SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

介绍 (Introduction)

This article will explain the main features in SQL Server 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2005, 2000, 7, 6.5, 6.0, 4.2, 1.1 and 1.0.

本文将介绍SQL Server 2017、2016、2015、2014、2012、2008、2005、2000、7、6.5、6.0、4.2、1.1和1.0的主要功能。

In the past, the first SQL Server versions supported OS/2 (an operative system created by Microsoft and IBM) and Windows.

过去,第一个SQL Server版本支持OS / 2(由Microsoft和IBM创建的操作系统)和Windows。

Now, the new versions of SQL Server (vNext and SQL Server 2017) can be installed in Linux. 15 years ago, it was impossible to think that. Linux and Microsoft were just like oil in water and now, Microsoft loves Linux.

现在,可以在Linux中安装新版本SQL Server(vNext和SQL Server 2017)。 15年前,不可能想到这一点。 Linux和Microsoft就像水里的油,现在, Microsoft喜欢Linux

Also, we now enjoy full integration with Azure, Tabular Databases, SSIS, SSAS and more. In this article, we will talk about all these changes and improvements.

此外,我们现在享受与Azure,表格数据库,SSIS,SSAS等的完全集成。 在本文中,我们将讨论所有这些更改和改进。

Let’s take a look at the features of each version.


SQL Server 2017
Year: 2017

SQL Server 2017
年份: 2017

SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

I think that the main feature is that now SQL Server can be installed in Linux and Docker, which is huge. There is no universal installer. In fact, the installers for Red Hat, Ubuntu and SUSE are different, but it is a huge step to support Linux.

我认为主要功能是现在SQL Server可以安装在Linux和Docker中,这非常庞大。 没有通用安装程序。 实际上,Red Hat,Ubuntu和SUSE的安装程序有所不同,但这是支持Linux的重要一步。

In this version, CLR assemblies can now be added to a white list.


SQL Server 2017 includes Python support, as well as …

SQL Server 2017包括Python支持以及…

SSIS is now supported in Linux. In SSDT, you have now a DAX editor and tabular databases are the default installation.

Linux现在支持SSIS。 在SSDT中,您现在有了DAX编辑器,表格数据库是默认安装。

In SSRS, you can run native DAX queries. R Services changed the name to Machine Learning Services and access to Python libraries.

在SSRS中,您可以运行本机DAX查询。 R Services将名称更改为Machine Learning Services,并可以访问Python库。

For a complete list of changes in SQL Server 2017, refer to this link:

有关SQL Server 2017中更改的完整列表,请参考以下链接:

SQL Server 2016
Code Name: Helsinki
Year: 2016

SQL Server 2016
代号: 赫尔辛基
年: 2016

SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

In SQL Server 2016, PolyBase support was introduced. With PolyBase, you can query NoSQL data like csv files stored in Azure Blob Storage or in HDInsight.

在SQL Server 2016中,引入了PolyBase支持。 使用PolyBase,您可以查询NoSQL数据,例如存储在Azure Blob存储或HDInsight中的csv文件。

Another interesting feature is JSON support which includes new features to handle JSON data.


Stretch database is another feature that allows to archive data in Azure SQL.

拉伸数据库是允许在Azure SQL中存档数据的另一个功能。

It is also possible to use temporal tables to save data changes.


SQL Server Management Studio is separated from the database engine. It includes its own versions.

SQL Server Management Studio与数据库引擎分离。 它包括自己的版本。

Always encrypted is introduced as a new feature that allows to increase your security.


Dynamic Data Masking helps you to protect sensitive data. Also, you can apply now Row Level Security.

动态数据屏蔽可帮助您保护敏感数据。 另外,您现在可以应用行级安全性

SSRS now supports a web Report Portal and a Mobile Report Publisher. SSIS now supports Always On Availability Groups.

SSRS现在支持Web报告门户和移动报告发布者。 SSIS现在支持始终在线可用性组。

For a complete list of changes, refer to this link:


SQL Server 2014
Code Name: Hekaton
Year: 2014

SQL Server 2014
代号: Hekaton
年: 2014

SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

The main features in SQL Server 2014 were the integration to Azure and Memory Optimized Tables. You can for example migrate your Database on-premises to a Virtual Machine in Azure. It is possible to migrate a database backup to Azure.

SQL Server 2014的主要功能是与Azure和内存优化表的集成 例如,您可以将本地数据库迁移到Azure中的虚拟机 。 可以将数据库备份迁移到Azure

Your Data files can be stored in Azure. There are enhancements in AlwaysOn, Columnstore Indexes.

