



You’re a reader on the move and you don’t have time for a tethered sync—that’s no problem. Today we’ll show you how to keep your ebook library synced to your iPad via Dropbox.

您是移动中的读者,而且没有时间进行系留同步-没问题。 今天,我们将向您展示如何通过Dropbox将您的电子书库与iPad同步。

Whether you’re reading novels, brushing up on your favorite RPG manuals, or otherwise consuming ebooks on the go, this tutorial will show you how you can leverage your Dropbox account to keep your documents at your finger tips.


你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

For this tutorial you’ll need the following things:


The free applications you require are dependent on the kind of ebooks you read. If, for example, you have no MOBI formatted ebooks, you can skip downloading the Kindle app as Stanza will handle ePub, PDF, and Comic book container formats (like CBZ) just fine. You can substitute your own reader applications in depending on the formats you want to read. It’s important, however, that the application you choose supports the “export” function and will allow Dropbox to import a file into it—more on this later in the tutorial.

您需要的免费应用程序取决于您阅读的电子书的种类。 例如,如果您没有MOBI格式的电子书,则可以跳过Kindle应用程序的下载,因为Stanza可以处理ePub,PDF和Comic容器格式(例如CBZ)。 您可以根据要阅读的格式替换自己的阅读器应用程序。 但是,重要的是,您选择的应用程序支持“导出”功能,并将允许Dropbox将文件导入到其中-本教程后面的内容将对此进行更多介绍。

基本设置入门 (Getting Started with the Basic Setup)


Before we proceed you’ll need to have a few things in order. First, you’ll need a Dropbox account. If you don’t have one already, head over to Dropbox.com and sign up for one. They provide a great getting started tutorial that will walk you through setting up your account and installing the desktop application. While you don’t have to install the desktop app, it really defeats the whole push behind this effortless syncing tutorial, so we highly suggest it.

在我们继续之前,您需要先准备一些东西。 首先,您需要一个Dropbox帐户。 如果您还没有,请前往Dropbox.com并注册一个。 他们提供了很好的入门教程,将引导您完成设置帐户和安装桌面应用程序的过程。 尽管您不必安装桌面应用程序,但它确实击败了此轻松同步教程背后的全部推动力,因此我们强烈建议您这样做。

Once you have Dropbox set up (or if you already have an account and everything is ready to go) make a new folder in the root of your Dropbox account /Books/. We further subdivided our books folder into /Books/, /Comics/, and /Manuals/. The last one isn’t as dry as it seems, we copy game manuals over to use during play. You can customize your sub-folders as you see fit.

设置好Dropbox之后(或者如果您已经有一个帐户并且一切准备就绪),请在Dropbox帐户/ Books /的根目录中创建一个新文件夹。 我们进一步将books文件夹细分为/ Books /,/ Comics /和/ Manuals /。 最后一个并不像看起来那样干燥,我们将游戏手册复制过来以便在玩耍时使用。 您可以根据需要自定义子文件夹。

Second, you need to install the Dropbox application on your iPad. Take a moment after installation to launch the app and authorize it to your Dropbox account using your login credentials.

其次,您需要在iPad上安装Dropbox应用程序。 安装后花一点时间启动应用程序,并使用您的登录凭据将其授权给您的Dropbox帐户。

Finally, install a copy of Stanza and Kindle for iOS on your iPad; the two applications cover a wide range of formats. Those of you that followed along with our How to Access Your Ebook Collection Anywhere in the World tutorial will already have Stanza installed!

最后,在iPad上安装Stanza和Kindle for iOS的副本; 这两个应用程序涵盖了多种格式。 跟随我们“ 如何在世界上任何地方访问您的电子书收藏”教程的人们都已经安装了Stanza!

填充您的Drobox图书存储库 (Populating Your Drobox Book Repository)


Once you have the basic applications installed, it’s time to populate your Dropbox book collection. Round up some ebooks in various formats to dump into the folder you created (or, if you use Calibre and have a Dropbox account big enough, you can just move your entire Library into your Dropbox folder). Whatever folder structure and accompanying files you include in the transfer will be the folder structure and files you’ll see when you’re navigating your Dropbox from your iPad.

一旦安装了基本应用程序,就该填充Dropbox图书收藏了。 将各种格式的电子书汇总起来,以转储到您创建的文件夹中(或者,如果使用Caliber并具有足够大的Dropbox帐户,则只需将整个库移到Dropbox文件夹中)。 从iPad导航Dropbox时,无论传输中包含的文件夹结构和随附文件如何,文件夹结构和文件都会显示出来。

Since neither the Dropbox application nor the ebook readers we’ll be using have any sort of mechanism for the conversion of ebook formats, it’s important you check that the books you wish to read on your iPad are in a appropriate format. Kindle for iOS can handle MOBI files. Stanza can handle ePUB, PDF, CBR, CBZ, and DjVu format books. Convert books accordingly or install additional ebook reader apps to read other formats.

