


Hard Drive is a component that is mainly used to store data inside an IT system. From the beginning of the IT systems which roughly starts from the 1950s. During all times these systems are required to save some data permanently into a component which is simply named as Hard Drive. In this tutorial, we will examine different aspects of the definition of Hard Drive.

硬盘驱动器是主要用于在IT系统内部存储数据的组件。 从大约从1950年代开始的IT系统开始。 在任何时候,都需要这些系统将某些数据永久保存到一个简单地称为Hard Drive的组件中。 在本教程中,我们将研究硬盘定义的不同方面。

什么是硬盘驱动器? (What Is Hard Disk Drive?)

Hard Drive provides some permanent storage for the different IT systems. Hard Drive can be used inside, PC, Workstation, Laptop, Tablet, TV, Server and other systems to store the operating systems, user data, images, files, videos, etc. Hard Disk drives use different technologies like magnetic plates, flash, SSD in order to store data. Hard drives can provide different sizes from 320 GB to 16 TB which is a very large range.

硬盘驱动器为不同的IT系统提供了一些永久性存储。 硬盘驱动器可在PC,工作站,笔记本电脑,平板电脑,电视,服务器和其他系统内部使用,以存储操作系统,用户数据,图像,文件,视频等。硬盘驱动器使用磁板,闪存, SSD以存储数据。 硬盘驱动器可以提供从320 GB到16 TB的不同大小,范围非常大。

硬盘驱动器历史记录 (Hard Disk Drive History)

The first Hard Drive is created in 1957 by IBM which is named 350 Disk Storage. It is created for the system named IBM 305 RAMAC. And the most interesting part is this hard drive storage size was 3.75 MB (MegaByte) which is less than a single HD photo. But its size was about two medium-sized refrigerators.

第一个硬盘驱动器由IBM在1957年创建,名为350 Disk Storage 。 它是为名为IBM 305 RAMAC的系统创建的。 最有趣的部分是该硬盘驱动器的存储大小为3.75 MB(兆字节),小于一张高清照片。 但是它的大小大约是两个中型冰箱。

The second-generation hard drives are created by IBM too. Because in those days computers were only used by governments, big companies but not end-users or SMBs. In 1962 IBM created the 1301 Disk Storage Unit which physical size was about 3 midsize refrigerator.

第二代硬盘驱动器也是由IBM创建的。 因为在那时,计算机仅由*,大公司而非最终用户或SMB使用。 1962年,IBM创建了1301磁盘存储单元,其物理大小约为3个中型冰箱。

硬盘驱动器如何工作? (How Hard Disk Drive Works?)

Hard Drives have different types and technologies in order to read and write data into the storage medium. But in general, there are two types those are magnetic disk and flash.

硬盘具有不同的类型和技术,以便将数据读取和写入存储介质。 但是通常,磁盘和闪存有两种类型。

了解更多什么是RAID 6(独立磁盘冗余阵列)和配置?

硬盘驱动器或硬盘或硬盘驱动器 (Hard Drive or Hard Disk or Hard Disk Drive)

Hard Disk Drives has multiple names that are used interchangeably. Even these names define some differences all of them are used interchangeably without a problem. Hard Drive is the older version where Hard Disk is a more modern term. Hard Disk Drive is the most complete and popular term. Hard Disk Drive is also called as HDD in short form.

硬盘驱动器具有多个可以互换使用的名称。 即使这些名称定义了一些差异,也可以毫无问题地互换使用它们。 Hard Drive是较旧的版本,其中“ Hard Disk是更现代的术语。 Hard Disk Drive是最完整和最受欢迎的术语。 硬盘驱动器也简称为HDD。

硬盘驱动器组件 (Hard Disk Drive Components)

A hard drive consists of different components. SSD drives provide different components where HDD provides different components because of its working mechanisms.

硬盘驱动器由不同的组件组成。 SSD驱动器提供不同的组件,而HDD由于其工作机制而提供不同的组件。

  • Actuator used to change and move Read/Write Actuator Arm.


  • Read/Write Actuator Arm will change the position of the read/write head in order to read different tracks of the platter.

    Read/Write Actuator Arm将更改读/写头的位置,以便读取盘片的不同轨迹。

  • Read/Write Head will read the data from the platter with the help of the Actuator and Read/Write Actuator Arm.

