


Honda, a Japanese car manufacturer has demonstrated outstanding results in their recent project intended to reduce the weight of the crankshaft and increase its fuel efficiency. In order to carry out such a redesign in an effective and timely-fashioned manner, the company collaborated with Autodesk and applied its software solutions, as well as various 3D-printing
日本汽车制造商本田在最近的旨在减轻曲轴重量和提高燃油效率的项目中展示了出色的成果。 为了有效,及时地进行这种重新设计,该公司与Autodesk合作并应用了其软件解决方案以及各种3D打印technologies. 技术

The above-mentioned project is the first of many others dedicated to one specific and global task. Honda aims to redesign various vehicle parts such as gears, frames, and fasteners in order to make them more lightweight, fuel-efficient and eco-safe. The company is already familiar with 3D-printing technologies and applied it in previous projects. In 2016, for example, Honda presented a prototype of a new electric delivery vehicle with a customizable 3D-printed body. The main idea is that additive manufacturing can help reshape courier vehicles in a manner that will further highlight and advertise the offered product.
上述项目是致力于一项特定的全球任务的许多其他项目中的第一个。 本田旨在重新设计各种车辆零件,例如齿轮,车架和紧固件,以使其更加轻巧,省油和生态安全。 该公司已经熟悉3D打印技术,并将其应用于以前的项目中。 例如,在2016年,本田展示了一种新型电动运输车的原型,该车具有可定制的3D打印车身。 主要思想是增材制造可以以某种方式进一步改变快递车辆的形状,从而进一步突出并宣传所提供的产品。

But the engines have to be modernized too, and the company’s new project reviews the possibilities of crankshaft optimization. The research was conducted in close collaboration with Autodesk, which invited some specialists of Honda’s R&D department to attend training courses in London and learn about working with such software solutions as Fusion 360 and Nettfabb in the most efficient way. After that, the specialists were relocated to Birmingham in order to visit the Autodesk Technology Center with a number of industrial 3D-printers. The possibilities provided by
但是发动机也必须现代化,该公司的新项目审查了曲轴优化的可能性。 这项研究是与Autodesk密切合作进行的,Autodesk邀请本田研发部门的一些专家参加伦敦的培训课程,并了解如何以最有效的方式使用诸如Fusion 360和Nettfabb之类的软件解决方案。 此后,专家们被调往伯明翰,以参观带有许多工业3D打印机的Autodesk技术中心。 generative design were in the middle of attention: the employees of Autodesk presented the first version of the product in accordance with project requirements, and then the teams joined efforts in order to modify and release the final version of the crankshaft. 生成设计提供的可能性备受关注:Autodesk的员工根据项目要求提供了该产品的第一个版本,然后,团队共同努力以修改和发布曲轴的最终版本。
Hirosumi Todaka, a mechanical and fluid machinery modeling engineer of Honda explains: “Crankshafts need to satisfy multiple functional criteria. For example, its shape must be able to withstand combustion pressures, and the rotational balance must be maintained. These factors have dictated the crankshaft’s form to this day. Over the long history of engine development, the crankshaft design had become a foregone conclusion. Despite this, we set the challenging goal of designing a crankshaft to be 30% lighter than current models.”
本田的机械和流体机械建模工程师Hirosumi Todaka解释说:“曲轴需要满足多种功能标准。 例如,其形状必须能够承受燃烧压力,并且必须保持旋转平衡。 这些因素决定了曲轴的形状。 在发动机开发的悠久历史中,曲轴设计已成定局。 尽管如此,我们设定的挑战性目标是将曲轴设计成比现有模型轻30%。”
In the end, the project outcome was a great success, since the team designed a crankshaft 50% lighter than the current model. As Todaka stated, some of the configuration provided by Fusion 360 generative algorithms were so unique that he couldn’t have come up with such by himself. The crankshaft was integrated into an assembled prototype and has successfully passed all the bench tests. The data received during the project has been transferred to Autodesk in order to further upgrade and modernize already existing algorithms of generative design.
最后,该项目取得了巨大成功,因为该团队设计的曲轴比当前模型轻了50%。 正如Todaka所说,Fusion 360生成算法提供的某些配置是如此独特,以至于他本人无法提出这样的配置。 曲轴已集成到组装好的原型中,并成功通过了所有工作台测试。 项目期间收到的数据已传输到Autodesk,以进一步升级和现代化生成设计的现有算法。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/top3dshop/blog/496540/
