
介绍 (Introduction)

In earlier chapters, I show you how to create your Virtual Machine in Azure using Power Shell.

前面的章节中 ,我向您展示了如何使用Power Shell在Azure中创建虚拟机。

In this new chapter, I will show you how to get information about your VM machine already created. We will use PowerShell cmdlet commands to retrieve the information.

在这一新的章节中,我将向您展示如何获取有关已创建的VM计算机的信息。 我们将使用PowerShell cmdlet命令检索信息。

要求 (Requirements)

I am assuming that you already have a VM in Azure installed.


  • An Azure subscription.

  • A VM Machine in Azure with SQL Server already installed (check my article about Azure VMs).

    Azure中已安装SQL Server的VM机器(请参阅有关Azure VM的文章 )。
  • A local machine with Windows installed with PowerShell.


入门 (Getting started)

  1. In order to start, in the local machine open the Microsoft Azure PowerShell:


    Figure 1. Starting the Microsoft Azure PowerShell

    为了启动,请在本地计算机中打开Microsoft Azure PowerShell:


    图1.启动Microsoft Azure PowerShell
  2. Let’s start with a simple command. The Get-AzureVM:


    Figure 2. The Get-AzureVM cmdlet.

    让我们从一个简单的命令开始。 Get-AzureVM:

    图2. Get- AzureVM cmdlet
  3. By default, it shows the active VMs, the name and status of Azure VMs. You can verify in the Azure Portal the VM names:


    Figure 3. The virtual machines in the Azure Portal

    默认情况下,它显示活动的VM,Azure VM的名称和状态。 您可以在Azure门户中验证VM名称:

    图3. Azure门户中的虚拟机
  4. Alternatively, you can run this command to get more information about the VM in Azure:

    Get-AzureVM | select hostname,instancesize,IpAddress,NetworkInterfaces,OperationStatus, PowerSate, ServiceName,Status

    Figure 4. The Get-AzureVM cmdlet


    GET-AzureVM | 选择主机名 ,实例大小,IpAddress,网络接口,OperationStatus PowerSate 服务名称 ,S 的ATU

    图4. Get- AzureVM cmdlet
  5. The command shows the InstanceSize, the IP Address, The OperationStatus. The PowerState, ServiceName, Status.

    The instance size is related to a specific price. You can find more information about prices and instance sized here.

    The PowerState and OperationsStatus are very important to check if the VM is OK.

    该命令显示InstanceSize,IP地址,OperationStatus。 PowerState,ServiceName,状态。

    实例大小与特定价格有关。 您可以在此处找到有关价格和实例大小的更多信息


  6. Another useful cmdlet is the Get-AzureDisk:

    Figure 5. The Get-AzureDisk cmdlet


    图5. Get- AzureDisk cmdlet
  7. The Get-AzureDisks shows all the disks, the status of them, their location, DiskSize, name and other useful information about the disk:


    Figure 6. The Azure Disk results.


    图6. Azure磁盘结果。
  8. By default, it shows all the disks, but you can specify the information that you want to check and specify the name of the disk:

    Get-AzureDisk | select label,location,medialink,operationdescription,operationstatus,OS,sourceimagename,diskname| Where-Object {$_.disknameeq "olapsqldan-olapsqldan-8-201505292102250296"}

    Figure 7. Custom query about the disk information

    The command shows the Disk information of the disk whose name is olapsqldan-olapsqldan-8-201505292102250296.


    GET-AzureDisk | 选择标签 ,位置,媒体链接,操作说明,操作状态,操作系统,源映像名,磁盘名 | 哪里对象{$ _。 diskname - EQ “olapsqldan-olapsqldan-8-201505292102250296”}

    图7.关于 磁盘信息的 定制查询


  9. You can verify in the Azure Portal the disk information and compare with the PowerShell results:


    Figure 8. The Azure VM disks


    图8. Azure VM磁盘
  10. Another common command is the Get-AZureVMExtension. You can configure and extend the VM capabilities in Azure using the VM extensions.

    Get-AzureVMServiceName "olapsqldan" -Name "olapsqldan" | Get-AzureVMExtension


    Figure 9. The Get-AzureVM cmdlet

    You can extend the security features, to support Windows System Center, to automate tasks, display and administer your VM, etc.

