et城市大脑 et是什么_GaianDB ET创新是即将推出的IBM Beta产品的核心组件

et城市大脑 et是什么

Gaian Database – also known as GaianDB – originated in 2006 from a patented idea in IBM Hursley Emerging Technology Services (ETS) that defines a connection strategy for building a scale-free network. This became a reality in 2007 when GaianDB design and development started, funded jointly by MoD/DoD under the International Technology Alliance (ITA) fundamental research programme, and there have subsequently been many more ideas patented by the team to cover other aspects of this lightweight distributed data-federation technology. ITA Research goals were to create an information layer “IOT ready” small enough to be embedded anywhere and capable of dealing with tough conditions and unreliable network links in the field. In the following 4 years to 2011, GaianDB went through various phases of research, development and integrations as a result of ITA and other services engagements. From 2012, an effort to raise GaianDB code to product-quality level paved the way to its inclusion in several defence-related customer solutions and in 2 IBM products: “Application Performance Management”in the Tivoli division, and “PureApplication Software”in the Cloud division. In 2015, GaianDB was open-sourced to Github to further grow exposure and facilitate services engagements.

Gaian数据库(也称为GaianDB)起源于2006年,源于IBM Hursley新兴技术服务(ETS)的专利概念,该概念定义了用于构建无规模网络的连接策略。 这在2007年由GaDDB设计和开发开始,由MoD / DoD在国际技术联盟(ITA)基础研究计划的共同资助下开始成为现实,随后,该团队又申请了更多专利,以涵盖该轻量级产品的其他方面分布式数据联合技术。 ITA Research的目标是创建一个“ IOT就绪”的信息层,该信息层应足够小,可以嵌入到任何地方,并且能够应对现场的恶劣条件和不可靠的网络链接。 到2011年的接下来的4年中,由于ITA和其他服务的参与,GaianDB经历了研究,开发和集成的各个阶段。 从2012年起,将GaianDB代码提高到产品质量级别的努力为将其包含在几个与国防相关的客户解决方案和2种IBM产品中铺平了道路:Tivoli部门中的“ Application Performance Management”和Tivoli部门中的“ PureApplication Software”。云事业部。 2015年,GaianDB开源到Github,以进一步扩大曝光率并促进服务参与。

Here is a sample network of 30 nodes – We have experimented with networks up to 1024 nodes to verify that the diameter and query times increase logarithmically with the number of nodes.


et城市大脑 et是什么_GaianDB ET创新是即将推出的IBM Beta产品的核心组件

蓝色独角兽 (Blue Unicorn)

Following IBM’s restructuring in 2015 around CAMSS strategic imperatives (Cloud, Analytics, Mobile, Security and Social), IBM Analytics initiated a new programme, now known as “Blue Unicorn”, aimed at seeking out innovation from within IBM that would have business value and possibly lead to new product offerings. Blue Unicorn is structured in phases: Many project proposals initially enter the programme (138 in 2015) and then progressively get eliminated at each phase. The projects are initially voted on by IBMers and then in later phases they are reviewed by senior IBM executives. A key feature of the Blue Unicorn programme is to foster a culture of entrepreneurship, where small teams can focus on an exciting new project together, and with real-world rewards offered for successful innovation.

在2015年IBM围绕CAMSS战略要务(云,分析,移动,安全和社交)进行重组之后,IBM Analytics启动了一项新计划,现在称为“ Blue Unicorn”,旨在从IBM内部寻求具有商业价值和创新意义的创新。可能会带来新产品。 蓝色独角兽分为多个阶段:许多项目建议书最初进入该计划(2015年为138个),然后在每个阶段逐步被淘汰。 这些项目最初由IBM员工投票表决,然后在以后的阶段中由IBM高级管理人员进行审查。 蓝色独角兽计划的一项主要功能是培养企业家文化,使小团队可以共同关注一个激动人心的新项目,并为成功的创新提供现实世界的奖励。

数据汇合 (DataConfluence)

Recognising the opportunity, ETS and Analytics teams collaborated on a proposal named “DataConfluence” to create a disruptive new cloud service with GaianDB at its core. With funding from both divisions the joint team was able to quickly construct an initial prototype which immediately demonstrated disruptive impact. This involved key high-value items that had been identified in the past by ETS and required a sizeable effort to implement – such as query optimisations, cloud service integration and a new UI.

