vrtk ControllerEvent



public enum ButtonAlias - Button types

  • Undefined - 没有指定的按钮
  • TriggerHairline - 当触发器扳过最小的阈值。
  • TriggerTouch - 当触发器被少量半.
  • TriggerPress - 当触发器被扮了一半.
  • TriggerClick - 触发器完全被扮过来.
  • GripHairline - 当grip按钮被按下一点点.
  • GripTouch - The grip 按钮被接触到.
  • GripPress - The grip 按钮被按下.
  • GripClick - The grip button 完全按下.
  • TouchpadTouch - 触摸板被触摸(没有被按下).
  • TouchpadPress - 触摸板被按下to the point of hearing a click).
  • ButtonOneTouch - The button one is touched.
  • ButtonOnePress - The button one is pressed.
  • ButtonTwoTouch - The button one is touched.
  • ButtonTwoPress - The button one is pressed.
  • StartMenuPress - The button one is pressed.



<VRTK学习二>vrtk ControllerEvent

  • Axis Fidelity:按键按下的程度,完全按下是1,松开是0.目前 T任何大于二的结果会给出过于敏感的结果he amount of fidelity in the changes on the axis, which is defaulted to 1. Any number higher than 2 will probably give too sensitive results.
  • Trigger Click Threshold:扳机触发的最小值。 The level on the trigger axis to reach before a click is registered.
  • Trigger Force Zero Threshold:班级停止处罚的最小值 The level on the trigger axis to reach before the axis is forced to 0f.
  • Trigger Axis Zero On Untouch: If this is checked then the trigger axis will be forced to 0f when the trigger button reports an untouch event.
  • Grip Click Threshold: grip按钮点击的阈值The level on the grip axis to reach before a click is registered.
  • Grip Force Zero Threshold:按钮停止出发的阈值 The level on the grip axis to reach before the axis is forced to 0f.
  • Grip Axis Zero On Untouch: If this is checked then the grip axis will be forced to 0f when the grip button reports an untouch event.

