谷歌cloud_利用Google Cloud触手可及的联网游戏

谷歌cloud_利用Google Cloud触手可及的联网游戏


At Unite Berlin, we announced a strategic alliance with Google Cloud. Together, we are building a suite of features that will help you create, run, and scale your connected games. In this post, I’ll share how we define connected games, what we have been working on with Google Cloud, and give you a peek at our upcoming plans.

在柏林联合大学,我们宣布了与Google Cloud的战略联盟。 我们将共同构建一套功能,以帮助您创建,运行和扩展联网游戏。 在这篇文章中,我将分享我们如何定义联网游戏,我们一直在与Google Cloud合作的内容,并让您了解我们即将推出的计划。

什么是联网游戏? (What are connected games?)

The term applies to games that connect players to other players as well as players to developers. Their characteristics include traditional multiplayer (player vs player gameplay) and dynamic content updates like daily challenges or new levels. Another defining characteristic of connected games is that they are successful because they provide emergent and engaging experiences that keep players coming back.

该术语适用于将玩家连接到其他玩家以及将玩家连接到开发人员的游戏。 它们的特征包括传统的多人游戏(玩家对玩家的游戏玩法)和动态内容更新,例如日常挑战或新关卡。 关联游戏的另一个定义特征是它们之所以成功,是因为它们提供了引人入胜的,引人入胜的体验,可让玩家回头。

谷歌cloud_利用Google Cloud触手可及的联网游戏

Connected games are the most influential and successful type of games out there.


Although there are many types of connected games, we can divide them into four general segments:


  1. Dynamic Single Player: Single player focused games, with “live” features like social, leaderboards, and content updates.


  2. Turned Based Multiplayer: Asynchronous, turn-based gameplay, with more than one player.


  3. Real Time Multiplayer: Real time, session-based gameplay.


  4. Persistent Game Spaces: Real time game sessions that persist.


However, these categories are not rigid and defining. Connected games can pull from any and all these segments and there’s plenty of grey area between them. Still, within the overall category of connected games, there are a number of common game types and important features. Therefore, this structure helps us consider which features we need to create for you.

但是,这些类别不是固定的和定义性的。 联网游戏可以从所有这些细分市场中获取收益,并且它们之间有很多灰色区域。 尽管如此,在联网游戏的整体类别中,还是有许多常见的游戏类型和重要功能。 因此,这种结构有助于我们考虑需要为您创建哪些功能。

与Google Cloud合作 (Collaborating with Google Cloud)

To make connected games, you not only need network code, you also need infrastructure like servers and load balancers, and the specialized knowledge necessary to use that infrastructure. Furthermore, once you have this infrastructure, you need to support and operate it, 24/7. It’s a lot to ask for, and not all creators have enough resources.

要制作联网游戏,您不仅需要网络代码,还需要服务器和负载平衡器之类的基础架构,以及使用该基础架构所需的专业知识。 此外,一旦有了此基础架构,就需要24/7全天候支持和操作它。 要求很高,而且并非所有创作者都有足够的资源。

Through our alliance with Google Cloud, we can provide you enterprise-grade infrastructure that is globally available, highly reliable, and customizable for your game. You won’t need to be a cloud expert to harness all that capability. We streamline your user experience by building and integrating features made first for game creators. At Unite Berlin, I demonstrated how technology from Multiplay, a Unity company, was used to scale more than 60,000 game servers to support over a million players in minutes.

通过与Google Cloud的联盟,我们可以为您提供企业级基础架构,该基础架构可在全球范围内使用,高度可靠且可自定义您的游戏。 您无需成为云专家即可利用所有这些功能。 我们通过构建和集成为游戏创作者首创的功能来简化您的用户体验。 在Unite Berlin,我演示了Unity公司Multiplay的技术如何用于扩展60,000多个游戏服务器,以在几分钟内支持超过100万玩家。

By building a tight integration between Unity and Google Cloud, we aim to democratize connected games. From a robust global network that enables low-latency player connectivity, to worldwide synchronized databases, Unity developers will be able to take advantage of Google Cloud — right in Unity — without having to master the cloud.

通过在Unity和Google Cloud之间建立紧密的集成,我们旨在使联网游戏*化。 从支持低延迟播放器连接的强大的全球网络到全球同步的数据库,Unity开发人员将能够在Unity中使用Google Cloud的优势,而无需掌握云。

Unity和Google Cloud工程师已经在努力工作 (Unity and Google Cloud engineers are already hard at work)

We’re working on a suite of features to create, run, and scale your connected games. In addition to game server hosting, Unity and Google Cloud have co-founded an open source matchmaking project. Matchmaking is key to so many multiplayer games, with a lot of opportunity to innovate, so we’re collaborating to create something that is scalable and flexible enough to work with your game design. The open source project will be available later this summer. We’re also working a new ECS networking layer. The new paradigm will allow you to create fast, flexible networking code that delivers multiplayer by default.

我们正在开发一套功能,以创建,运行和扩展您的联网游戏。 除了托管游戏服务器外,Unity和Google Cloud还共同创建了一个开源对接项目。 对接会是许多多人游戏的关键,并且有很多创新的机会,因此我们正在合作创建可扩展且足够灵活的东西,以配合您的游戏设计。 这个开源项目将在今年夏天晚些时候上市。 我们还在工作一个新的ECS网络层。 新的范例将允许您创建快速,灵活的网络代码,默认情况下可提供多人游戏。

Keep track of what we’re building to help you make connected games and harness the power of Google Cloud:

跟踪我们正在构建的内容,以帮助您制作联网游戏并利用Google Cloud的强大功能:

Learn more about connected games


Tell us about your connected game! Your feedback helps us understand and prioritize your needs. You can also reach out to us directly by posting on our forum.

告诉我们您的联网游戏! 您的反馈意见可帮助我们了解并优先考虑您的需求。 您也可以通过在我们的论坛上发帖直接与我们联系。

