Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data : part8 Real Applications

8 Real Applications

As of August 2006, there are 388 non-test Bigtable clusters running in various Google machine clusters, with a combined total of about 24,500 tablet servers. 

Table 1 shows a rough distribution of tablet servers per cluster.

Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data : part8 Real Applications

Many of these clusters are used for development purposes and therefore are idle for significant periods. 
One group of 14 busy clusters with 8069 total tablet servers saw an aggregate volume of more than 1.2 million requests per second, with incoming RPC traffic of about 741 MB/s and outgoing RPC traffic of about 16 GB/s.

Table 2 provides some data about a few of the tables currently in use. 

Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data : part8 Real Applications

Some tables store data that is served to users, whereas others store data for batch processing;
the tables range widely in total size, average cell size, percentage of data served from memory, and complexity of the table schema. 
In the rest of this section, we briefly describe how three product teams use Bigtable.

截至2006年8月,共有388个未测试的BigTable集群在各种Google机器集群中运行,共计约24,500个 tablet 服务器。
表1显示了每个群集的 tablet 服务器的粗略分布。
一组14个繁忙的集群,总共有8069个 tablet 服务器,每秒总共需要超过120万个请求,传入的RPC流量约为741 MB/s,出货RPC流量约为16 GB/s。

8.1 Google Analytics
Google Analytics ( is a service that helps webmasters analyze traffic patterns at their web sites. 
It provides aggregate statistics, such as the number of unique visitors per day and the page views per URL per day, as well as site-tracking reports, such as the percentage of users that made a purchase, given that they earlier viewed a specific page.
To enable the service, webmasters embed a small JavaScript program in their web pages. 
This program is invoked whenever a page is visited. 
It records various information about the request in Google Analytics, such as a user identifier and information about the page being fetched. 
Google Analytics summarizes this data and makes it available to webmasters.
We briefly describe two of the tables used by Google Analytics. 
The raw click table ( ̃200 TB) maintains a row for each end-user session. 
The row name is a tuple containing the website’s name and the time at which the session was created. 
This schema ensures that sessions that visit the same web site are contiguous, and that they are sorted chronologically. 
This table compresses to 14% of its original size.
The summary table ( ̃20 TB) contains various predefined summaries for each website. 
This table is generated from the raw click table by periodically scheduled MapReduce jobs. 
Each MapReduce job extracts recent session data from the raw click table. 
The overall system’s throughput is limited by the throughput of GFS.
This table compresses to 29% of its original size.

8.1 Google Analytics(分析)
Google Analytics(分析)是一种可帮助网站管理员分析其网站流量模式的服务。
它记录有关Google Analytics(分析)中的请求的各种信息,例如用户标识符和有关正在获取的页面的信息。
Google Analytics(分析)总结了这些数据,并将其提供给网站管理员。
我们简要介绍了Google Analytics(分析)使用的两个表格。
原始点击表(200 TB)为每个最终用户会话维护一行。
汇总表(20 TB)包含各个网站的各种预定义摘要。

8.2 Google Earth
Google operates a collection of services that provide users with access to high-resolution satellite imagery of the world’s surface, both through the web-based Google Maps interface ( and through the Google Earth ( custom client software. 
These products allow users to navigate across the world’s surface: they can pan, view, and annotate satellite imagery at many different levels of resolution. 
This system uses one table to preprocess data, and a different set of tables for serving client data.
The preprocessing pipeline uses one table to store raw imagery. 
During preprocessing, the imagery is cleaned and consolidated into final serving data. 
This table contains approximately 70 terabytes of data and therefore is served from disk. 
The images are efficiently compressed already, so Bigtable compression is disabled.
Table 2: Characteristics of a few tables in production use. 
Table size (measured before compression) and # Cells indicate approximate sizes. 
Compression ratio is not given for tables that have compression disabled.
Each row in the imagery table corresponds to a single geographic segment. 
Rows are named to ensure that adjacent geographic segments are stored near each other.
The table contains a column family to keep track of the sources of data for each segment. 
This column family has a large number of columns: essentially one for each raw data image. 
Since each segment is only built from a few images, this column family is very sparse.
The preprocessing pipeline relies heavily on MapReduce over Bigtable to transform data. 
The overall system processes over 1 MB/sec of data per tablet server during some of these MapReduce jobs.
The serving system uses one table to index data stored in GFS. 
This table is relatively small ( ̃500 GB), but it must serve tens of thousands of queries per second per datacenter with low latency. 
As a result, this table is hosted across hundreds of tablet servers and contains in-memory column families.

8.2 Google地球
该表包含大约70 TB的数据,因此从磁盘提供。
在某些MapReduce作业期间,整个系统处理每个 tablet 服务器超过1 MB/秒的数据。
此表格相对较小(500 GB),但每个数据中心每秒可能需要数万次查询,具有低延迟。
因此,该表托管在数百个 tablet 服务器上,并包含内存中的列系列。

8.3 Personalized Search
Personalized Search ( is an opt-in service that records user queries and clicks across a variety of Google properties such as web search, images, and news. 
Users can browse their search histories to revisit their old queries and clicks, and they can ask for personalized search results based on their historical Google usage patterns.
Personalized Search stores each user’s data in Bigtable. 
Each user has a unique userid and is assigned a row named by that userid. 
All user actions are stored in a table. 
A separate column family is reserved for each type of action (for example, there is a column family that stores all web queries). 
Each data element uses as its Bigtable timestamp the time at which the corresponding user action occurred. 
Personalized Search generates user profiles using a MapReduce over Bigtable. 
These user profiles are used to personalize live search results.
The Personalized Search data is replicated across several Bigtable clusters to increase availability and to reduce latency due to distance from clients. 
The Personalized Search team originally built a client-side replication mechanism on top of Bigtable that ensured eventual consistency of all replicas. 
The current system now uses a replication subsystem that is built into the servers.
The design of the Personalized Search storage system allows other groups to add new per-user information in their own columns, and the system is now used by many other Google properties that need to store per-user configuration options and settings. 
Sharing a table amongst many groups resulted in an unusually large number of column families. 
To help support sharing, we added a simple quota mechanism to Bigtable to limit the storage consumption by any particular client in shared tables; this mechanism provides some isolation between the various product groups using this system for per-user information storage.
