


Are there times when you are reading something online or come up with an idea and want to quickly email a friend or colleague?  It might be hard to believe but some people do not always have their email client open all day!  As a time saver for those folks we can create a shortcut on the Desktop to send email.  This comes in handy if you email particular contact(s) on a regular basis.

是否有时您在网上阅读某些内容或想出一个主意并想快速向朋友或同事发送电子邮件? 可能难以置信,但是有些人并非总是整天打开电子邮件客户端! 作为节省时间的人,我们可以在桌面上创建快捷方式来发送电子邮件。 如果您定期通过电子邮件向特定联系人发送电子邮件,这将非常方便。

Right click anywhere on the desktop and go to New Shortcut.



Now in the Create Shortcut window type in “mailto:[email protected]” of course you will put in your contact’s email.  So for instance if I wanted to create on to email The Geek I would put in the following and hit Next.

现在,在“创建快捷方式”窗口中,键入“ mailto:[email protected]”,您当然会放入联系人的电子邮件中。 因此,例如,如果我想创建电子邮件发送给The Geek,我会在下面输入内容,然后单击“下一步”。


Next name the shortcut something so you will remember what it’s for and click on Finish.



Because it is an email and Outlook is my default email client, Vista associates an Outlook style icon for the shortcut.  I am not sure how it will look with different clients but you can always Change the Desktop Icon.  Now anytime the shortcut is launched your default email program will open up with the recipients email address already filled in.

因为它是电子邮件,而Outlook是我的默认电子邮件客户端,所以Vista会将快捷方式与Outlook样式图标相关联。 我不确定在不同客户端上的外观如何,但是您始终可以更改桌面图标 。 现在,只要启动快捷方式,您的默认电子邮件程序就会打开,并已填写收件人的电子邮件地址。


If you want to send the email off to multiple contacts then just separate each email address with a semi-colon.  Hopefully this time saver will be useful to somebody out there!

如果要将电子邮件发送给多个联系人,则只需用分号分隔每个电子邮件地址。 希望这个节省时间的人对那里的人有用!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80009/create-a-shortcut-to-email-a-recipient-directly-from-your-desktop-2/
