libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面


libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

If you love Microsoft’s “Ribbon” interface but prefer the free and open source LibreOffice, you can get the best of both worlds…if you’re willing to put up with an experimental feature. While not officially an alternative to the Ribbon, LibreOffice’s “Notebookbar” bears an uncanny resemblance, and it’s a big improvement on LibreOffice’s old-timey toolbars.

如果您喜欢Microsoft的“ Ribbon”界面,但更喜欢免费开放源代码的LibreOffice,则可以两全其美……如果您愿意忍受实验性功能。 LibreOffice的“笔记本栏”虽然不是Ribbon的正式替代品,却有着令人难以置信的相似之处,并且对LibreOffice的旧式工具栏进行了重大改进。

Ten years ago, Microsoft revamped their Office suite with the Ribbon, replacing a row of uniform icons with tabs full of labelled features of varying sizes. Some people loved it; some people hated it; most just got used to it. Microsoft went on to introduce the layout to other applications, including Windows Explorer, and at this point it just feels like a normal part of the Windows user interface. The idea even has leaked into Linux and Mac interface design since then.

十年前,微软用功能区(Ribbon)改造了Office套件,用带有标签的功能标签替换了一排统一的图标,这些标签具有不同大小的功能。 有些人喜欢它。 有些人讨厌它; 大多数人已经习惯了。 微软继续将布局引入其他应用程序,包括Windows资源管理器,这时感觉就像Windows用户界面的正常部分一样。 从那以后,这个想法甚至渗入Linux和Mac接口设计。

You might argue all this this leaves LibreOffice feeling somewhat…dated. To address this, the LibreOffice team is working on a new feature called the Notebookbar; you can read their design notes if you’re interested. But if you’re running LibreOffice 5.3, you can enable the feature right now. Here’s how, and what it looks like.

您可能会争辩说,这一切使LibreOffice感觉有些过时了。 为了解决这个问题,LibreOffice团队正在开发一项名为Notebookbar的新功能。 如果您有兴趣,可以阅读他们的设计说明 。 但是,如果您正在运行LibreOffice 5.3,则可以立即启用该功能。 这是方法,以及它的外观。

第一步:启用实验功能 (Step One: Enable Experimental Features)

If you have a document open right now, save it, because you’ll need to restart LibreOffice during this tutorial.


Once that’s done, click Tools > Options.


libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

In the options window, head to the LibreOffice > Advanced section.


libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

Check “Enable experimental features (may be unstable)” then click “OK.” You’ll be asked to restart LibreOffice.

选中“启用实验功能(可能不稳定)”,然后单击“确定”。 系统将要求您重新启动LibreOffice。

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

The program will restart.


第二步:启用笔记本栏 (Step Two: Enable The Notebookbar)

From the menu bar, click View > Toolbar Layout > Notebookbar


libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

Just like that, you’ve enabled the Notebookbar. You’ll see it resembles Microsoft Office’s Ribbon quite closely.

就像这样,您已经启用了Notebookbar。 您会发现它非常类似于Microsoft Office的Ribbon。

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

…At least, the “Home” tab does. Some of the other tabs leave something to be desired.

…至少,“主页”选项卡可以。 其他一些选项卡有一些不足之处。

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

Don’t judge too harshly: this is very much a work in progress. We’re sure weird spacing like this will be tidied up before this feature is available outside of Experimental Mode.

不要太苛刻地判断:这是一项正在进行的工作。 我们确信,在实验模式之外可以使用此功能之前,将整理出这种奇怪的间隔。

启用菜单栏和其他调整 (Enable the Menu Bar, and Other Tweaks)

When you turn on the Notebookbar, the menu bar disappears. If you want the menu bar back, that’s easy: just click the page icon, to the left of the “File” tab, then click “Menubar.”

当您打开笔记本栏时,菜单栏消失。 如果您想返回菜单栏,那很简单:只需单击“文件”选项卡左侧的页面图标,然后单击“菜单栏”。

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

Just like that, your menu bar reappears above the Notebookbar


libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

As seen above, you’ll need to do this if you want to switch from the Notebookbar back to the default toolbar.


But we can also use the menu bar to explore some alternative interfaces for the Notebookbar. Click View > Notebookbar and you’ll see a few options.

但是我们也可以使用菜单栏来探索Notebookbar的一些替代界面。 单击查看>笔记本栏,您将看到一些选项。

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

The “Tabbed” option is the default, and is what we saw in the section above. But there are two more options here. “Contextual groups” tries to show only the buttons you’re likely to need based on context. What you see depends on what you’re doing.

“ Tabbed”选项是默认选项,也是我们在上一节中看到的选项。 但是这里还有两个选择。 “上下文组”会尝试根据上下文仅显示您可能需要的按钮。 您所看到的取决于您在做什么。

libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

There’s also “Contextual single,” which looks like the default toolbar, but as with Contextual Group is based on context.


libreoffice_如何在LibreOffice中启用实验性的“ Ribbon”界面

Again, all of this is experimental, so don’t expect it to read your mind quite yet. But it’s an interesting look at what the LibreOffice team plans to do in the future, and there’s a good chance you’ll find it at least a little useful right now.

同样,所有这些都是实验性的,因此不要指望它能立即引起您的注意。 但这是对LibreOffice团队将来计划做的事情的有趣观察,很有可能您现在至少会发现它有用。

