baltimore refuse. It’s hard to say which is the better choice.

对于城市和县来说,现在不是一个好时机。 除了本周佛罗里达的莱克城和上周的佛罗里达里维埃拉市之外,佐治亚州杰克逊县,卡特维尔,佐治亚州,林恩,马萨诸塞州和马里兰州巴尔的摩都受到了勒索软件的打击 。 在每种情况下,基本数据都是经过加密的,城市通常无法继续运营。 有些城市选择付款,而巴尔的摩等其他城市则拒绝。 很难说哪个是更好的选择。

On the one hand, sending money perpetuates the problem and runs the risk that hackers won’t provide a decryption key. On the other hand, starting over from scratch is enormously complicated and incredibly expensive. Baltimore, which has seen two attacks in a year, has estimated the cost to recover will approach $18 million.

一方面,汇款使问题永久存在,并冒着黑客不提供解***的风险。 另一方面,从头开始是非常复杂且昂贵的。 巴尔的摩一年内遭受两次袭击,估计恢复费用将接近1800万美元。

Ransomware developers continue to adapt and improve their methods. In the case of Lake City, IT staff detected the malware within ten minutes of infection and rushed to disconnect systems to stop the spread of damage. But even that fast response was too slow. Only the Fire and Police departments escaped the malware, and only because they run on a separate network.

勒索软件开发人员继续适应和改进他们的方法。 以莱克城为例,IT员工在感染后十分钟之内就检测到了恶意软件,并赶紧断开系统连接以阻止损害蔓延。 但是,即使是这样的快速响应也太慢了。 仅消防和警察部门逃脱了该恶意软件,并且仅是因为它们在单独的网络上运行。

Lake City has a population of 65,000, and it will probably feel the loss of $500,000, but city administration likely felt it had little choice in the matter. Given the cat and mouse game that is Ransomware and AntiVirus products, unfortunately, the weakest link is people using computers. Vigilance is the best safety method now: don’t click on links in emails, even from trusted senders, and think twice before opening attachments. [ZDNet]

莱克城(Lake City)拥有65,000名人口,可能会感到损失了500,000美元,但市*可能觉得在这件事上别无选择。 不幸的是,鉴于猫和老鼠游戏是Ransomware和AntiVirus产品,因此,最薄弱的环节是使用计算机的人。 保持警惕是目前最好的安全方法:不要单击电子邮件中的链接,即使是来自受信任发件人的链接,也不要三思而后行打开附件。 [ ZDNet ]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

  • YouTube Music now offers smart downloads: If you frequently travel and want to listen to music without gobbling up your data plan, then downloading your music ahead of time is a must. YouTube Music wants to take care of that for you, and now offers to download music for you automatically based on your listening habits. Try not to be embarrassed when your app downloads ten versions of Baby Shark. [9to5Google]

    YouTube音乐现在可提供智能下载:如果您经常旅行并且想听音乐而不用担心数据计划,那么必须提前下载音乐。 YouTube音乐想帮您解决这个问题,现在可以根据您的收听习惯自动为您下载音乐。 当您的应用下载十个版本的Baby Shark时,请不要感到尴尬。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Verizon gets to lock its phone for 60 days: Normally, due to spectrum rules, Verizon is required to sell its phones unlocked. Now the company has permission from the FTC to lock its phones for 60 days after activation. The company says this will deter thieves from buying phones with stolen identities. [Ars Technica]

    Verizon可以将其手机锁定60天:通常,由于频谱规则,Verizon必须出售未锁定的手机。 现在,该公司已获得美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)的许可,可以在**后将其手机锁定60天。 该公司表示,这将阻止盗贼购买身份被盗的手机。 [ Ars Technica ]

  • You can use the Windows calculator on Android, iOS, and the Web: Microsoft open sources its calculator app and posted the code for anyone to use or even add new features too. Uno, the makers of a cross-platform development app, took the code and ported it to other platforms. Because, why not? [Liliputing]

    您可以在Android,iOS和Web上使用Windows计算器: Microsoft开源其计算器应用程序,并将代码发布给任何人使用,甚至也可以添加新功能。 跨平台开发应用程序的开发者Uno接受了代码并将其移植到其他平台。 因为,为什么不呢? [ Liliputing ]

  • Twitch is testing subscriber only streams: Normally, subscribing to a Twitch channel gets you small extras like special chat room access or fun emoji. The company is beta testing a more prominent feature now, subscriber streams. It’s just what it sounds like—if you don’t subscribe you can’t watch the stream. The company is limiting the feature to streamers who haven’t violated guidelines in the last 90 days, as a precaution. [Engadget]

