2018年4月13日_不想2018年4月更新吗? 这是暂停的方法

2018年4月13日_不想2018年4月更新吗? 这是暂停的方法


2018年4月13日_不想2018年4月更新吗? 这是暂停的方法

Microsoft is set to release the April 2018 Update, codenamed Redstone 4 and originally known as the Spring Creators Update, on April 30. You can pause the update to avoid receiving it immediately—as long as you’re using Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise, or Education.

Microsoft将于4月30发布2018年4月更新,代号为Redstone 4,最初称为Spring Creators Update。您可以暂停该更新以避免立即收到该更新-只要您使用的是Windows 10 ProfessionalEnterprise ,或教育。

Unfortunately, Windows 10 Home doesn’t allow you to delay updates. So, unless you want to pay $100 to upgrade to Windows 10 Professional, you’ll have to install the update when Microsoft provides it to your PC.

不幸的是,Windows 10 Home不允许您延迟更新。 因此,除非您要支付100美元升级到Windows 10专业版,否则必须在Microsoft将更新提供给您的PC时安装更新。

To delay updates in other editions, head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Advanced Options.

要延迟其他版本的更新,请转至“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“ Windows Update”>“高级选项”。

2018年4月13日_不想2018年4月更新吗? 这是暂停的方法

On the Advanced Options page, scroll down to the “Choose when updates are installed” section. If you don’t see this section, you’re using Windows 10 Home and don’t have these options available.

在“高级选项”页面上,向下滚动到“选择安装更新时”部分。 如果没有看到此部分,则说明您使用的是Windows 10 Home,并且没有可用的这些选项。

By default, your PC is on the “Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted)” branch. This was previously known as the “Current Branch,” and it means your PC will receive the update when it’s being rolled out to consumers. To delay the update, click this box and switch to the “Semi-Annual Channel,” which is the same as the previous “Current Branch for Business.” You won’t receive the update until Microsoft considers it well-tested and ready for business PCs, which generally happens about four months after it’s rolled out to consumers. That means you probably wouldn’t receive the April 2018 Update until sometime around August, 2018.

默认情况下,您的PC在“半年频道(目标)”分支上。 这以前称为“当前分支”,这意味着您的PC在发布给消费者时将收到更新。 要延迟更新,请单击此框并切换到“半年频道”,该频道与以前的“当前业务分支”相同。 在Microsoft认为它经过充分测试并可以用于商用PC之前,您不会收到此更新,通常会在向消费者推出该更新大约四个月后发生。 这意味着您可能要到2018年8月左右的某个时候才能收到2018年4月的更新。

To delay the update even further, click the dropdown under “A feature update includes new capabilities and improvements. It can be deferred for this many days:” and select how many days you want to delay the update. You can select any number of days between 0 and 365. This is cumulative with the previous option. For example, if you select the Semi-Annual Channel and also defer feature updates for 120 days, your PC won’t receive the update for about eight months.

要进一步延迟更新,请单击“功能更新包括新功能和改进”下的下拉列表。 可以将其推迟几天:”,然后选择要延迟更新的天数。 您可以选择0到365之间的任意天数。这是前一个选项的累积值。 例如,如果您选择“半年频道”并将功能更新推迟120天,则您的PC将在大约八个月的时间内无法收到更新。

The final option here allows you to delay smaller “quality updates” that include security updates, but only for up to 30 days.


2018年4月13日_不想2018年4月更新吗? 这是暂停的方法

Windows also allows you to pause updates on a temporary basis, if you like. You can scroll down on this screen and toggle the “Pause Updates” switch to “On” and Windows will pause updates for 35 days.

Windows还允许您根据需要临时暂停更新。 您可以在此屏幕上向下滚动,然后将“暂停更新”开关切换到“开”,Windows将暂停更新35天。

After the 35 days expires—or if you unpause updates using the switch here—Windows will automatically download the latest updates before allowing you to pause updates again.


2018年4月13日_不想2018年4月更新吗? 这是暂停的方法

If you do decide later that you want to receive the updates—or if you want to put off receiving the update for even longer—you can return to the Advanced options page and change the options here at any time. When the time period you’ve selected ends, your PC will immediately begin installing the update.

如果您稍后决定要接收更新,或者如果要推迟接收更新的时间更长,则可以随时返回“高级选项”页面并在此处更改选项。 当您选择的时间段结束时,您的PC将立即开始安装更新。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/346761/don’t-want-the-spring-creators-update-yet-here’s-how-to-pause-it/
