matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

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matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

It may not be the riot-gathering game it was at launch, but Pokémon Go continues to receive substantive updates from developer Niantic. Most recently, it introduced a catch bonus, which finally gives purpose to most of those medals you’ve been earning.

它可能不是发布时的防暴游戏,但《PokémonGo》 继续得到开发商Niantic的 实质性更新 。 最近,它引入了追赶奖金,这最终使您获得的大多数奖牌都有用途。

The medal system in Pokémon Go has long been a source of wonder to many trainers. What exactly are they for? Yes, it’s cool to earn medals (sadly not badges, but no sense in splitting hairs), and they give you something with which to admire and track your progress, but that’s been about it.

神奇宝贝Go中的奖牌系统一直是许多培训师的奇迹所在。 他们到底是干什么的? 是的,获得奖牌很酷(可惜不是徽章 ,但毫无意义),它们为您提供了欣赏和跟踪您的进度的东西,但仅此而已。

matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

The latest version of the Pokémon Go app (0.41.2 for Android and 1.11.2 for iOS) has overhauled the medal system such that they’re now divided into two sections. The top medals section tracks what we’ll call merit medals. They don’t have any impact on the game, they just exist for your own bragging rights. The bottom medals section, seen here enclosed in a red square, now counts towards something new called your Pokémon “catch bonus”.

PokémonGo应用程序的最新版本( Android为0.41.2,iOS为1.11.2 )已对奖牌系统进行了全面修订,现在将其分为两个部分。 最高奖牌部分将追踪我们所谓的优异奖牌。 它们对游戏没有任何影响,只是出于吹牛的权利而存在。 最下面的奖牌部分(在此处用红色正方形围起来)现在计入一个新的东西,称为“神奇宝贝”“接获奖金”。

matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

It’s also easier to see how far along you are to the next medal. For example, to earn a gold Youngster medal, you have to catch 300 tiny Rattata. You can check your progress and how many more you need to catch by tapping on the medals icons along the bottom of any medals screen.

更容易看出您到下一枚奖牌的距离。 例如,要获得一枚Youngster金牌,您必须抓到300头小小的Rattata。 您可以通过点击任何奖牌屏幕底部的奖牌图标来检查自己的进度以及需要捕捉的数量。

matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作
matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作
matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

The lower half of the medals screen is where the important changes have occurred. To explain how they work, let’s check out a catch screen. Here, we’ve stumbled upon a Nidoran. You will notice now that there is a small icon that appears at the top, as indicated by the arrow.

奖牌屏幕的下半部分是发生重大更改的位置。 为了解释它们的工作原理,让我们查看一个捕获屏幕。 在这里,我们偶然发现了Nidoran。 现在您将注意到,如箭头所示,在顶部显示了一个小图标。

matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

Nidorans are a poison-type Pokémon, which correspond to the Punk Girl medal. If we open the medals screen and tap on the Punk Girl medal, we see we’ve already earned the gold level and that affords us a +3 poison-type catch bonus.

Nidorans是一种毒药型神奇宝贝,与Punk Girl勋章相对应。 如果我们打开奖牌屏幕并点击“朋克女孩”奖牌,我们会发现我们已经获得了金牌,这为我们提供了+3毒药类型的捕获奖励。

matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

Here, a Magmar has appeared. Magmars are a fire-type Pokémon. Fire-type Pokémon will earn you Kindler medals. In the following example, we’ve only earned a bronze level medal, which nets us a +1 fire-type catch bonus.

在这里,出现了玛格玛。 玛格玛斯是火力型神奇宝贝。 火系神奇宝贝会为您赢得Kindler勋章。 在下面的示例中,我们仅获得了铜牌奖牌,这使我们获得了+1射击类抓捕奖励。

matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作
matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

Finally, sometimes, certain dual-type Pokémon may have overlapping medals. Pidgeys, for example, earn not only the Schoolkid medal for normal-type Pokémons, but also Bird Keeper medals, for flying-type Pokémon. However, you will only earn the average for dual-type Pokémon, so though the catch bonuses add up to +6, it’s only possible to earn +3.

最后,有时候,某些双重神奇宝贝可能会重叠勋章。 例如,皮奇(Pidgeys)不仅获得普通型神奇宝贝的Schoolkid勋章,而且还获得飞行型神奇宝贝的Bird Keeper勋章。 但是,您只会获得双重类型的神奇宝贝的平均收入,因此尽管捕捞奖励加起来为+6,但只能获得+3。

matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作
matlab 追赶法_神奇宝贝Go的新“追赶奖金”系统如何运作

So, what do all these catch bonuses do? First, they don’t actually give you more points when you catch something. You won’t earn 103 XP versus 100 XP. Instead, the catch bonus is supposed to make catching Pokémon easier.

那么,所有这些捕获奖金都有什么作用? 首先,当您抓到东西时,它们实际上并没有给您更多的分数。 您将不会获得103 XP对100 XP的收益。 取而代之的是,捕捞奖励可以使捕捞神奇宝贝更加容易。

It’s unclear exactly how the new catch bonus works, but most Pokémon Go users speculate that it is a percentage. This makes sense, since it meshes well with Pokémon base capture rate, and also works with all the other multipliers in the game, such as the different types of Pokéballs (normal, great, ultra), throw types (nice, great, excellent, curveballs), razz berries, and so forth.

