阻止Office 2010上传中心图标显示在任务栏中

One of the new features in Office 2010 is the ability to upload your files to Office Web Apps. When you do, an Upload Center icon appears in the Taskbar and helps manage documents. Here’s how to stop it from showing up.

Office 2010的新功能之一是能够将文件上传到Office Web Apps。 完成后,“任务栏”中将显示一个“上传中心”图标,可帮助您管理文档。 这是阻止它显示的方法。

If you’re running Office 2010 and upload files to the web, you’ll notice the Microsoft Office Upload Center Icon appears on the Taskbar in the Notification Area. It will stay there even after you’re done uploading the document and closed out of all Office apps.

如果您正在运行Office 2010并将文件上传到Web,您会注意到Microsoft Office Upload Center图标出现在通知区域的任务栏上。 即使您完成了文档的上载并关闭了所有Office应用程序,它仍将保留在那里。

阻止Office 2010上传中心图标显示在任务栏中

You can use this to monitor and control the documents you’re uploading to the web.


阻止Office 2010上传中心图标显示在任务栏中

Getting rid of it is fairly simple. Right-click the icon and select Settings.

摆脱它很简单。 右键单击该图标,然后选择设置。

阻止Office 2010上传中心图标显示在任务栏中

When the Microsoft Office Upload Center Settings window appears, under Display Options, uncheck Display icon in notification area and click OK. That is all there is to it…now it will no longer appear in the Taskbar.

当出现“ Microsoft Office Upload Center设置”窗口时,在“显示选项”下,取消选中通知区域中的“显示”图标,然后单击“确定”。 仅此而已……现在它将不再出现在任务栏中。

阻止Office 2010上传中心图标显示在任务栏中

After you upload your first document, it will also want to startup with Windows. You can go into msconfig and disable it from automatically starting up.

上传第一个文档后,它也将要使用Windows启动。 您可以进入msconfig并禁用其自动启动功能。

阻止Office 2010上传中心图标显示在任务栏中

If you need to access it again, it’s part of  Office 2010 Tools which you can access from the Start Menu.

如果您需要再次访问它,则它是Office 2010工具的一部分,可以从“开始”菜单进行访问。

阻止Office 2010上传中心图标显示在任务栏中

Or you can type upload center into the Search box in the Start Menu and hit Enter.


阻止Office 2010上传中心图标显示在任务栏中

If you upload a lot of work to Microsoft Web Apps you might find this tool useful, but if you only occasionally upload docs, you might be annoyed by it always being in the Taskbar.

如果您将大量工作上载到Microsoft Web Apps,则可能会发现此工具很有用,但是如果您偶尔上载文档,则总是在任务栏中会感到烦恼。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19495/stop-office-2010-upload-center-icon-from-displaying-in-the-taskbar/