    另一个常见命令是Get-AZureVMExtension。 您可以使用VM扩展在Azure中配置和扩展VM功能。

    Get- AzureVM ServiceName olapsqldan ” -Name“ olapsqldan ” | GET-AzureVMExtension

    图9. Get- AzureVM cmdlet

    您可以扩展安全功能,以支持Windows System Center,自动执行任务,显示和管理VM等。

  11. You can also get the Roles of a specific Azure Service. The following example shows the roles of the Service olapsqldan:

    Get-AzureRoleServiceName "olapsqldan"

    您还可以获取特定Azure服务的角色。 以下示例显示了服务olapsqldan的角色:

    Get- AzureRole ServiceName olapsqldan

  12. The results shows the Role name, deployment ID, Operation status, etc.

    Figure 10. The Get-AzureRole cmdlet


    图10. Get- AzureRole cmdlet
  13. The EndPoint information is also useful. You can verify the ports used and enabled, the Vip used and protocols. The following cmd shows the EndPoints of the Service olpasqldan:

    get-AzureVMServiceNameolapsqldan” | Get-AzureEndpoint | select Localport,name,port,protocol,Vip


    Figure 11. The Get-AzureEndpoint cmdlet

    EndPoint信息也很有用。 您可以验证使用和启用的端口,使用的Vip和协议。 以下cmd显示了服务olpasqldan的端点:

    get- AzureVM ServiceName olapsqldan ” | GET-AzureEndpoint | 选择 本地端口,名称,端口,协议,Vip

    图11. Get- AzureEndpoint cmdlet
  14. You can verify and compare the information of the PowerShell with the Azure Portal:

    Figure 12. The list of endpoints.


  15. Another important command is the Get-AzureLocation. This cmdlet shows all the locations available where you can store your VM:

    Get-AzureLocation | select DisplayName, virtualmachinerolesizes, storageaccounttypes


    Figure 13. The Get-AzureLocation cmdlet

    The command shows the different locations available like US West, East, Japan East, West, the Machine Sizes (explained in step 5), etc.

    The next cmdlet is the Get-AzureOSDisk. The command lets you check the OS where the disk is, the disk name with the OS, the media link.

    Get-AzureVMServiceNameolapsqldan” | Get-AzureOSDisk

    Figure 14. The Get-AzureOSDisk command

    另一个重要命令是Get-AzureLocation。 此cmdlet显示可用于存储VM的所有可用位置:

    GET-AzureLocation | 选择 Di playName virtualmachinerolesize 存储帐户类型


    图13. Get- AzureLocation cmdlet


    下一个cmdlet是Get-AzureOSDisk。 该命令使您可以检查磁盘所在的操作系统,带有操作系统的磁盘名称以及媒体链接。

    GET-AzureVM - 服务名称 “olapsqldan” | GET-AzureOSDisk

    图14. Get- AzureOSDisk 命令
  16. Another useful cmdlet is the Get-AzureOSVersion. It shows all the OSs available in Azure.


    Figure 15. The Get-AzureOSVersion cmdlet

    另一个有用的cmdlet是Get-AzureOSVersion。 它显示了Azure中可用的所有操作系统。


    图15. Get- AzureOSVersion cmdlet
  17. Now, let’s create some queries to retrieve more specific information. For example, to get the list of OSs version 2008, you can use the following query:

    Get-AzureOSVersion | select FamilyLabel | Where-Object {$_.FamilyLabel -like "*2008*"}

    现在,让我们创建一些查询以检索更多特定信息。 例如,要获取2008版操作系统的列表,可以使用以下查询:

    GET-AzureOSVersion | 选择 FamilyLabel | 哪里对象{$ _。 类似于FamilyLabel 的“ * 2008 *”}

  18. You can export your results to a csv file to open the results in an Excel file. The following sample exports the results of a PowerShell query in a file name export.csv:

    get-AzureVMServiceNameolapsqldan” | Get-AzureEndpoint | select Localport,name,port,protocol,Vip| Export-Csv c:\scripts\export.csv

    您可以将结果导出到csv文件中,以在Excel文件中打开结果。 以下示例将PowerShell查询的结果导出到文件名export.csv中:

    get- AzureVM ServiceName olapsqldan ” | GET-AzureEndpoint | 选择 本地端口,名称,端口,协议,Vip | Export-Csv c:\ scripts \ export.csv

  19. If everything is OK, you will be able to open and check the Endpoints information in Excel:


    Figure 16. The PowerShell results in MS Excel


    图16. PowerShell在MS Excel中的结果
  20. Let’s check if the port 1433 is used by the EndPoints. You can use the following PowerShell Command:

    get-AzureVMServiceNameolapsqldan” | Get-AzureEndpoint | select Localport,name,port,protocol | Where-Object {$_.LocalPorteq "1433"}

    让我们检查一下Endpoints是否使用了端口1433。 您可以使用以下PowerShell命令:

    get- AzureVM ServiceName olapsqldan ” | GET-AzureEndpoint | 选择 本地端口,名称,端口,协议 | 哪里对象{$ _。 LocalPort eq “ 1433”}

  21. You will have a result similar to this one:


    Figure 17. Verifying port used in EndPoints.


