word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

Adding an image to a Word document is as simple as dragging and dropping—or clicking Insert > Picture—and then moving it to the right place. But what if you want to put your image in a specific place in the document and have the text flow around it in different ways? Well, here how that works.

将图像添加到Word文档就像拖放一样简单,或者单击“插入”>“图片”,然后将其移到正确的位置。 但是,如果您想将图像放置在文档中的特定位置并使文本以不同的方式在图像周围流动,该怎么办? 好吧,这是如何工作的。

默认文本包装是什么样的? (What Does the Default Text Wrapping Look Like?)

When you insert an object like a picture or shape into a Word document, Word treats that insertion differently depending on what you insert. For reference, we’re talking here about the illustration objects Word lets you insert—pictures, shapes, icons, SmartArt, and so on. We’re not talking about all the other things on the Insert tab of the Ribbon, like tables, headers, embedded spreadsheets, and the like.

当您将图片或形状之类的对象插入Word文档时,Word会根据您插入的内容对插入进行不同的处理。 作为参考,我们在这里讨论Word允许您插入的插图对象-图片,形状,图标,SmartArt等。 我们不是在谈论功能区的“插入”选项卡上的所有其他内容,例如表,标题,嵌入式电子表格等。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

When you insert most of those illustration types—pictures, icons, SmartArt, charts, and screenshots—that object is placed in line with your text by default. For all practical purposes, Word treats that object like just another character of text. If you add more words to the document, the object moves around just like the rest of the text. You can select the object and drag it to another place in your document, but by default, it will always move around with the rest of the text.

当您插入大多数插图类型(图片,图标,SmartArt,图表和屏幕截图)时,默认情况下该对象与您的文本对齐。 出于所有实际目的,Word将该对象视为文本的另一个字符。 如果在文档中添加更多单词,则对象将像文本的其余部分一样移动。 您可以选择对象并将其拖到文档中的其他位置,但是默认情况下,它将始终与其余文本一起移动。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

There are two illustration types—3D models and shapes—that don’t work that way. When you insert those illustration types, they are placed in front of text by default, actually obscuring the text behind them. You can move them around however you like without affecting your text.

有两种插图类型(3D模型和形状)不能那样工作。 当您插入这些插图类型时,默认情况下它们会放置在文本的前面,从而实际上遮盖了它们后面的文本。 您可以随意移动它们而不会影响文本。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

如何更改文字包装? (How to Change the Text Wrapping?)

No matter what type of illustration you’re working with, you’re not stuck with the default wrapping.


When you select an illustration object (or right after you first insert it), you’ll see a little button floating out to its right. Click that to pop up a quick Layout Options menu with a few text wrapping choices (which we’ll discuss in the next section). Just click an option to change the wrapping style.

选择插图对象时(或在首次插入插图后),您会看到一个小按钮浮在其右边。 单击该按钮将弹出一个快速的“布局选项”菜单,其中包含一些文本换行选项(我们将在下一节中讨论)。 只需单击一个选项即可更改包装样式。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

That’s okay for quick changes, but you can get a complete set of wrapping options by selecting the object, switching over to the “Layout” tab on the Ribbon, and then clicking the “Wrap Text” button.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

The same “Wrap Text” button is also available on the “Format” tab.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

Both open the same menu, which contains all the same basic text wrapping options that the smaller fly-out menu does, but also provides access to more layout options for fine tuning your text wrapping (which we’ll also discuss a bit later) and for setting a default layout based on however you have the selected image set up.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

什么是文字环绕选项? (What are the Text Wrapping Options?)

So, now that you’ve seen how to access the text wrapping options let’s talk about how they work. You can group these options into three main types:

因此,既然您已经了解了如何访问文本换行选项,那么让我们谈谈它们的工作方式。 您可以将这些选项分为三种主要类型:

  • Square, Tight, and Through: These three options are all variations on the same thing. Text wraps around all four sides of your object.

    Square,Tight和Through:这三个选项都是同一事物的变体。 文本环绕对象的所有四个侧面。

  • Top and Bottom: This option keeps the text above and below the object, but not to its sides


  • Behind Text and In Front Of Text: These two options don’t affect the text at all. The image either appears behind text or in front of it.

    在文本后面和文本前面:这两个选项完全不影响文本。 图像显示在文本后面或前面。

Let’s take a closer look at these.


 Square, Tight and Through


These options all wrap the text around the four sides of your object. They are all slightly different, although it won’t be obvious if you’re using a square image like we are here.

这些选项都将文本环绕对象的四个侧面。 它们都稍有不同,尽管如果您使用的是我们在此处的方形图像,这不会很明显。

The “Square” setting wraps the text around the square (or rectangular) boundary of the object (even if the object itself isn’t square, it does have a square boundary), leaving a consistent gap between the text and the image.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

The “Tight” setting tries to wrap the text as closely as possible around the object itself, using the contours of the image rather than the boundary if the object isn’t square. It’s easier to show this with a shape than our square geek picture.

“紧密”设置尝试使用图像的轮廓而不是边界(如果对象不是正方形的话)将文本尽可能紧密地围绕对象本身包裹。 与我们的方形怪胎图片相比,用形状来显示它更容易。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

The “Through” setting allows the text to flow into the white space of the object if you’ve got a transparent background. Here, you can see that the text wraps much more tightly and follows the contours of our square object because it’s allowed to wrap through our transparent background.

