Standford parser举例


The strongest rain ever recorded in India shut down the financial hub of Mumbai, snapped communication lines, closed airports and forced thousands of people to sleep in their offices or walk home during the night, officials said today.


1.part-of-speech tagged text

The/DT strongest/JJS rain/NN ever/RB recorded/VBN in/IN India/NNP
shut/VBD down/RP the/DT financial/JJ hub/NN of/IN Mumbai/NNP ,/,
snapped/VBD communication/NN lines/NNS ,/, closed/VBD airports/NNS
and/CC forced/VBD thousands/NNS of/IN people/NNS to/TO sleep/VB in/IN
their/PRP$ offices/NNS or/CC walk/VB home/NN during/IN the/DT night/NN
,/, officials/NNS said/VBD today/NN ./.

2.context-free phrase structure grammar representation

Standford parser举例

3.typed dependency representation

det(rain-3, The-1)
amod(rain-3, strongest-2)
nsubj(shut-8, rain-3)
nsubj(snapped-16, rain-3)
nsubj(closed-20, rain-3)
nsubj(forced-23, rain-3)
advmod(recorded-5, ever-4)
partmod(rain-3, recorded-5)
prep_in(recorded-5, India-7)
ccomp(said-40, shut-8)
prt(shut-8, down-9)
det(hub-12, the-10)
amod(hub-12, financial-11)
dobj(shut-8, hub-12)
prep_of(hub-12, Mumbai-14)
conj_and(shut-8, snapped-16)
ccomp(said-40, snapped-16)
nn(lines-18, communication-17)
dobj(snapped-16, lines-18)
conj_and(shut-8, closed-20)
ccomp(said-40, closed-20)
dobj(closed-20, airports-21)
conj_and(shut-8, forced-23)
ccomp(said-40, forced-23)
dobj(forced-23, thousands-24)
prep_of(thousands-24, people-26)
aux(sleep-28, to-27)
xcomp(forced-23, sleep-28)
poss(offices-31, their-30)
prep_in(sleep-28, offices-31)
xcomp(forced-23, walk-33)
conj_or(sleep-28, walk-33)
dobj(walk-33, home-34)
det(night-37, the-36)
prep_during(walk-33, night-37)
nsubj(said-40, officials-39)
root(ROOT-0, said-40)
tmod(said-40, today-41)