目前尚不清楚新的捕捞奖励如何工作的,但是大多数《PokémonGo》用户都猜测这是一个百分比。 这是有道理的,因为它与神奇宝贝的基本捕获率吻合得很好,并且还可以与游戏中的所有其他乘数一起使用,例如不同类型的神奇宝贝(正常,出色,超能力),投掷类型(出色,出色,出色,曲线球),罗兹浆果等等。

To understand this, we first have to explain the theory behind how catch rates in Pokémon Go work. Remember, this is theoretical, the exact numbers may not line up and don’t really matter, but it does clarify the game’s catch mechanics and how the new catch bonus works.

要理解这一点,我们首先必须解释神奇宝贝Go的捕获率如何发挥作用的理论 。 请记住,这是理论上的,确切的数字可能不会对齐,也不重要,但这确实阐明了游戏的接球机制以及新的接球红利的工作原理。

When you happen upon various Pokémon species, they all have a specific base capture rate. Pidgey, Caterpie, Weedle, Rattata, and other common Pokémon are said to have a base capture rate of 40%; Charmander, Pikachu, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle supposedly have about a 16% base capture rate; rare and evolved Pokémon have lower base capture rates, and so forth.

当您遇到各种神奇宝贝物种时,它们都有特定的基本捕获率 。 据说皮奇(Pidgey),卡特彼(Caterpie),韦德(Weedle),拉塔塔(Rattata)和其他常见的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)的基本捕获率为40%; 据推测,Charmander,Pikachu,Bulbasaur和Squirtle的基本捕获率约为16%。 稀有和进化的神奇宝贝具有较低的基本捕获率,依此类推。

The base capture rate differs from the capture chance, which is based on trainer level. As a trainer levels up, the capture chance decreases. So, if you encounter a Magikarp, which has a base capture rate of 56%, as a level 1 trainer, you have a chance of capturing that Magikarp 100% of the time. As a level 25 trainer, your capture chance decreases to 42%.

基本的捕获率与捕获机会不同后者是基于培训师水平的。 随着培训师水平的提高,捕获机会减少。 因此,如果您遇到一名基本捕获率为56%的Magikarp,作为一级培训师,则有机会100%捕获该Magikarp。 作为25级培训师,您的捕获机会降低到42%。

(Yes, this may seem counter-intuitive but as you level up, Pokémon tend to appear with higher combat power (CP), making them harder to catch. This means you will more often need to resort to items like great balls, ultra balls, razz berries, and other multipliers, to increase your capture chance.)

(是的,这似乎是违反直觉的,但是当您升级时,神奇宝贝会以更高的战斗力(CP)出现,这使得它们更难被抓住。这意味着您将更需要诉诸于大球,超球等物品。 ,黑莓和其他乘数,以增加捕获的机会。)

This capture chance exists before you throw the ball, which is where the multipliers come into play, and obviously lends credence to the importance of catching as many Pokémon as you can because a level 1 trainer is obviously not going to have a +3 gold medal for any Pokémon type.


So, theoretically a Pidgey, with a 40% capture chance, and with a +3 multiplier, could mean you now have a 43% chances of catching it. If you add in other factors such as throw type, Poké ball type, and razz berry multipliers, your capture chance increases considerably.

因此,从理论上讲,拥有40%的捕获几率和+3乘数的皮吉(Pidgey)可能意味着您现在有43%的捕获率。 如果您添加其他因素,例如投掷类型,神奇宝贝球类型和Razz berry乘数,则捕获机会会大大增加。

To better illustrate these multipliers, here is a hypothetical math breakdown a commenter did on Reddit to give you a better idea of how this might shake out with the new catch bonus system:


Base catch chance: 10%


Bonus for gold medal: +3% to base catch chance

金牌获得的奖励:+ 3%的基本抓住机会

Multiplier for “great” throw: 1.5x


Multiplier for curveball: 1.25x


Multiplier for razz berry: 1.25x


Multiplier for ultra ball: 1.5x


Overall catch chance without bonus: (10%) * 1.5 * 1.25 * 1.25 * 1.5 = 35.2%

没有红利的总体接球几率:(10%)* 1.5 * 1.25 * 1.25 * 1.5 = 35.2%

Overall catch chance with bonus: (10% + 3%) * 1.5 * 1.25 * 1.25 * 1.5 = 45.7%

获全场总奖金的几率:(10%+ 3%)* 1.5 * 1.25 * 1.25 * 1.5 = 45.7%

Unfortunately, we don’t have an official Niantic mathematical formula to give you an idea about how this all breaks out. Though we can tell you that empirically, the new catch bonus system makes it easier to capture common Pokémon (Pidgey, Rattata, Magikarp), and overall we’ve noticed we use fewer resources to catch all Pokémon types.

不幸的是,我们没有官方的Niantic数学公式来提供有关所有情况的信息。 尽管我们可以凭经验告诉您,新的捕获奖励系统使捕获普通的Pokémon(Pidgey,Rattata,Magikarp)变得更加容易,总的来说,我们注意到使用更少的资源捕获所有Pokémon类型。

There’s clearly an incentive now to catch more Pokémon because the more you catch, the easier it is. The new catch system isn’t as simple as the previously-added buddy system, but in many ways it adds considerably more value for serious trainers who are still dedicated to grinding it out and leveling up.

显然,现在有诱捕更多神奇宝贝的动机,因为您捕获的越多,越容易。 新的捕获系统并不像以前添加的伙伴系统那样简单,但是在很多方面,它为仍致力于将其磨平和升级的严肃的培训师增加了更多的价值。


matlab 追赶法