


我们最近在阿姆斯特丹举办的“游戏中的女性”系列活动中举办了五个研讨会中的第一个,我想我应该分享一些收获。 本次会议的重点是职业导航,指导和网络。 但是首先,非常感谢菲奥娜·斯佩里(Fiona Sperry)作为我们的嘉宾演讲者。 Fiona目前管理Three Fields Entertainment ,她的背景包括作为企业家和企业领导者的出色经历。 (We recently hosted the first of five workshops in our Women in Gaming series in Amsterdam and I thought I’d share some of the takeaways. This particular session was focused on career navigation, mentorship and networking. But first, a big thank you to Fiona Sperry who was our guest speaker. Fiona currently manages Three Fields Entertainment and her background includes amazing experiences as both an entrepreneur and a corporate leader.)

The lunch started with our preliminary interview, we walked through her career and talked about some of the moments that she felt offered meaningful insights. A few in particular resonated with me, including: 1) When making a risky decision, play out the worst case scenario. It helps get your head around the risk making it easier to dive in. 2) Leverage mentors to help you think through material decisions and challenges. Then, my favorite: 3) Be accountable, not apologetic. I tend to apologize too much, and sometimes it’s just not necessary!

午餐从我们的初步采访开始,我们经历了她的职业生涯,并谈到了她觉得提供了有意义的见解的一些时刻。 我特别引起了一些共鸣,其中包括:1)做出冒险的决定时,请找出最坏的情况。 它可以帮助您规避风险,从而更轻松地潜入水中。2)利用导师帮助您通过重大决策和挑战进行思考。 然后,我的最爱:3)负责,不要道歉。 我倾向于道歉太多,有时这没必要!


During the second half of the workshop, the participants were equally insightful as they went table by table and shared their own stories and discoveries from their careers. A few great pieces of advice included seeking mentors outside your company or industry, as it can be helpful in offering a fresh interpretation on a situation often putting a problem in perspective (even pointing out when you’re making too big of a deal about something!). Also, there are often wonderful mentors right under your nose — look around you and start asking for insight from people in your own sphere.  Lastly, social media can be a great platform for networking and mentorship. You don’t always have to be at a company office or take people to lunch to get great mentoring.

在研讨会的后半部分,参与者们一桌一桌地分享自己的故事和发现,他们同样富有洞察力。 一些很棒的建议包括在公司或行业之外寻求导师,因为这可能有助于对情况经常提出问题的全新解释(甚至指出您在某件事上做得太大时) !)。 此外,在您的鼻子底下经常会有许多出色的导师–环顾四周,并开始向您所在领域的人们寻求见识。 最后,社交媒体可以成为联系和指导的绝佳平台。 您不必总是在公司办公室或带人共进午餐来获得很好的指导。

John Riccitiello, Unity CEO, also weighed in noting to “Ask and Thank”. He recommended following up after getting advice to let the mentor know how the situation played out. It’s a great way to touch base, and offers a great topic for the next mentoring meeting.

Unity首席执行官John Riccitiello也强调“问与答”。 他建议在获得建议后进行跟进,以使导师知道情况如何。 这是打基础的好方法,并为下一次指导会议提供了一个很好的主题。

We closed out the session by encouraging everyone to network with each other and lots of business cards were exchanged (not to mention the LinkedIn connections).  It really was such a pleasure meeting the ladies who attended and I hope to stay in touch.

我们通过鼓励大家彼此交流并交换了很多名片来结束会议,更不用说了LinkedIn连接。 见到出席的女士们真是太高兴了,我希望保持联系。

Our next workshop is taking place June 20th in San Francisco. U.C. Berkeley Professor Dana Carney will host an engaging discussion on the topic of influencing skills through body language and other non-verbal communication. She’s sure to pepper the session with lots of witty comments and engaging stories. It’s another opportunity to network and meet more amazing professionals, while learning some new skills to put to work toward your own career development and advancement.

我们的下一个研讨会将于6月20日在旧金山举行。 加州大学伯克利分校教授达娜·卡尼(Dana Carney)将主持有关通过肢体语言和其他非语言交流影响技能的话题的精彩讨论。 她一定会在会议中加入很多机智的评论和引人入胜的故事。 这是另一个与人交流并结识更多杰出专业人士的机会,同时学习了一些新技能,可用于您自己的职业发展和发展。

The event is open to the public but our limited seating is going fast; be sure to sign up soon. Hope to see you there!

该活动向公众开放,但我们有限的席位正在Swift增加。 请务必尽快注册 。 希望在那里见到你!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/06/07/women-in-gaming-workshop-series-begins-join-us-in-san-francisco/
