维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第57期(1.6~1.12)

维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第57期(1.6~1.12)

技术 & 产品周报






WASM测试与优化,crypto api实现。



维基新闻12月Wayki News拍摄,编辑中。维基链首位海外甜心KOL维克多利亚主持本次维基新闻。
维基链全球合伙人文森特正在筹备在2020年2月底举行第四次土耳其线下meetup , 本次meet up 将在黑海地区的萨姆松举行。
维基链全球大使Chung正在筹划举办2月中旬第二次越南线下meet up,本次meet up将在越南河内青春郡举行。
运营"WaykiChain Official Group"(维基链官方英语电报群)、“WaykiChain Developers-Global”(维基链海外开发者群)、“웨이키체인-WaykiChain(WICC) Korea(维基链韩国官方群)”、“维基链韩国Kakao群”、“WaykiChain Global Ambassador Recruitment全球大使群”、“维基链土耳其群”,“维基链印度尼西亚群”、“维基链印度社群”、“维基链日本社群”、“维基链越南社群”、“维基链越南群”、“维基链巴西群”、“维基链VIP福利群”、“维基链迪拜群”、“维基链英国群”、“维基链法国群”、“维基链德国群”、“维基链乌克兰群”、“维基链西班牙群”、“维基链孟加拉国群”、“维基链菲律宾群”、“维基链天使群”、“维基链伊朗特工群“等及时同步项目最新动态。



维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第57期(1.6~1.12)

Technology & Product Weekly Report

Public Chain Development

Differential pricing for transaction fee. (100%)
Implemented the RPC interface for rolling back data acquisition. (100%)
Support the conversion of unpaid interest into loan in adding collateral. (100%)
Optimized median price calculation and improved performance. (100%)
Completed the design and development of WASM exception handling framework. (100%)
Resolved a bug of WASM virtual machines recycling. (100%)
Completed the design and development of proposed / considered. (100%)

Application development

Design and development of exchanging WUSD to USDT. (60%)
Development, testing, and bug fixes of DEX mobile end. (80%)
Development of Wallet plug-in v2.5. (80%)
Add price pulling for currencies such as BTC, ETH on Baas platform. (100%)
synchronously add support for new features such as WASM in multiple language signature libraries. (80%)

Following Work Plan

Public Chain development
Optimize pending order transactions into exchange authorized transactions and individual user authorized transactions.
Improve settlement transactions to support settlement rates carried.
Support multi-currency single asset CDP.
WASM test and optimization, crypto api implementation.
Testing and optimization of proposed / considered.
Application development
Complete the development and testing of exchanging WUSD to USDT and go online.
Complete the development and testing of the DEX mobile end, optimize the front-end UI, and go online.
Launch Wallet plug-in v2.5 and published to related stores.
Design and development of multi-chain wallets in WaykiTimes.
adds WASM contract transaction signature in Kotlin wallet library.

Marketing Weekly Report

Marketing Report(Overseas)

Coinkeeper public chain contest voting event.
WaykiChain Global Tour Korea was held successfully. A total of more than 200 South Korean users participated in online and offline events, and rewards have been sending out last week.
Korean media reports on the progress of the WaykiChain project and offline activities.
Around 40 community fans around the world sent birthday audio and video in different languages to WaykiChain.
WaykiNews was filmed in December and is being edited. Victoria, the first overseas Wayki Sweetie hosted in this WaykiNews.
Global Partner Vincent is preparing to hold the fourth Turkish offline meetup at the end of February 2020. This meetup will be held in Samsun in the Black Sea region.
WaykiChain Global Ambassador Chung is planning to hold the second Vietnamese offline meet up in mid-February.
Daily operations of WaykiChain Official Group and WaykiChain Developers-Global, 웨이키체인-WaykiChain(WICC) Korea, WaykiChain Korea Kakao group, WaykiChain Global Ambassador Recruitment group, WaykiChain Turkish Group, WaykiChain Indonesia group, WaykiChain Indian group, WaykiChain Vietnamese group, WaykiChain Brazilian group, WaykiChain Dubai group, WaykiChain UK group, WaykiChain France group, WaykiChain Germany group, WaykiChain Ukrainian group, WaykiChain Spanish Group, WaykiChain Bangladeshi Group, WaykiChain Filipino Group, WaykiChain VIP Welfare Group, WaykiChain VIP Angel Group and WaykiChain Iranian Agent Group updating project in time.

Marketing Report(Domestic)