    Read/Write Head将在执行器和读/写执行器臂的帮助下从磁盘读取数据。

  • Spindle will spin the Platter in order to Read/Write head track the sectors.


  • Platter holds the data inside the tracks in a magnetic way.


  • Chasis  holds and protects all components properly in a secure way.


硬盘尺寸 (Hard Drive Form Factors)

Hard Drives can be in different form factors according to the usage and the system it will be used. Also before the modern days, the systems were custom made and the size of the hard drives was very different and not standardized. But in general following, Hard Drive Form Factors are popular in modern systems.

硬盘驱动器可以根据用途和使用的系统采用不同的外形尺寸。 同样在近代之前,系统是定制的,硬盘驱动器的大小差异很大,并且没有标准化。 但是,一般而言,硬盘驱动器尺寸因数在现代系统中很流行。

  • 2.5 Inch hard drives are popular in mobile, portable systems that require less space and power. They also generally have less performance which is generally not expected in these systems.

    2.5英寸硬盘驱动器在需要较少空间和功率的移动便携式系统中很流行。 它们通常还具有较少的性能,这在这些系统中通常是无法预期的。

  • 3.5 Inch hard drives are a bit bigger than 2.5 inch hard drives. These hard drives provide better performance in general and mainly used in workstations, PCs, and servers. But in recent years they lose their position to the 2.5 inch hard drives because of the advancement of the hard drive technology.

    3.5英寸硬盘驱动器比2.5英寸硬盘驱动器大一点。 这些硬盘驱动器通常可提供更好的性能,并且主要用于工作站,PC和服务器。 但是近年来,由于硬盘驱动器技术的进步,它们在2.5英寸硬盘驱动器上失去了位置。

Hard Drive Form Factors

We can see in the image above the comparison of the 2.5 and 3.5 hard drives in physical size.


硬盘性能 (Hard Disk Drive Performance)

Hard Disk Drives can have different performances for different use cases like reading, write, sequential read, sequential write, random read, random write, etc. Hard disk drives provide higher performance by using different caching mechanisms and buffers.


硬盘驱动器大小 (Hard Disk Drive Sizes)

Hard Disk Drives can provide different sizes according to the form factor, performance and price. But in general, the hard disk drive sizes start from 320 GB to the 16TB. But in general, the HDD sizes 500 GB, 1 TB, 2 TB are popular among the IT world.

硬盘驱动器可以根据外形尺寸,性能和价格提供不同的大小。 但是通常,硬盘驱动器的大小从320 GB开始到16TB。 但是总的来说,在IT世界中,容量为500 GB,1 TB和2 TB的HDD很流行。

硬盘驱动器连接类型 (Hard Drive Connection Types)

Hard Disk Drives can be connected to different systems in different ways. But there are some popular Hard Disk Drive connection types or protocols which are support most of the modern systems.

硬盘驱动器可以通过不同的方式连接到不同的系统。 但是,有些流行的硬盘驱动器连接类型或协议支持大多数现代系统。

  • SATA or SATA2 or SATA3 in general SATA connection is the most popular connection type for Hard Disk Drives which is specifically designed for Hard Disk Drives.


  • IDE is the older connection type that was popular in the 1990s and early 2000s. It has vanished with the popularity of the SATA

    IDE是较旧的连接类型,在1990年代和2000年代初期很流行。 随着SATA的普及,它消失了。

  • SCSI  is an old connection type which is improved regularly with new versions. SCSI is mainly used for workstation and server connection.

    SCSI是一种旧的连接类型,随着新版本的进行定期改进。 SCSI主要用于工作站和服务器连接。

是SSD硬盘吗? (Is SSD Hard Drive?)

Solid State Drives (SSD) is a new type of hard drive where flash technology is used to store, read and write data. Even its name is different from Hard Disk Drive or HDD it provides the same functionality of the HDD. What makes is better than an HDD is SSD provides a lot better read and write speeds. So we can call the SSD as Hard Drive because it is the exact and complete replacement for the classical HDD.

固态驱动器(SSD)是一种新型的硬盘驱动器,其中闪存技术用于存储,读取和写入数据。 即使其名称不同于硬盘驱动器或HDD,它也提供与HDD相同的功能。 比HDD更好的是SSD提供了更好的读写速度。 因此,我们可以将SSD称为硬盘驱动器,因为它是经典HDD的精确而完整的替代品。


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-hard-disk-drive-hdd-2/