    Twitch正在测试仅订阅者的视频流:通常,订阅Twitch频道可以为您带来一些额外的好处,例如特殊的聊天室访问权限或有趣的表情符号。 目前,该公司正在Beta版测试订户流,这是一项更为突出的功能。 听起来就是这样-如果您不订阅,就无法观看视频流。 为了预防起见,该公司将功能限制为在过去90天内未违反准则的彩带。 [ Engadget ]

  • Google now lets you auto-delete location and web activity data: Google previously announced options to automatically delete your location and web data after set periods of time. Those options are rolling out to everyone now. Huzzah for privacy!  [The Verge]

    Google现在允许您自动删除位置和网络活动数据: Google先前宣布了在设定的时间段后自动删除位置和网络数据的选项。 这些选项现在正在向所有人推出。 隐私的Huzzah! [ 边缘 ]

  • Soon you can pick up your Amazon package at local retailers: Amazon announced a new service called Counter that allows you to pick up your packages at local retailers. The service works a lot like Lockers, and lets you choose a convenient place to get your package if your home isn’t a good option. The first retailer you can choose is Rite Aid, but Amazon is working on adding other retailers. [GeekWire]

    很快,您可以在本地零售商处领取亚马逊包裹:亚马逊宣布了一项名为Counter的新服务,该服务使您可以在本地零售商处领取包裹。 这项服务的工作方式与储物柜非常相似,如果您的住所不是一个好的选择,则可以让您选择一个方便的地方领取包裹。 您可以选择的第一家零售商是Rite Aid,但亚马逊正在努力增加其他零售商。 [ GeekWire ]

  • Signify’s new Hue Light Bulb is Bluetooth, bypasses the hub: Hue bulbs are bright, colorful, and expensive. Part of that expense is buying the required ZigBee hub. But now, if you’re a first-time buyer, you can skip the hub. The latest Hue bulbs add a Bluetooth radio and can pair with some voice assistant devices. You can still pair them with Hue hubs too, so everybody wins. [Review Geek]

    Signify的新Hue灯泡是蓝牙,绕过了集线器: Hue灯泡明亮,多彩且昂贵。 其中一部分费用是购买所需的ZigBee集线器。 但是现在,如果您是首次购买者,则可以跳过中心。 最新的Hue灯泡添加了蓝牙无线电,并且可以与某些语音助手设备配对。 您仍然可以将它们与Hue集线器配对,这样每个人都会获胜。 [ 评论极客 ]

Crocodiles are giant reptiles full of dangers with powerful jaws for feeding their carnivore diet—except when they weren’t.


By studying fossils, scientists Keegan Melstom and Randall Irmis at the Natural History Museum of Utah, have discovered that at specific points in history crocodiles were herbivores. The proof is in the teeth.

通过研究化石,犹他州自然历史博物馆的科学家Keegan Melstom和Randall Irmis发现,在历史的特定时刻,鳄鱼是食草动物。 证明在牙齿上。

Carnivores have relatively simple teeth: pointy, sharp, and typically conical shaped, they’re perfect for ripping and tearing into flesh. Herbivores, on the other hand, have much more complex teeth, more flat, but with crevices and texture that aid in grinding, as opposed to tearing. Omnivore teeth, naturally, are somewhere between. The scientists measured and studied nearly 150 fossilized teeth from 16 different extinct crocodile species, and discovered in at least three periods, potentially six; some crocodiles had complex herbivore teeth. According to Keegan Melstrom: “The herbivores lived on different continents at different times, some alongside mammals and mammal relatives, and others did not. This suggests that an herbivorous crocodyliform was successful in a variety of environments!”

食肉动物的牙齿相对简单:尖,尖,通常呈圆锥形,非常适合撕裂和撕裂成肉。 另一方面,食草动物的牙齿更复杂,更平整,但缝隙和质地有助于磨碎而不是撕裂。 自然,杂食性牙齿介于两者之间。 科学家测量并研究了来自16种不同灭绝鳄鱼物种的近150个化石牙齿,并在至少三个时期(可能是六个)中发现了这些化石。 一些鳄鱼有复杂的食草动物牙齿。 根据基冈·梅尔斯特罗姆(Keegan Melstrom)的说法:“草食动物在不同的时间生活在不同的大陆,其中一些与哺乳动物和哺乳动物亲属并存,而其他则没有。 这表明草食性鳄形动物在各种环境中都成功了!”

Just when you thought all crocodiles were dangerous—well they still are. Stay away from crocodiles. But learn from their past.

就在您认为所有鳄鱼都很危险的时候-现在仍然如此。 远离鳄鱼。 但是从他们的过去中学习。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-another-city-pays-500000-to-ransomware-hackers/