由于我们将要使用的Dropbox应用程序和电子书阅读器都没有任何形式的电子书格式转换机制,因此请务必确保要在iPad上阅读的书格式正确。 Kindle for iOS可以处理MOBI文件。 Stanza可以处理ePUB,PDF,CBR,CBZ和DjVu格式的书籍。 相应地转换书籍,或安装其他电子书阅读器应用以阅读其他格式。

For this tutorial’s workflow test we copied over ePUB, MOBI, PDF, and CBR formatted files.


在iPad上的Dropbox中打开文件 (Open the Files in Dropbox on the iPad)


Once you have the files copied on your computer to the appropriate directories, it’s time to grab your iPad. Open up the Dropbox app and navigate to the /Books/ directory we created earlier in the tutorial.

将文件复制到计算机上的适当目录后,就可以使用iPad。 打开Dropbox应用并导航到我们在本教程前面创建的/ Books /目录。

Here it’s important to stress one aspect of the Dropbox iOS application. Unlike the traditional desktop Dropbox application, the mobile versions for Dropbox do not actively push out their contents to the mobile user—ostensibly to cut down on wasted bandwidth and overage charges. Think of your Dropbox folder like a virtual shelf when it comes to your book collection. You need to take the book off the shelf in order for it to be available in the Dropbox cache (depending on the settings you specify, Dropbox for iOS will catch anywhere from 250-1000MB of data on the device, more than enough for ebooks). Thus when you open the file in Dropbox, it becomes available to Dropbox mobile (assuming you have data connectivity where you are). Once you open it in Dropbox and export it to the reader application, it becomes a permanent part of your mobile book collection and is then maintained by the reader application and not Dropbox. How does this play out in practice? Let’s demonstrate.

在此强调Dropbox iOS应用程序的一个方面很重要。 与传统的桌面Dropbox应用程序不同,Dropbox的移动版本不会主动将其内容推送给移动用户-显然是为了减少浪费的带宽和超额费用。 在收藏书籍时,可以将Dropbox文件夹视为虚拟书架。 您需要将书从书架上拿下来,以使其在Dropbox缓存中可用(取决于您指定的设置,Dropbox for iOS可以捕获设备上250-1000MB的数据,对于电子书来说绰绰有余) 。 因此,当您在Dropbox中打开文件时,该文件将可用于Dropbox mobile(假设您所在的位置具有数据连接性)。 一旦在Dropbox中打开它并将其导出到阅读器应用程序,它便成为您的移动书集中的永久组成部分,然后由阅读器应用程序而非Dropbox进行维护。 在实践中如何发挥作用? 让我们演示一下。

Navigate to the /Books/ folder and pick a book to read, preferable a non-PDF since Dropbox can natively open that format. We’re going to pick and ePUB file. You’ll see a brief file-loading bar and then the Dropbox logo will appear where the document should be with the error “Unable to view file” beneath it. That’s fine, we have a program that can view it! Tap on the export icon in the upper right corner of the screen like so:

导航到/ Books /文件夹并选择一本书以阅读,最好是非PDF,因为Dropbox可以本机打开该格式。 我们将选择和ePUB文件。 您会看到一个简短的文件加载栏,然后Dropbox徽标将出现在文档应放置的位置,并在其下方显示错误“无法查看文件”。 很好,我们有一个可以查看它的程序! 轻按屏幕右上角的导出图标,如下所示:


If you don’t see the application you want to use there, don’t panic. If you have more than 4 potential export applications you can scroll up and down to find the one you want (when you first open the export dialog box there is a scroll bar on the side but it vanishes after a scant second or so). If you don’t see Stanza right away, scroll until you see it.

如果您在此处看不到要使用的应用程序,请不要慌张。 如果您有4个以上的潜在导出应用程序,则可以上下滚动找到所需的应用程序(第一次打开导出对话框时,侧面有一个滚动条,但在不到一秒钟左右的时间里就消失了)。 如果您没有立即看到Stanza,请滚动直到看到它。

Tap on Stanza to begin the export process. The interface will swap over to Stanza and you’ll see your importing file with a progress meter. Once the file has finished importing (it takes only a few moments) you’ll see the new book in the Downloads section of Stanza:

点击Stanza,开始导出过程。 界面将切换到Stanza,您将看到带有进度表的导入文件。 文件导入完成(只需几分钟)后,您将在Stanza的“下载”部分中看到新书:


Tap on the book to open and enjoy it like any other book you’ve imported into Stanza via iTunes or downloaded from the greater Internet.


That’s it! Simply repeat the process for any other book, comic book, or compatible document in your Dropbox to import to appropriate application—such as using the export function to send MOBI formatted books to Kindle for iOS. You can use this trick to send virtually any document that has a compatible reader app to the iPad or other iOS device.

而已! 只需对Dropbox中的任何其他书籍,漫画书或兼容文档重复该过程即可导入到适当的应用程序中,例如使用导出功能将MOBI格式的书籍发送到Kindle for iOS。 您可以使用此技巧将具有兼容阅读器应用程序的几乎所有文档发送到iPad或其他iOS设备。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/106521/how-to-access-your-ebook-library-on-your-ipad-via-dropbox/