您的数据文件可以存储在Azure中 。 AlwaysOn,列存储索引中有增强功能。

You also have Power View reports for multidimensional models.

您还具有用于多维模型的Power View报告。

For a complete list of new features, refer to this link:


SQL Server 2012
Code Name: Denalli
Year: 2012

SQL Server 2012
代号: Denalli
年: 2012

SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

In this new version, the BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) was replaced by SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools). This SQL Server version can be installed in Windows Core Edition, a secure operative system. Business Intelligence edition for SQL Server was introduced; An edition that supports the most important features related to Business intelligence.

在此新版本中,BIDS(商业智能开发工作室)被SSDT (SQL Server数据工具)所取代。 可以安全的操作系统Windows Core Edition中安装此SQL Server版本。 引入了SQL Server商业智能版; 支持与商务智能有关的最重要功能的版本。

Another big feature is the AlwasyOn SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances, AlwaysOn Availability Groups.

AlwasyOn SQL Server故障转移群集实例的另一个重要功能是AlwaysOn可用性组。

SSMS includes IntelliSense features and a Database Recovery Advisor.

SSMS包括IntelliSense功能和Database Recovery Advisor

FileTable support to handle system files in SQL Server. The semantic search is a feature included in Full text search to search in unstructured documents.

FileTable支持处理SQL Server中的系统文件。 语义搜索是全文搜索中包括的功能,用于搜索非结构化文档。

Columnstore Indexes is another powerful feature to get faster query responses in tables like Data Warehouse tables. Online index creation is now supported.

列存储索引是另一个强大的功能,可以在诸如数据仓库表之类的表中获得更快的查询响应。 现在支持在线索引创建。

In Business Intelligence, the support of Tabular Models and the DAX functions was a very significative change.


The same the support of Power Pivot.

Power Pivot的支持相同。

For more information about all the features in SQL Server 2012, refer to this link:

有关SQL Server 2012中所有功能的详细信息,请参考以下链接:

SQL Server 2008
Code Name: Katmai
Year: 2008

In SQL Server 2008, Adventureworks was not included in the Database installer like in SQL Server 2005. Another important difference was the

SQL Server 2008
代号: Katmai
年: 2008

在SQL Server 2008中,Adventureworks不像在SQL Server 2005中那样包含在数据库安装程序中。另一个重要的区别是backup compression. It was possible to create customized audits using 备份压缩 。 可以使用Auditing. Auditing创建定制的审核。

Another important feature was the CDC (Change Data Capture) to track changes in a table.


SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

Data Collector was a feature to collect monitoring information in a Data Warehouse.


SQL 2008 also offered compressed indexes and tables.

SQL 2008还提供了压缩的索引和表。

In data types, it was introduced the hierarchyid data type and spatial data types. Also, some new date and time data types and User-Defined data types.

在数据类型中,引入了architectureid数据类型和空间数据类型 。 另外,还有一些新的日期和时间数据类型以及用户定义的数据类型

You can also implement in this version filtered indexes and statistics. Another big feature was the Transparent Data Encryption and some encryption functions like the CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM and KEY_NAME.

您也可以在此版本中实现过滤的索引和统计信息。 另一个重要功能是透明数据加密和一些加密功能,例如CRYPT_GEN_RANDOMKEY_NAME

For more information about SQL Server 2008, refer to this link:

有关SQL Server 2008的详细信息,请参考以下链接:

SQL Server 2005
Code Name: Yukon
Year: 2005

SQL Server 2005
代号: 育空
年: 2005

This version introduced the SSMS that we use now. The BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) was created in this version. SQL Server included the Adventureworks database in the installer.

此版本介绍了我们现在使用的SSMS。 在此版本中创建了BIDS(商业智能开发工作室)。 SQL Server在安装程序中包含Adventureworks数据库。

This version introduced the Service Broker to handle message queue.

此版本介绍了 Service Broker处理消息队列。

SSIS was introduced. In the past, it was used the Data Transformation Services with a different technology used which was completely changed.

引入了SSIS。 过去,它被用于数据转换服务,而所使用的技术已完全改变。

SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

The Reporting Services and Analysis services used a completely new platform.


This version introduced the XML enhancements, CLR support, Failover Cluster Enhancements, Database Mirroring, Database Snapshots.