    图17.验证 EndPoints中 使用的端口
  22. The following example will create an EndPoint named testendpoint in the Virtual Machine olapsqldan with the port 1112 and the protocol TCP-IP:

    Get-AzureVMServiceName "olapsqldan" | Add-AzureEndpoint -Name "testendpoint" -Protocol "tcp" –PublicPort 1112 –LocalPort 1112 | Update-AzureVM


    Get- AzureVM 服务名 olapsqldan ” | Add- AzureEndpoint-名称 testendpoint ” -Protocol“ tcp ” – PublicPort 1112 – LocalPort 1112 | 更新 -AzureVM

  23. The result displayed is the following:


    Figure 18. The results of the EndPoint Creaton with PowerShell


    图18. EndPoint 的结果 使用PowerShell创建 Creaton
  24. If everything is OK, you will be able to see the EndPoint in the VM section in the EndPoint Tab:


    Figure 19. The EndPoint created in the Azure Portal


    图19. 在Azure门户中创建 EndPoint
  25. Now, let’s say that I do not want the port 1112 to be enabled. Lets say that I want to erase the endpoint automatically if it uses this port. To do that, we need to store the EndPoint information in a variable named Object using the following commands:

    $Object=get-AzureVMServiceNameolapsqldan” | Get-AzureEndpoint | select Localport,name,port,protocol | Where-Object {$_.LocalPorteq "1112"}

    现在,假设我不希望启用端口1112。 假设我要使用此端口自动擦除端点。 为此,我们需要使用以下命令将EndPoint信息存储在名为Object的变量中:

    $ Object = get- AzureVM ServiceName olapsqldan ” | GET-AzureEndpoint | 选择 Localport ,名称,端口,协议 | 哪里对象{$ _。 LocalPort eq “ 1112”}

  26. The result displayed will be similar to this one:


    Figure 20. The results of a query stored in a PowerShell variable


  27. To retrieve the value of a property. In this case the Port number, we can use the following command:


    检索属性的值。 在这种情况下,端口号,我们可以使用以下命令:

    $ Object.port

  28. The result displayed will be the following:

    Figure 21. The variable properties


    图21. 变量属性
  29. Now, if we want to automatically erase an EndPoint according if a specified port is used, we can use this script:

    $Object=get-AzureVMServiceNameolapsqldan” | Get-AzureEndpoint | select Localport,name,port,protocol | Where-Object {$_.LocalPorteq

    If($Object.porteq "1112")
    Get-AzureVMServiceName "olapsqldan" | Remove-AzureEndpoint –Name "testendpoint" | Update-AzureVM


    $ Object = get- AzureVM ServiceName olapsqldan ” | GET-AzureEndpoint | 选择 Localport ,名称,端口,协议 | 哪里对象{$ _。 LocalPort eq
    “ 1112”}

    If( $ Object.port eq “ 1112”)
    Get- AzureVM 服务名 olapsqldan ” | 删除 -AzureEndpoint –名称为“ testendpoint ” | 更新 -AzureVM

  30. The scripts verify if the port 1112 is used. If that is the case, the EndPoint is removed. In order to run a script save the commands of the step 29 in a script named powershell.ps1

    脚本验证是否使用了端口1112。 在这种情况下,将删除EndPoint。 为了运行脚本,将步骤29的命令保存在名为powershell.ps1的脚本中
  31. Once saved, navigate to the path where the script is stored.

    Cd c:\scripts


    CD C:\脚本

  32. You can finally execute the file



    。\ powershell.ps1

  33. You will receive a message similar to this one. The succeeded operation should be displayed.


    Figure 22. The PowerShell script executed

    您将收到一条与此类似的消息。 应该显示成功的操作。

  34. You can verify the results using the Azure Portal and verify that the EndPoint created on step 24, was removed by the PowerShell Script.



PowerShell是一个非常强大的工具,可以监视和验证来自一个或多个VM的信息。 在本章中,我们学习了如何检索与IP,VM,服务,角色,端点,端口等有关的此工具的信息。


PowerShell is a very powerful tool to monitor and verify information from your VM or VMs. In this chapter, we learned how to retrieve information about this tool related to IPs, VM, Services, Roles, Endpoints, Ports, etc.


翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/using-powershell-to-monitor-your-azure-machine/