ios 子视图超出父视图_如何在iOS 10 Mail App中禁用线程视图

ios 子视图超出父视图_如何在iOS 10 Mail App中禁用线程视图

ios 子视图超出父视图

ios 子视图超出父视图_如何在iOS 10 Mail App中禁用线程视图

Email threads allows you to see all emails sent and received with the same subject line grouped together into one conversation. Threaded view has been available in macOS for a while, and is now available in the Mail app in iOS 10.

电子邮件线程使您可以查看所有发送和接收的具有相同主题行的电子邮件,这些电子邮件分组在一个对话中。 线程视图已在macOS中使用了一段时间,现在在iOS 10的Mail应用程序中可用。

Threaded view is useful for preventing older emails from the same conversation from being lost. You can view the whole history of a conversation in one place. When threaded view is turned on, conversations are indicated by a double right arrow button to the right of the day/date. Tap this button to view the emails in the conversation.

线程视图有助于防止丢失来自同一会话的较旧电子邮件。 您可以在一个地方查看对话的整个历史记录。 打开线程视图后,对话将通过日期/日期右侧的双右箭头按钮指示。 点击此按钮可查看对话中的电子邮件。

ios 子视图超出父视图_如何在iOS 10 Mail App中禁用线程视图

When you tap on any of the emails in the conversation, that email opens, but you can also scroll up and down to access the other emails in the conversation.


ios 子视图超出父视图_如何在iOS 10 Mail App中禁用线程视图

Threaded view is on by default in iOS 10, but it’s easy to disable if you’d rather not use this feature. You must turn this feature on and off in the main Settings app on your phone, not in the Mail app, so, tap “Settings” on the Home screen.

默认情况下,iOS 10中的线程视图处于打开状态,但是如果您不想使用此功能,则很容易禁用它。 您必须在手机的主“设置”应用中(而不是“邮件”应用中)打开和关闭此功能,因此,请在主屏幕上点击“设置”。

ios 子视图超出父视图_如何在iOS 10 Mail App中禁用线程视图

On the Settings screen, tap “Mail”.


ios 子视图超出父视图_如何在iOS 10 Mail App中禁用线程视图

To turn off the threaded view, tap the “Organize by Thread” slider button so it turns white. If you want threaded view on, tap the slider button again so it turns green.

要关闭线程视图,请点击“按线程组织”滑块按钮,使其变为白色。 如果要启用线程视图,请再次点击滑块按钮,使其变为绿色。

In threaded view, the newest messages in the conversation are at the bottom. You may want to turn on the “Most Recent Message on Top” option to make it easier to find the most recent messages.

在线程视图中,会话中的最新消息位于底部。 您可能需要打开“顶部的最新消息”选项,以便于查找最新消息。

Whether threaded view is on or off, you can move messages from one conversation into different folders or mailboxes. If you’ve done that, you can still view all the messages from one conversation in one place in threaded view by turning on the “Complete Threads” slider button.

无论是打开还是关闭线程视图,您都可以将邮件从一个对话中移动到不同的文件夹或邮箱中。 完成此操作后,您仍然可以通过打开“完整主题”滑块按钮,在主题视图中的一个地方以一个位置查看来自一次对话的所有消息。

ios 子视图超出父视图_如何在iOS 10 Mail App中禁用线程视图

With threaded view off, the messages from the conversation now display as separate messages.


ios 子视图超出父视图_如何在iOS 10 Mail App中禁用线程视图

If you don’t like using threaded view all the time, you can leave it off until you need to look through a conversation. When you turn it back on, all messages with the same subject line are gathered together into one conversation, even ones from other folders or mailboxes, if the Complete Threads option is on.

如果您不喜欢一直使用线程视图,可以将其保留,直到需要进行整个对话为止。 当您重新打开它时,如果启用了“完整主​​题”选项,则所有具有相同主题行的邮件,甚至是来自其他文件夹或邮箱的邮件,都将被汇总到一个会话中。


ios 子视图超出父视图