



Multitasking was introduced in iOS 9, allowing you to use multiple apps at once on an iPad. There are three different types of multitasking—Slide-Over, Split View, and Picture in Picture—and they are all on by default.

iOS 9中引入了多任务处理,使您可以在iPad上一次使用多个应用程序。 共有三种不同类型的多任务处理:“滑动”,“分割视图”和“画中画”,并且默认情况下它们都处于启用状态。

The Slide-Over feature allows you to interact with a second app in a pane on the right side of the screen (in portrait or landscape mode) and the Split View feature allows you to drag the divider between the apps and interact with both apps (only on newer iPads, such as the iPad Pro and iPad Mini 4, in landscape mode). The Picture in Picture feature allows you to watch a video in a small thumbnail window over other apps, following you as you run different apps. The Slide-Over feature might get in the way in some apps that provide access to features with sliding motions. The Picture in Picture is activated by pressing the Home button while a video is playing. If you find that these multitasking features get in the way more often than they are useful for you, or you just don’t use them. you can disable them.

滑动功能可让您与屏幕右侧窗格中的第二个应用程序进行交互(纵向或横向),而拆分视图功能可让您拖动应用程序之间的分隔线并与两个应用程序进行交互(仅适用于横向模式下的新iPad,例如iPad Pro和iPad Mini 4)。 画中画功能使您可以在运行其他应用程序之后,在较小的缩略图窗口中观看其他应用程序上的视频。 滑盖功能可能会妨碍某些提供滑动功能的应用程序。 播放视频时,通过按主屏幕按钮**画中画功能。 如果您发现这些多任务处理功能妨碍您使用的频率超过对您有用的功能,或者您只是不使用它们。 您可以禁用它们。

To disable these three features, tap the “Settings” icon on your Home screen.



On the Settings screen, tap “General” and then tap “Multitasking”.



The Allow Multiple Apps setting enables and disables both the Slide-Over and the Split View features. So, if you have to turn both either on or off. The Persistent Video Overlay controls the Picture in Picture feature. The slider buttons are green if these features are enabled.

“允许多个应用程序”设置可启用和禁用滑移和拆分视图功能。 因此,如果您必须同时打开或关闭它们。 持久视频叠加控制画中画功能。 如果启用了这些功能,则滑块按钮为绿色。


To disable these features, tap the slider button so it turned white.



If you decide you want these features on, you can easily turn on these Multitasking settings to re-enable the features. Simply make sure the slider button is green for the feature you want to enable.

如果您决定要启用这些功能,则可以轻松地打开这些多任务设置以重新启用这些功能。 只需确保要启用的功能的滑块按钮为绿色即可。

