crontab 周五_星期五乐趣与Muxtape

crontab 周五_星期五乐趣与Muxtape

crontab 周五

You made it through another week (you did right?) well even if your Friday is annoying you, I have a cool site you can dabble with to take the edge off.  Muxtape is a cool site that takes the “old school” era of sharing dubbed tapes into the digital music realm.  This site is not flashy or fancy … but it is just straight up cool.

即使您的星期五很烦人,您也度过了另外一个星期(您做对了吗?),我有一个不错的网站,您可以涉足该网站,以摆脱困境。 Muxtape是一个很酷的网站,它采用了将配音带共享到数字音乐领域的“旧派”时代。 这个站点不是浮华的或花哨的……但是它很酷。

You can upload mp3’s of your favorite tunes to create a “tape” and then share it with friends and add others to your favorites as well. You get a maximum of 12 songs with file sizes no larger than 24 MB.  The address is very simple to remember “your_name”  Also for Last.FM users Muxtape features Scrobbling.

您可以上传自己喜欢的音乐的mp3来创建“磁带”,然后与朋友分享,并将其他人也添加到您的收藏中。 您最多可获得12首歌曲,文件大小不超过24 MB。 该地址很容易记住“ your_name”。 对于Last.FM用户,Muxtape也具有加扰功能。

Click on my tape to check out my My Muxtape mix.  Add me to your favorites if you wish!  I think it would be cool to get all of our readers together and share tapes. I started a thread in the “Off Topic” forum and we can get together and share our tapes!

单击我的磁带以查看我的My Muxtape组合。 如果需要,将我添加到您的收藏夹! 我认为将我们所有的读者聚集在一起并共享磁带是很酷的。 我在“非主题”论坛上开始了一个话题,我们可以聚在一起分享磁带

crontab 周五_星期五乐趣与Muxtape
crontab 周五_星期五乐趣与Muxtape


crontab 周五