



If you have any video s on your Mac that are particularly large in file size, then putting them on your iPad or iPhone can easily devour tons of space. You can convert videos on your Mac, however, using no additional software.

如果您的Mac上有任何文件特别大的视频,那么将它们放在iPad或iPhone上很容易会占用大量空间。 但是,您可以在Mac上转换视频,而无需使用其他软件。

If you’ve been around computers for any length of time, then you’re likely familiar with Apple’s QuickTime software. QuickTime has existed since the early 90s and still exists as OS X’s default video playing software.

如果您在计算机周围呆了一段时间,那么您可能已经熟悉Apple的QuickTime软件。 QuickTime自90年代初以来就存在,并且仍作为OS X的默认视频播放软件而存在。

QuickTime can play quite a few file formats, but it can’t play everything. For example, it can’t play the increasingly popular MKV format, which is why many people have turned to VLC as an alternative. But for the file formats it does play, it can also convert them to the perfect size for your iPhone and iPad.

QuickTime可以播放许多种文件格式,但是不能播放所有内容。 例如,它不能播放越来越流行的MKV格式,这就是为什么许多人选择VLC作为替代方法的原因。 但是对于它可以播放的文件格式 ,它也可以将它们转换为适合iPhone和iPad的大小。

如何使用QuickTime的“导出”功能转换视频 (How to Convert Videos with QuickTime’s “Export” Function)

To begin, you open the file you wish to convert in QuickTime.


Next, click on the “File” menu and then mouse down to the “Export” menu. From the Export menu, you will see six options: you can save your video in 480p, 720p, and 1080p, just save the audio track, or save the video to iTunes, which can then be cast to any Airplay compatible device like an Apple TV.

接下来,单击“文件”菜单,然后单击鼠标至“导出”菜单。 从“导出”菜单中,您将看到六个选项:您可以将视频保存为480p,720p和1080p,仅保存音轨,或者将视频保存到iTunes,然后可以将其投射到任何与Airplay兼容的设备(如Apple)上电视。

However, if you have an iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV, you can choose the “iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, & Apple TV…” option to convert it to the perfect size for those devices. That’s what we’re going to do today.

但是,如果您拥有iPhone,iPad或Apple TV,则可以选择“ iPad,iPhone,iPod touch和Apple TV…”选项,将其转换为适合这些设备的理想尺寸。 那就是我们今天要做的。


On the next screen, you will see three options, of which (at least in this example) only two are available. We want to choose the second option “iPad, iPhone 4 & Apple TV”.

在下一个屏幕上,您将看到三个选项,其中(至少在此示例中)只有两个选项可用。 我们要选择第二个选项“ iPad,iPhone 4和Apple TV”。


Once you’ve selected your size option, click the “Save” button in the bottom-right corner. You will also want to choose where to save your new video.

选择大小选项后,点击右下角的“保存”按钮。 您还需要选择将新视频保存到何处。


Click the “Save” button again and the export will begin, you can keep track of its progress in the “Export Progress” window. If you want to stop the process at any time, click the round “X” button to the right of the progress indicator.

再次单击“保存”按钮,导出将开始,您可以在“导出进度”窗口中跟踪其进度。 如果您想随时停止该过程,请单击进度指示器右侧的圆形“ X”按钮。


If you want to convert more than one video, you can queue them up and they’ll be converted as each preceding one is completed. That way you can set the whole process aside and do other things while your videos are being converted in the background.

如果您要转换多个视频,可以将它们排队,然后将它们转换为前面的每个视频。 这样,您可以将整个过程放在一边,并在后台转换视频时执行其他操作。

If Quicktime can’t open the file you want to convert, you can also try using Handbrake, which is free and will open virtually any file you can throw at it.

如果Quicktime无法打开您想要转换的文件, 您也可以尝试使用Handbrake ,它是免费的,实际上会打开您可以扔给它的任何文件。

If you’re interested, you can also learn more about many of the cool tricks QuickTime can do.

如果您有兴趣,还可以了解更多有关 QuickTime可以完成的绝妙技巧的信息