Celebration events of WaykiChain’s 2nd Anniversary brought widely popularity. The participants of the raffle was full within 2 hours and the raffle was drew in advance. 500 people submitted registrations and repost celebration posters within 24 hours. 1,000+ Wayki fans and business partners in the industry made birthday wishes to WaykiChain.
On the second anniversary of WaykiChain, CTO Richard Chen accepted a media interview to express his unwavering love for technology and his firm belief in using technology to transform the world and create value for society. Media posted article “The ultimate goal of technology is to create user value”, aroused the attention of technology enthusiasts and industry insiders.
On the second anniversary of WaykiChain, the creative director of WaykiChain, Wang Xiaowei, was invited to an interview and talked about the branding path of WaykiChain. He said:“Building a decentralized and community autonomic platform and ecosystem is the original intention of WaykiChain, and it is the vision of WaykiChain.” And he said that the brand WaykiChain is going global. Media posted article “WaykiChain set off to the world’s leading public chain brand” and received positive responses.
WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao was invited by Mars Finance to participate in its popular column “Editor’s Moment”. Gordon Gao had a deep conversation with Mars Finance partner and editor Meng Xiaoshe. During the conversation, Gordon made an in-depth analysis of the development of the industry in 2019, and summarized the outstanding performance of WikiChain for the year and its strategic direction in 2020. The conversation was also livestreamed on the Mars live room and on Biben Platform with around 20,000 viewers. A total of nearly 30 media broadcasted the content of this in-depth conversation.
During January 10th-11th, WaykiChain team had an Island Nuggets Survival Challenge with the theme of WICC and WUSD, the 2 WaykiChain elements, on an uninhabited island in Shenzhen. Activities are backgrounded by the blockchain industry and involve the real scene of WaykiChain De-Fi including investment, wealth management, and collateralization, etc., which greatly strengthened the team consensus.
As of January 13th, the participants of WaykiChain 2nd anniversary repost and reward event have reached 300+. The system randomly selected lucky participants, and the anniversary gift package will be sending out an within this week.

维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第57期(1.6~1.12)
기수&제품 주보

퍼블릭 체인 건설

거래 수수료 계단 요금. 100%
롤오버 데이터 획득을 위한 RPC 인터페이스가 구현되었습니다. 100%
추가 모기지는 미지급 이자가 채무로 전환되는 것을 지원한다. 100%
중위수 값 계산을 최적화하여 성능을 향상시킵니다. 100%
WASM 이상처리 프레임워크의 설계와 개발을 완료했습니다. 100%
WASM 가상 머신 스택 회수 오류를 해결했습니다. 100%
제안/부의된 설계와 개발을 완료했습니다. 100%


WUSD 태환 USDT 설계 및 개발. 60%
DEX 이동 포트 개발 및 테스트, bug 복구. 80%
플러그인 지갑 v2.5 개발. 80%
Baas 플랫폼은 BTC, ETH 등의 화폐 종류에 대한 화폐가치기를 추가했다. 100%
여러 언어 서명 라이브러리에서 WASM과 같은 새로운 특성에 대한 지원을 동기화합니다. 80%

계획 수립(이번 주)

퍼블릭 체인 건설
체크인 거래를 거래소 라이선스 거래와 단독사용자 라이선스 거래로 최적화한다.
휴대결제 요율을 지원하기 위하여 결제거래를 개선한다.
멀티코어 단일 자산인 CDP를 지원합니다.
WASM 테스트 및 최적화, crypto api 구현.
테스트 및 최적화를 제안/부의합니다.
WUSD 태환 USDT 개발 및 테스트를 완료하고 라인을 올립니다.
DEX 이동 포트의 개발과 테스트를 완료하여 프런트 UI를 최적화하고 업링크를 배포합니다.
플러그인 지갑 v2.5가 업로드되고 해당 스토어에 게시됩니다.
WaykiTimes 다사슬 지갑의 디자인과 개발.
코틀린 지갑 라이브러리에 WASM 계약 거래 서명을 추가합니다.



Coinkeeper 공련 비교 투표 이벤트.
WaykiChain 글로벌 코리아 서울역이 성공적으로 끝나 온라인 오프라인 행사에는 200여명의 한국 사용자가 참여하였다.
한국 언론은 WaykiChain 프로젝트의 진전 및 오프라인 활동을 보도하였다.
세계 각지에서 거의 40명의 WaykiChain 커뮤니티 팬들이 위키 체인에게 서로 다른 언어로 생일 축하 음성과 동영상을 보냈다.
12월 Wayki News 촬영, 편집 중
글로벌 파트너 빈센트는 2020년 2월 말에 4번째 터키 오프라인 meetup을 개최할 준비를 하고 있다.
전 세계 대사 Chung은 2월 중순에 두 번째 베트남 오프라인 meet up 개최를 계획하고 있다.
“WaykiChain Developers-Global”, “웨이키체인-WaykiChain(WICC) Korea” “Kakao Group”,“Resmi Waykichain Turkiye Grubu”,“WaykiChain German Official”,“WaykiChain UK official”,“Waykichain Ukraine Official”,“WaykiChain Spain Official”,“WaykiChain Brazil Official”,“WaykiChain Japan Official”,"WaykiChain Russia Official“,“WaykiChain France Official”,“WaykiChain Vietnam Official”,"WaykiChain Turkey"을 운영하고 프로젝트의 최신 개발을 동기화합니다.

중국 국내

2주년 행사인 WaykiChain은 2시간 동안 추첨 참여자 수로 만원이었다.
WaykiChain 2주기에, 위키체인 CTO 천샤오동은 언론의 방문을 받는다.
왕샤오웨이(Wang XiaoWei ) 크리에이티브 디렉터 초청 인터뷰,WaykiChain 2주년을 맞아 브랜드의 길 알려드립니다.
CEO는 화성재경의 초청으로 그 간판 코너인 '총편시각’에 참여했다
1 월 10 일부터 11 일까지 WiaykiChain 팀은 WICC와 WUSD의 두 가지 주요 위키 요소를 주제로 삼아 2 일 1 박 무인도 너겟 생존 도전을 Shenzhen Unmanned Island에서 수행했습니다.
1 월 13 일 현재, WaykiChain 설립 2 주년에 Weibo의 상금 전달 활동 수는 300 명 이상입니다.