



If you do a lot of downloading outside the iTunes store, songs in your library can get jumbled up, leaving you with duplicate albums. If you’d like to know whether you’ve downloaded something twice, it’s easy to tell in iTunes.

如果您在iTunes商店以外进行大量下载,则库中的歌曲可能会混乱,从而留下重复的专辑。 如果您想知道是否已经下载了两次,可以在iTunes中很容易得知。

在iTunes中显示重复项 (Show Duplicate Items in iTunes)


Open up iTunes from the Dock or your applications folder. From the File menu in the top menu bar, hover over “Library” and select “Show Duplicate Items” from the dropdown.

从Dock或您的应用程序文件夹中打开iTunes。 从顶部菜单栏的“文件”菜单中,将鼠标悬停在“库”上,然后从下拉列表中选择“显示重复的项目”。

This will display a list of items that share the same name and artist, so two songs with the same name by different people won’t show up here.


The album, length, and content can be different, which may lead to some confusion. Not everything in this list is an offender, so you shouldn’t just go deleting everything.

专辑,长度和内容可能会有所不同,这可能会引起一些混乱。 并非此列表中的所有内容都是违法者,因此您不应该只是删除所有内容。


For example, compilation and “best of” albums that curate songs from that artist will show up here if you also have the original copy. If an artist puts out an updated version of a song on a later album, that shows up here as well, assuming it has the same name. “Premium” editions of albums that feature additional songs will show up here too if you have both versions. In each case, you might want to keep some of the songs iTunes claims are duplicates, so double check before deleting anything.

例如,如果您还拥有原始副本,则会在此处显示精选该歌手的歌曲的精选专辑和合辑。 如果艺术家在以后的专辑中发布歌曲的更新版本,则假定它具有相同的名称,该歌曲也会显示在此处。 如果您同时拥有这两种版本,则专辑的“ Premium”版本中也会包含其他歌曲。 在每种情况下,您可能都希望保留iTunes声称重复的某些歌曲,因此在删除任何内容之前请仔细检查。

However, you never want to select everything and delete, because this list shows both copies of the song. You’ll have to hold down Command to select multiple items and manually click on each song you want to get rid of.

但是,您永远都不想选择所有内容并删除它,因为此列表显示了歌曲的两个副本。 您必须按住Command键才能选择多个项目,然后手动单击要删除的每首歌曲。


This is annoying, but there’s no faster way that takes into account all the possible reasons why you’ll have duplicates. Once you’ve selected everything, you can right-click and select “Delete from Library” to remove the items you chose.

这很烦人,但是没有更快的方法可以考虑到重复的所有可能原因。 选择所有内容后,可以右键单击并选择“从库中删除”以删除您选择的项目。


At the top of the screen, you can change the view mode to “Same Album,” which narrows it down much more and solves most of the issues with separate albums.

在屏幕顶部,您可以将查看模式更改为“ Same Album”,从而将其范围缩小得多,并解决了使用单独专辑的大多数问题。


Items in this list are likely import issues, and you can usually remove most of the duplicates without any worries.


批量编辑 (Bulk Editing)

If you’d like to keep the duplicate songs, but change the album they are contained in, you can do that with bulk editing. Select multiple songs you want to edit with Command+click, then right-click the selected items and click “Get Info” on the context menu.

如果您想保留重复的歌曲,但要更改它们所包含的专辑,则可以批量编辑。 使用Command +单击选择要编辑的多首歌曲,然后右键单击所选项目,然后在上下文菜单上单击“获取信息”。


This will bring up a prompt informing you that you are trying to edit multiple items. You can press “Do not ask me again” to hide this in the future.

这将显示一个提示,通知您您正在尝试编辑多个项目。 您可以按“不再询问我”,以后再隐藏它。


Click “Edit Items” to proceed to the info screen. From here, you can make changes to any of these boxes, and they will be applied to every song you have selected. If you change the album, the songs will sort into a new album, though you may have to add the album art back under “Artwork.”

单击“编辑项目”以进入信息屏幕。 在这里,您可以更改任何这些框,它们将应用于您选择的每首歌曲。 如果您更改专辑,尽管您可能必须将专辑封面重新添加到“ Artwork”下,但歌曲会分类为新专辑。


Be careful when changing information here because it’s hard to sort everything back into place should you mess something up. One annoying thing is the track numbers, which you can’t edit in bulk. If your track numbers are out of place, you’ll have to edit them one-by-one manually, which can take some time.

在此处更改信息时要小心,因为如果您弄乱了某些内容,很难将所有内容放回原处。 令人讨厌的一件事是曲目号,您无法批量编辑。 如果曲目编号不正确,则必须手动进行一对一的编辑,这可能需要一些时间。

