远程桌面 锁定_如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC

远程桌面 锁定_如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC

远程桌面 锁定

远程桌面 锁定_如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC

Android and Apple have long given people a way to track and disable your gadgets remotely. Microsoft has also joined the club by letting you track and lock your Windows PC using the “Find My Device” on Windows 10.

Android和Apple长期以来一直为人们提供一种远程跟踪和禁用小工具的方法。 微软还加入了该俱乐部,允许您使用Windows 10上的“查找我的设备”来跟踪和锁定Windows PC。

Find My Device uses your device’s location data to help you find it when it’s lost or stolen. You can use the same service to make sure that the device is locked so that no one can use it, and also to display information about how people can return it to you.

“查找我的设备”会使用设备的位置数据来帮助您在丢失或被盗时找到它。 您可以使用同一服务来确保设备被锁定,从而使任何人都无法使用它,还可以显示有关人们如何将设备归还给您的信息。

The device needs to meet a couple of requirements to use the feature:


  • It must be connected to the Internet.

  • You must have already enabled Find My Device on the PC.


  • You must have an account on the device that has administrator privileges and is a Microsoft account. You can’t do this with a local user account

    您必须在具有管理员权限的设备上拥有一个帐户,并且该帐户是Microsoft帐户。 您无法使用本地用户帐户执行此操作

Assuming your device meets those criteria, let’s take a look at how to use Find My Device.


如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC (How to Lock Your Windows 10 PC Remotely)

Open a web browser to the Microsoft account page, enter your password, and then click “Sign In.”


远程桌面 锁定_如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC

From the main page, click on the “Show Details” link located underneath the device you want to lock.


远程桌面 锁定_如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC

On the next page, click “Find My Device.”


远程桌面 锁定_如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC

If your device location shows it to be somewhere you don’t expect, click “Lock” to begin locking your device.


远程桌面 锁定_如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC

Locking your device logs out any active users and disables local user accounts. Click “Next.”

锁定设备会注销所有活动用户并禁用本地用户帐户。 点击下一步。”

远程桌面 锁定_如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC

On the next screen, you can set up a customized message to help people return your device. The message appears on the lock screen of your device when someone turns it on.

在下一个屏幕上,您可以设置自定义消息,以帮助人们退还您的设备。 当有人打开设备时,该消息会出现在设备的锁定屏幕上。

远程桌面 锁定_如何远程锁定Windows 10 PC

Afterward, if you think your account is compromised, we suggest you change your password to be on the safe side. After you find your device, you can sign in to it using the administrator account for your PC.

之后,如果您认为自己的帐户遭到入侵,建议您更改密码以确保安全。 找到设备后,您可以使用PC的管理员帐户登录。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/403033/how-to-lock-your-windows-10-pc-remotely/

远程桌面 锁定