该版本引入了XML增强功能CLR支持故障转移群集增强功能, 数据库镜像数据库快照

For more information about SQL Server 2005, refer to this link:

有关SQL Server 2005的更多信息,请参考以下链接:

SQL Server 2000
Code Name: Shiloh
Year: 2000

SQL Server 2000
代号: Shiloh
年: 2000

SQL Server 2000 was an important version where the OLAP Services in SQL 7 was replaced by the Analysis Services.

SQL Server 2000是一个重要版本,其中SQL 7中的OLAP服务被Analysis Services取代。

It was also introduced the XML support, User Defined Functions, Indexed Views, Replication enhancements, Log Shipping and more.

还引入了XML支持,用户定义函数,索引视图,复制增强, 日志传送等。

For more information about SQL Server 2000, you can download the documentation from this link and check the What is new in Microsoft SQL Server 2000:

有关SQL Server 2000的详细信息,可以从此链接下载文档,并检查Microsoft SQL Server 2000的新增功能:

SQL Server 7.0
Code Name: Sphinx
Year: 1998

SQL Server 7.0
代号: 狮身人面像
年: 1998

This version included tools for query analysis like the Query Analyzer (which was replaced by the SSMS in SQL 2005).

此版本包含用于查询分析的工具,例如查询分析器(已在SQL 2005中由SSMS取代)。

It introduced OLAP Services (SSAS now) and Data Transformation Services (SSIS now).


This code base was now fully independent from Sybase.


Nice wizards to create tables, indexes, stored procedures, replication and schedule backups.


It was also introduced SQL Profiler, which is still in the last versions but will be removed soon.

还引入了SQL Profiler,它仍然是最新版本,但很快将被删除。

For more information about SQL Server 7, refer to these links:

有关SQL Server 7的更多信息,请参考以下链接:

SQL Server 6.5
Code Name: Hydra
Year: 1996

SQL Server 6.5
代号: 九头蛇
年: 1996

This version was ANSI Standard Compliant, and it was based on Sybase codebase.


SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

SQL Server 6.0
Code Name: SQL95
Year: 1995

SQL Server 6.0
代号: SQL95

In this version, SQL Server was an important database in the market. This version was supported in Windows 95. The main feature in this version was the replication.

在此版本中,SQL Server是市场上重要的数据库。 Windows 95支持此版本。此版本的主要功能是复制。

SQL Server 4.2
Code Name: SQLNT
Year: 1993

SQL Server 4.2
年: 1993

Yes, there was no version 2 or 3. Why? Some experts think that the Microsoft guys do not know how to count and that is why there was no Windows 9 ?

是的,没有版本2或3。为什么? 一些专家认为,微软公司的人不知道该如何计算,这就是为什么没有Windows 9的原因?

This version started to support Windows NT. SQL Server 4.2 was supported in Windows NT and OS/2 (an IBM-Microsoft OS).

此版本开始支持Windows NT。 Windows NT和OS / 2(IBM-Microsoft OS)支持SQL Server 4.2。

SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

SQL Server 1.1
Code Name: Pietro
Year: 1991

This version was available in Windows 3.0 and OS/2. In this version there was no more relationships with Ashton/Tate (the creator of dBASE).

SQL Server 1.1
代号: Pietro
年: 1991

Windows 3.0和OS / 2中提供了此版本。 在此版本中,不再与Ashton / Tate(dBASE的创建者)建立联系。

SQL Server 1.0
Code Name: Filipi
Year: 1989

SQL Server 1.0
代号名称: Filipi
年: 1989

In this year, Microsoft joined Sybase. They granted permission to access the code and create a new database. Sybase created the code for Microsoft. The also joined Ashton/Tate, the creators of dBASE, to help in the marketing. There are still some stored procedures with the same functionality than Sybase.

今年,Microsoft加入了Sybase。 他们授予访问代码和创建新数据库的权限。 Sybase为Microsoft创建了代码。 他们还加入了dBASE的创建者Ashton / Tate的行销经验。 仍然有一些存储过程具有与Sybase相同的功能。

SQL Server的历史– SQL Server功能的演变

It was a nice database with networking support. It used the SAF (SQL Server Administrator Facility) to create databases, set parameters and run SQL queries. It had no documentation.

这是一个很好的具有网络支持的数据库。 它使用SAF(SQL Server管理员工具)创建数据库,设置参数并运行SQL查询。 它没有文档。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/history-sql-server-evolution-sql-server-features/