意识到机遇,ETS和Analytics(分析)团队合作制定了一项名为“ DataConfluence”的提案,以GaianDB为核心创建具有破坏性的新云服务。 在两个部门的资助下,联合团队能够快速构建初始原型,该原型立即显示出破坏性影响。 这涉及到ETS过去确定的关键高价值项目,需要大量工作来实施,例如查询优化,云服务集成和新UI。

A challenging aspect of the project has been having to balance long-term design and implementation against the “agile”requirement to produce regular demos to the Blue Unicorn review panel. A mixed approach has allowed us to simultaneously work towards product quality whilst retaining the backing of our stakeholders.

该项目具有挑战性的方面是必须在长期设计和实施与“敏捷”要求之间取得平衡,以便向Blue Unicorn评审小组定期发布演示。 混合方法使我们能够同时努力提高产品质量,同时保留利益相关者的支持。

天使相 (Angel Phase)

At the time of writing, the project has entered the final “Angel” phase of Blue Unicorn. Most high-value technical items are well underway. Other progress includes benchmarking of our technology against other products in the field. Most importantly, we have engaged both internally with senior executives, fellows and distinguished engineers; and externally with a multitude of customers – e.g. at IBM’s “World of Watson”conference where we pre-arranged meetings with 2 customers and also established 9 new leads. Pitching our technology has provided great feedback and increased exposure. Above all, it has allowed us to continually refine requirements and use-cases, so we have an ever better understanding of what our technology is suited to or limited with. Our next target is to have a Beta ready for trials by the end of January, and we are encouraging as many customers as possible to participate.

在撰写本文时,该项目已进入Blue Unicorn的最后一个“天使”阶段。 大多数高价值的技术项目正在进行中。 其他进展包括将我们的技术与该领域的其他产品进行基准测试。 最重要的是,我们在内部与高级管理人员,研究员和杰出的工程师进行了接触。 在外部与众多客户互动-例如在IBM的“沃森世界”会议上,我们预先安排了与2位客户的会议,并建立了9位新的潜在客户。 投稿我们的技术已提供了很好的反馈并增加了曝光率。 最重要的是,它使我们能够不断完善需求和用例,因此我们对我们的技术适合或受限于什么有了更好的了解。 我们的下一个目标是在1月底之前准备好Beta版以进行试用,我们鼓励尽可能多的客户参加。

Here is a screenshot of a recent demo showing Data Source Experience R Studio integration with DataConfluence – the analysis queries a network of 24 Raspberry Pis and completes in a fraction of the time (minimum factor 20) taken by alternate centralised or IoT solutions:

以下是最近演示的屏幕截图,显示了Data Source Experience R Studio与DataConfluence的集成-该分析查询了24个Raspberry Pi的网络,并完成了替代集中式或IoT解决方案所花费的时间的一小部分(最少20倍):

et城市大脑 et是什么_GaianDB ET创新是即将推出的IBM Beta产品的核心组件

David Vyvyan is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM UK’s Hursley Laboratory. He has spent most of his IBM career (since 2004) as a member of the Emerging Technology Services department, working on a variety of projects, often related in some way to Distributed Data Analytics, such as Grid Computing. David’s main accomplishment, starting in 2007, is the creation of the Gaian Database (also known as GaianDB), which is a distributed data-federation technology with a self-organising network topology. David has taken GaianDB through many client engagements and also worked to include it in several IBM products.

David Vyvyan是IBM UK Hursley Laboratory的高级软件工程师。 自2004年以来,他就已经在IBM的大部分职业生涯中担任新兴技术服务部门的成员,从事各种项目,这些项目通常以某种方式与诸如网格计算之类的分布式数据分析相关。 David的主要成就是从2007年开始,创建了Gaian数据库(也称为GaianDB),这是一种具有自组织网络拓扑的分布式数据联合技术。 David通过许多客户参与使GaianDB参与其中,并努力将其纳入几种IBM产品中。

et城市大脑 et是什么_GaianDB ET创新是即将推出的IBM Beta产品的核心组件
et城市大脑 et是什么_GaianDB ET创新是即将推出的IBM Beta产品的核心组件


et城市大脑 et是什么