alexa和siri_说“ Alexa”,“ Hey Siri”或“ OK Google”后,您无需暂停

alexa和siri_说“ Alexa”,“ Hey Siri”或“ OK Google”后,您无需暂停


alexa和siri_说“ Alexa”,“ Hey Siri”或“ OK Google”后,您无需暂停

Raise your hand if you summon your smart speaker by saying its wake word and then waiting a second or two for it to light up. You might be surprised to know that you don’t have to wait for a response.

如果您说出智能唤醒扬声器的声音,然后举手等待一两秒钟,则举起您的手。 知道您不必等待响应,您可能会感到惊讶。

唤醒词检测的工作原理 (How Wake Word Detection Works)

You probably know that your smart speaker is “always listening.” This is different than “always recording,” but privacy concerns aside, the hardware inside your smart speaker is constantly using local processing in order to listen for its wake word so that it’s ready at a moment’s notice.

您可能知道您的智能扬声器在“一直在听”。 这不同于“始终录制”,但是除了隐私问题之外 ,智能扬声器中的硬件一直在使用本地处理程序来监听其唤醒信息,以便随时准备就绪。

In the case of the Amazon Echo, the microphones are working with the smart speaker’s processor at all times, and it’s listening to any sounds it hears. If it hears anything in the form of “uh-lecks-uh,” it knows to keep listening, and to start recording what you say after that. From there, the voice data gets analyzed and turned into an action.

对于Amazon Echo,麦克风始终与智能扬声器的处理器配合使用,并且它正在聆听所听到的任何声音。 如果它听到“ uh-lecks-uh”形式的声音,则表示会继续聆听,然后开始录制您所说的话。 从那里开始,语音数据被分析并变成一个动作。

Because your Echo constantly processes every sound it hears, it’s already listening for anything you say after it hears its wake word. CPUs are fast, so it doesn’t need an extra second or two for it to gain its composure before listening to your voice command.

因为您的Echo会不断处理听到的所有声音,所以在听到唤醒字后,它已经在听您说的话。 CPU速度很快,因此在收听语音命令之前不需要花一两秒钟的时间就能获得镇定效果。

但是唤醒灯呢? (But What About the Wake Lights?)

alexa和siri_说“ Alexa”,“ Hey Siri”或“ OK Google”后,您无需暂停

Ah yes, the LED lights showing that your smart speaker is ready to listen for a voice command. Unfortunately, they’re sort of misleading.

是的,LED灯亮起,表明您的智能扬声器已准备好收听语音命令。 不幸的是,它们有点误导。

Those lights on your Echo, Google Home, or HomePod that come on whenever you say the wake word are really nothing more than visual eye candy, and a bit of reassurance for the non-trusting. It takes a very brief moment for them to kick on after you shout the wake word, but you can actually begin saying your voice command before your smart speaker even lights up.

每当您说出唤醒字时,您的Echo,Google Home或HomePod上的那些灯实际上只是视觉上的吸引人的眼神,并且为不信任提供了一些保证。 在您喊出唤醒字后,他们需要短暂的一刻才能踢起来,但实际上您可以在智能扬声器甚至亮起之前就开始说出语音命令。

长话短说:无需暂停 (Long Story Short: No Need to Pause)

alexa和siri_说“ Alexa”,“ Hey Siri”或“ OK Google”后,您无需暂停

The moral of story is that there’s no need say something like “Alexa…..turn the lights on.” Instead, you can just say “Alexa turn the lights on.”

故事的寓意是,无需说“ Alexa…..把灯打开”之类的话。 相反,您可以说“ Alexa打开灯”。

Now, one situation where you might still want to pause is if you’re not in a direct line of sight or you’re in a location where you think your smart speaker may not hear you. In this case, you might want to enable your smart speaker to play a sound whenever you say the wake word so that you audibly know it heard you.

现在,您可能仍要暂停的一种情况是,如果您不在直视范围内,或者您所在的位置您认为智能扬声器可能听不到您的声音。 在这种情况下,您可能想使智能扬声器在说出唤醒字时播放声音,以使您可以听到声音。

You will have to pause for a brief moment after saying the wake word while you listen for the chime, which has the same lag time as the LED lights. Of course, you don’t need to pause, but as I said, if you can’t see your smart speaker or aren’t sure if it can hear you, that audible chime lets you know for sure.

听到提示音时,您必须在说出唤醒字后暂停一会儿,提示音具有与LED灯相同的滞后时间。 当然,您不需要暂停,但是正如我说的那样,如果您看不到智能扬声器,或者不确定它是否能听到您的声音,那可听见的铃声肯定会让您知道。

