3dmax2018老是蓝屏_持续的蓝屏延迟Windows 2018年4月10日更新

3dmax2018老是蓝屏_持续的蓝屏延迟Windows 2018年4月10日更新


3dmax2018老是蓝屏_持续的蓝屏延迟Windows 2018年4月10日更新

The Windows 10 April 2018 update, which includes the new Timeline feature, was supposed to come out last week, but Microsoft never shipped it. The reason: a blocking bug, discovered at the last minute, that created reliability issues.

Windows 10 April 2018更新 (包括新的时间轴功能 )原定于上周发布,但微软从未发布过。 原因:在最后一分钟发现的一个阻塞漏洞,导致可靠性问题。

Typically these sorts of problems are patched after release, but Microsoft opted to delay pushing the update and create a new build instead. Here’s Tom Warren, writing for The Verge:

通常,这类问题在发行后会得到修补,但Microsoft选择延迟发布更新并创建新的版本。 这是汤姆·沃伦(Tom Warren) 为《边缘》写的

“In certain cases, these reliability issues could have led to a higher percentage of (BSOD) on PCs for example,” says Microsoft’s Dona Sakar. “Instead of creating a Cumulative Update package to service these issues, we decided to create a new build with the fixes included.” Microsoft has not revealed the exact reason for the blocking bug, or why it was discovered at the last moment.

微软的Dona Sakar说:“例如,在某些情况下,这些可靠性问题可能导致PC上的(BSOD)百分比更高。” “我们没有创建累积更新程序包来解决这些问题,而是决定创建一个包含修补程序的新版本。” Microsoft尚未透露阻止该错误的确切原因,也没有透露其在最后一刻被发现的原因。

The new build is currently available to Windows Insiders in the Fast Ring. Warren’s article also identifies the update’s name for the first time: Windows 10 April 2018 Update. That certainly implies it’ll be available for everyone before the month is over, doesn’t it?

新版本当前可用于Windows Live Insider中的Fast Ring。 沃伦(Warren)的文章还首次确定了更新的名称: Windows 10 April 2018 Update 。 当然,这意味着该月结束前所有人都可以使用它,不是吗?

(It’s also a very boring name. Do better, Microsoft.)

(这也是一个很无聊的名字。 微软,做得更好 。)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/constant-blue-screens-delayed-the-windows-10-april-2018-update/