如果您具有透明背景,则“直通”(Through)设置允许文本流入对象的空白区域。 在这里,您可以看到文本环绕得更加紧密,并遵循方形对象的轮廓,因为允许它环绕透明背景。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

In practice, the Tight and Through settings work similarly. If we were to apply either of those settings to the objects in the two preceding images, you’d get pretty much the same result. So, you’ll have to play with the options a bit to see what works for you.

实际上,“紧密”和“通过”设置的工作原理类似。 如果我们将这些设置中的任何一个应用到前面两个图像中的对象,您将获得几乎相同的结果。 因此,您将不得不使用一些选项来查看适合您的选项。

Top and Bottom


This setting keeps the text above and below the object so that the object never interrupts text within a line. You can drag the object around however you like, always knowing that it will remain on its own line.

此设置将文本保留在对象的上方和下方,以使对象永远不会中断一行中的文本。 您可以随心所欲地拖动对象,始终知道它会保留在自己的行上。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

Behind Text and In Front of Text


These two options don’t change the flow of the text around the image, but instead, put the image on a different layer than the text. The “Behind text” setting moves the image behind the text, which is useful for a custom background or a watermark. The “In front of text” setting lets the image show on top of the text, which you can use for overlays.

这两个选项不会更改图像周围文本的流向,而是将图像放置在与文本不同的图层上。 “文字后面”设置将图像移动到文字后面,这对于自定义背景或水印很有用。 “文字前面”设置使图像显示在文字上面,您可以将其用于覆盖。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行
word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

编辑包裹点 (Editing Your Wrap Points)

Once you’ve chosen your wrapping option, you can customize how the text flows around the object by using the “Edit Wrap Points” option on that full “Wrap Text” dropdown menu.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

This command adds a new red border to your object that you can move around to control how the text flows around it.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

Grab one of the black corner handles on the image and move it to where you want the new boundary to be, and the text will immediately flow around the new boundary.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

This lets you create some cool effects if your object has a transparent background and you’ve chosen the “Through” wrapping because you can move the black corner handles inside the object, which allows the text to flow through the transparent parts of your image.


Also, the number of wrap points changes depending on the object’s shape. In that square image we used above, we only got four wrap points. This circle shape, on the other hand, gives us quite a few more to play with.

同样,环绕点的数量根据对象的形状而变化。 在上面使用的正方形图像中,我们只有四个包裹点。 另一方面,这种圆形给我们带来了更多的乐趣。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

微调包装 (Fine Tune Your Wrapping)

Once you’ve chosen your wrapping, you can fine-tune even further by clicking selecting the “More layout options” options on the “Wrap Text” dropdown menu.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

On the “Text Wrapping” tab of the Layout window that opens, you can use the “Wrap text” and “Distance from text” sections to get your wrapping the way you want it.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

The “Wrap text” options let you choose which sides to wrap the text around. The default is to wrap both sides, but you can also choose a single side, which will leave the other side blank. Here’s an example with “Left only” selected.

“自动换行”选项使您可以选择要在哪一侧换行。 默认为包裹两面,但您也可以选择单面,另一面为空白。 这是一个选择“仅左”的示例。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

The “Distance from text” options let you choose the amount of white space between the text and image. Use this if you want a bigger (or smaller) border area around your image.

“与文本的距离”选项使您可以选择文本和图像之间的空白量。 如果您希望图像周围的边框区域更大(或更小),请使用此选项。

保持物体就位 (Keeping Your Object in Place)

When you place an object into a paragraph of text, Word automatically anchors the object and paragraph together.  You can always see which paragraph your object is associated with by selecting the object and looking for the little anchor symbol.

将对象放入文本段落时,Word会自动将对象和段落锚定在一起。 通过选择对象并寻找小锚点符号,您始终可以看到与对象关联的段落。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

(If you can’t see the anchor, then go to File > Options > Display and make sure “Object anchors” is switched on.)


While the object is anchored to a paragraph, Word will move the object along with the paragraph. This means that if you add a new block of text above your paragraph, the whole paragraph—including the object—moves down the page. If you select a whole paragraph by triple-clicking it, the object is also selected.

当对象锚定到段落时,Word会将对象与段落一起移动。 这意味着,如果您在段落上方添加新的文本块,则整个段落(包括对象)将在页面中向下移动。 如果通过双击选择整个段落,则也会选择该对象。

You can change this behavior in the “Wrap Text” dropdown by changing from the “Move With Text” setting to the “Fix Position On Page” setting.


word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

This keeps the object in the same place on the page. The anchor will move with the paragraph that the object is associated with, but the object itself will stay in the same place on the page no matter what other text or images you add.

这样可以将对象保留在页面上的同一位置。 锚点将随对象所关联的段落一起移动,但是无论您添加什么其他文本或图像,对象本身都将停留在页面上的同一位置。

更改默认包装 (Changing Your Default Wrapping)

Once you’ve adjusted your wrapping the way you want it for an object, you can also make those wrapping settings the default for when you insert future objects. Just select the object with the settings you want to use as the default, and then click the “Set As Default Layout” command on the “Wrap Text” dropdown menu.

调整包装方式后,您还可以将这些包装设置设为插入将来的对象时的默认包装设置。 只需选择要用作默认设置的对象,然后在“自动换行”下拉菜单上单击“设置为默认布局”命令即可。

word插图把图片名字插入_如何在Microsoft Word中的图片和其他插图周围换行

From that point on, any object you insert will use the same settings.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/361306/how-to-wrap-text-around-pictures-and-other-objects-in-microsoft-word/
